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Everything posted by hitest

  1. I've gone back to Slackware 10.1.......yet again on my other box. Fedora Core 4 was nice, but, it's not quite as responsive on my Plll 667 IBM, 256 MB RAM. I love Slack. I may give Gentoo a try this summer when I'm off work. But, I'm not sure if this old PC will be able to run it.
  2. space..............................a natural vacuum
  3. Hi Liz, Yes, Gene is indeed a comix genius! I also enjoy all of Mel Brook's other films. Blazing Saddles also comes to mind. The infamous chili eating scene comes to mind
  4. Hello Hitest. I've been MIA myself. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hi Joe, It's good to see you here again!
  5. demolitions................................yep he blowed up real good:-)
  6. My deepest sympathies go out to you, TK! That is a terrible thing to happen; hang in there! My thoughts and prayers go out to you! Take it easy, man. hitest
  7. Hey, tictoc, Our company is also mostly a windows only shop with some macs thrown in. I'm forced to do most of my work in windows. I'm thinking of lobbying one of the head geeks to get him to find some linux software that'll do the job for some of the company proprietary software that I have to use now. Now, that would be cool. To be able to do all of my computing in Linux. The penguin rules!!
  8. B2...................Stealth Bomber
  9. I would also try using Google to find the correct key stroke to get into bios settings. Did you try F1?
  10. do you mean boot the windows 2000 install cd? if it boots that(windows install cd) but not your linux cd, I would guess it was burned improperly <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would go to IBM's site and find your model number and find out what key will get you into your BIOS settings.
  11. Heh-heh, that is indeed disturbing! IE sucks as a browser! Unfortunately I have to do the same thing at home on one of my three PCs. I need to have one windows box at home because of work related software. Thankfully my other two PCs are Linux only.
  12. I also hope you have a great birthday, Whitewolf4!!
  13. beast...................of burden
  14. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH--------RUN FOR YOUR LIVES <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HEhehehehehehahahaha <{POST_SNAPBACK}> LOL, Young Frankenstein is one of my all time favorite movies
  15. Looks great! I've never tried Suse, how do you like it?
  16. Uh oh..............I thought that was popcorn................burp.........er.....excuse me.
  17. "Do or do not....................there is no try " Yoda Jedi Master
  19. Hi Barb, i's good to see you! Great idea, a few cold ones at the cafe sound like an excellent idea!
  20. I just downloaded, intalled Fedora Core 4 last night on my test machine. Very nice, stable distro. It comes pre-loaded with Fire Fox 1.0.4, Open Office 2.0, Gimp2.2. You might want to try it out. I downloaded it from Fedora, their download site is very fast. Edit: Added later- Fedora has one feature that is excellent. Fedora has a built-in media check. That is, when you boot the anaconda install routine it allows you to run a check on all of your install CDs to make sure they all work. You can also of course check your MD5SUMS. Download Fedora Core 4
  21. Further to what jcl said here's a link on how to install slack. I've run Slackware 10 and 10.1, both are excellent. The install link here is for slack 9.1 which will also work for previous releases. Install Slackware 9.1 Note: If you're going to install Slackware 10.1 when you get to the point of configuring x windows use the command xorgconfig to set-up x windows. btw Slack10.1 is very nice it comes with xfce.
  22. Thank you murtu52, it's good to see you again too