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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. Tried to listen to my Chemical Brothers collection, but my computer's CD/DVD player's acting up (music-whirr-whine-whirr-music-whirr-whine-whirr ... ).
  2. I didn't even open the "Best LZ song" thread because that'd be like saying which of your children you love the most. It's an unanswerable question. Today: Billy Joel, Greatest Hits Volume I & II Some highlights: Piano Man New York State of Mind The Stranger Scenes From An Italian Restaurant Just The Way You Are Movin' Out (Anthony's Song) Only The Good Die Young My Life You May Be Right It's Still Rock And Roll To Me Don't Ask Me Why Tell Her About It Uptown Girl The video for Uptown Girl has stuck with me all these years (mmmmm ... Cindy Crawford .... ahhhhahhhah)
  3. My boss must be in charge there too. Boss' memo: Stop using pens on the touchscreens, it's causing them to fail. My response: Fix the touchscreens so no one HAS to use a pen to make them work. His reply: Stop whining. Ok then. Problem solved.
  4. JDoors

    Dirty Skunks!

    Thanks for the additional info. She must be around since the babes are growing. Looks like they doubled in size already.
  5. That's a natural mistake. Uh-hem. OK, ok, I did something similar when I installed a garage door opener. I propped the rail on the rung of a ladder to make it easier to mount the motor. Now I had the rail attached to the garage at one end, run through a ladder, and a large motor at the end. Great, if I wanted a ladder permanently hanging in the center of the garage ...
  6. Did you give her this look?: Hope ya heal up real good.
  7. JDoors

    Dirty Skunks!

    I did NOT know that! The babies are still there but I haven't seen momma yet. This is not going to turn out well. Might have been more humane for the cat to find them.
  8. Songs like that ... I don't even know how I know them. It's not like I was cruisin' to the malt shop in my '57 Chevy at the time. Makes me ask the question: What's the FIRST 'pop' song you vividly remember hearing, the first one you had an OPINION on? I vaguely remember hearing some girl groups, maybe songs like Walk Like A Man, but they were kinda background noise. It wasn't until I heard The Beatles I Wanna Hold Your Hand that I actually THOUGHT about a song (I hated it: I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand, I wanna hold your hand ... WHAT THE ... ?!?). Oh, and I final
  9. It was a joke. Parents usually hate the music their teens listen to. A cop asked you to turn down the volume ...
  10. I was at my Niece & Nephew's when the news broke. They know a lot of people in the area so there's a lot to worry about. This morning they showed video of the collapse from a local security cam. I was kinda hoping they wouldn't have any video, I'm not too happy about seeing disasters in real time. It's terrifying, especially when you think about the terrible shape of the infrastructure nearly everywhere. That could happen anytime, anywhere.
  11. JDoors

    Dirty Skunks!

    <g> My cat used to take care of the critters (though racoons were almost a match for her, almost), now my yard's apparently a safe haven for just about anything. Just found a nest of newborn rabbits, almost entirely out in the open, this morning. Have rabbits forgotten how to make or use a burrow? Or did this poor mama rabbit not have one ready and, well, they're comin' NOW, so ... PLOP. Actually glad the cat's not around for that or I'd have dead baby rabbits in the house.
  12. I know how tough it is. Keep remembering the best times. Did you ever post Figaro's pic?
  13. All Right! Best wishes, let me know when you open a branch near here.
  14. JDoors

    Dirty Skunks!

    Wrong, and wrong. Seems they now know where the finest, tastiest grubs are. They are certainly methodical: They've already been through my yard so this time they just hit a couple spots they missed the first time then moved on to the NEXT yard. Their yard got tore up somethin' fierce. No stinky areas this time, so they didn't stick around for long.
  15. Oh boy, you really don't understand how this works? By the time they have their own music preferences you are REQUIRED to hate it! It's in the Daddy Laws.
  16. In my case that's what's on the other side of the wall where the air handler sits in the house. the middle of a sun-drenched wall. You'd have to run 30 feet of tubing to get the compressor in a more ideal shady spot. I always MEANT to landscape around it but never did. We're just getting back into the 90's. Been a mild Summer for us. <jinx!>
  17. Now if that don't sound like a standard blues song I don't know what does. Is it a remake? All I think of when I think of AC/DC is "Back in Black," and an ex-roommates dynamite stereo blasting it to high heaven (I've never been fan enough to own anything by them). I also got a somewhat tangential appreciation of the blues while growing up (more via Janis Joplin, I only remember the more intense rock songs of The Stones and Led Zeppelin). However I did grow up in Chicago, a short walk from some blues joints. I was too young to enter but along with the smell of smoke and liquor there was alway
  18. Some new purchases: Johnny Cash, Personal File (An unbelieveable collection of private recordings). Keb' Mo' The Killers Led Zeppelin, III ------ Since my current addiction is to look up artists on YouTube, I searched for Keb' Mo' and found hundreds of relevant videos (which surprised me, I didn't know he was that well known). One particularly interesting one from a PBS program honoring Muddy Waters has (very) brief appearances by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards (relevant since we were discussing The Stones, the blues, etc.). Longish at nearly ten minutes:
  19. LOL! Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. My compressor's out in the hot sun all afternoon, a water-spray sounds like a good idea (not that I have the ambition to git 'er done).
  20. Pretty cryptic there ... What government agencies? And couldn't those be spoofed? And why even mention Vista if the cause is stealing copyrighted material? Can't you do that using other OS's? Or is it just that there happens to be a program available only for Windows that supposedly ferrets out who's watching? You're certain to be correct that it's a bunch of whiney adolescents stealing whatever they like, so take everything they say with a grain of salt. On the other hand, I don't want the gub'ment spying on my system. It's way too easy to wind up with questionable content on your drive wit
  21. JDoors

    Uk Posters

    C'mon, you know all THOSE scientists are diablical and evil. Every pure and righteous scientist says we're doomed. End of discussion.
  22. JDoors

    Nz Weather

    Not sure why you'd say that, it's a big country and there's a lot of acreage close to or at sea level. Nearly the entire state of Florida, the entire Eastern, Western, Gulf (much of New Orleans has been below sea level for decades) and Alaskan coasts. There are a lot of islands that would be affected (one entire state is nothing BUT islands!). And, as we have a propensity to build our homes near water, I'd bet a VERY large percentage of our population would be affected. HAS been affected (many homes built ON the shore have already slipped into the sea). So ... Why aren't we ALL worried, much
  23. JDoors

    Uk Posters

    There have been worse storms in the past (higher rated storms, wider spread storms, etc.), Katrina happened to blow some levees along with the expected devastation from such a storm. New Orleans has ALWAYS been in danger of a direct hit blowing the levees, Katrina happened to be the one to finally do it. There's also an immediate threat from the Mississippi river, it's been trying to re-route for decades but the levees & dams have, so far, prevented it. If it should overcome those levees and dams there'll be another disaster (I'm sure some people will point to global climate change as the