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Everything posted by bearskin

  1. darn...don't you hate it when you know something's not right but you just can't quite put your finger on it?
  2. bearskin

    Virus Outbreak

    it's a hoax?....darn...and I was just looking for an excuse to reformat.
  3. bubba bob I like the cars but I like the bumper stickers a lot more....
  4. and where is the fun in having all your ports locked down and in stealth mode?
  5. I leave mine on 24x7...except when I'm soldering some connections on the board...seeing as how I'm an old man I might forget how to turn it back on....y'all have a nice day now
  6. funny bozodog...I'll have to remember what size cave to run into....
  7. thanks guys...I'll have to think this over...
  8. I don't know about bandwwidth on satellite as I have never reached it...satellite is completely independent from the phone's all done by bouncing those little thingajiggys off of NCC 1701...I was told by some gamers that satellite sucked on pings..too much delay...I tested my download speed and it said 966 kbps whatever that means.
  9. ok...around the first of the month we should be getting dsl in this area...this will be provided by our local yokel phone company...I have heard the price is about $40 a month but don't know what speeds we will be getting...I am about a mile from the phone company and probably no more than 200 customers on the line...can anyone shed some light on this subject...price too high? fast?...any info will be appreciated....I am on satellite now but it is $60 a month and wondering if it will be worth the change to save some money.
  10. yes...the ubuntu ran on my computer but I don't have sufficient ram so I gave him my disks...I has 5 disks and he tried two of them with the same results.
  11. I gave a friend my ubuntu version 5.10 live disks and he can't run's the stats: new computer xp home with sp2 winmodem intel celery 2.97 mhz. 512 ram integrated video and audio it gets to the part where it loads the kernel and then stops and reboots...I'm guessing that ubuntu has some conflicts with his hardware....anyway I hope this info will suffice....thanks guys
  12. oh my god keith....what is this world coming to? and it seems that old spidy is a yellow belly...I'm cleaning my bb gun and rummy will take care of this situation.
  13. according to wikipedia what you're paying for is an estimated 50,000,000 lines of code thrown together by a bunch of expensive coders which still contain some 16 bit stuff from win 3.1 1990 Windows 3.1 3 1995 Windows NT 4 1997 Windows 95 15 1998 Windows NT 4.0 16 1999 Windows 98 18 2000 Windows NT 5.0 20 2001 Windows 2000 35 2002 Windows XP 40 2006 Windows Vista 50 I'm not responible if this info is inaccurate.
  14. I was just wondering if anyone ever got their free drive...I know, I know...I'm really hard up digging thru messages from pre-thanksgiving.
  15. yes oh yes...that's why I'm now running 6 computers with WINME.....
  16. may have a look at this:
  17. bearskin


    yea, I read that on's why I droped their service.
  18. I watched the video several's not a very good video but it seems all 4 shell came out of the antenna thingy..maybe someone else can see better...there is not enough room for the shells to move about... I would believe 1 shot. it says in the article that all shots come out of the antenna. maybe I need someone to explain the logic to me.
  19. everyone has to be politicallly correct now...every school kid has to have a computer available...every kid I know has to have prozac and a cell phone...they are mature enough to have a driver's permit but when they get into trouble it's mommy and daddy's fault.
  20. I don't know if anyone other myself is interested in this but here is the page:
  21. I use firefox and WMP works most of the time my wife uses IE because she doesn't know any better I tried opera but never could get WMP to work so I gave up on it.
  22. well fubz...ain't that the greatest thing I've ever seen? I've looked all over the web for something like that and couldn't find one. that is the handiest thing that I could ever have around and it just sits right there in my tray...I also like the way it defaults to my color scheme...I will give you all the credit and my first born son....thanks
  23. ok...I'm using wmp9 and here's what I've done so far: I copied the np.dll files to k-meleon plugins directory. I went into about:config and checked the plugin.scan...the integer was 7 I rebooted but still no wmp. I'm checking other stuff....I'll be back. thanks.
  24. how the heck do I get wmp to work in this browser? what codecs do I need? it works in my other browsers. winme 128 ram