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Posts posted by baker7

  1. Update: We have removed all PM's sent by the offending user as well as banning them. This means you may still get a notification about the message, however, will not see it when you login. Additional measures will be implemented in the coming days. Stay tuned.

    Again, I'd like to apologize for any inconvenience.

    If you still are getting PM's please let me or another admin/mod know ASAP.


    Thanks Jeff: I got one of those PM's, but you must have removed it and the offending user yesterday when you either saw it happen yourself, or had it reported to you! Good Job - Keep up the good work!!!


  2. Checked the site, looks like that company is doing some imaginative design work! About time, huh?

    SO glad to hear the new chair is SO much improved over your last one. It's a shame you had to put up with the last chair's design deficiencies for so long. And now, without the discomfort of the previous chair, you're likely to get out and around more ... BONUS! :thumbsup:

    Thanks JDoors ;) Yes, these chairs seem to get better with time - first chair I owned was a Everst and Jennings Premier in like 1975-76. My current chair is a 2000 Q2, and will be exact in the respect of the mag wheels and crutch holder, and I will get the mags STOCK - so I am happy - I have to check to see what version (M14's or M15's) of the Emotions I will get, but looks like I am golden either way - I think the M15's have a longer battery life and can go 16 MILES on a charge - The script did NOT specify the type, but I can check on that :)

    With Luck - I will have her by My Birthday - May 8th :)

    I have heard that the chair will be shipping on April 21, so I should have it sometime during the first week of May - My first test will be to go to Burlington after all adjustments have been made, and run her around town with my buddy Bill at my side for security and other unforseen circumstances - using the new chair will mean that I can push myself further without as much pain, and I can get more done, with less work :)


  3. Good Morning Everyone:

    Edited this post to add the link for the Geeks to Go! Discussions ~ Brian 05/29/09

    Geeks to Go: New Wheels/New Chair - May 26th (LINK)

    Well, Its official - After working through the system, dealing with paperwork and some days when my arms and shoulders felt like they were about to fall off, I am happy to announce that on April 11, 2009, I got my approval documents for my new Quickie2 lightweight manual wheelchair!! This has been a LONG time coming, since I was experiencing left shoulder pain for 3 years, and it probably dates back to my stint when my apartment was being rebuilt.

    My current chair just does not do it for me anymore, so in September/October 2008, I made the request for the change. I was able to "test drive" a lightweight manual, outfitted with what they call Emotion Power Assisted wheels. I did this in October/November/December of 2008. The prescribing PT took a look at what would work for me, and I was able to get her to prescribe a chair that its more appropriate for me, with the proper adjustments to the seat height, casters, etc, and even a new cushion - These adjustments will make me sit up the right way in the chair, so I am not leaning all over the place. I am sick of my shoulders, back, legs and other body parts killing me because I can't correctly in my chair - This will take care of alot of my positioning problems.

    The JEWEL of the new chair is the Emotion Wheels - They are made by Frank Mobility Systems and I can NOW control the speed, and sensitivity of the wheels - When I tested these things I could see a MARKED improvement with my shoulder and my posture - OH MAN - I was in heaven - shoulder pain was reduced, which is why I was given the approval for the emaotion wheels - this way, I do not have to puch as hard to get the same amount of work from the wheels. I will also get a black block charger, because these wheels have to be charged like you would charge any electric product. I am excited, as this chair should save me alot of wear and tear on my body.

    I will post pics of the chair when it arrives :)


  4. Hitest:

    I also send you my best wishes for your Dad's speedy recovery - Listening to advice can be hard sometimes, if you have been acustomed to doing things a certain way, and you get into a "rut" thinking your's is the best way to do something. I went to the doctors myself on Monday, and I am going to try to eat better and exercise more, and will have my left shoulder checked again on may 4 - I don't want to lose the ability to walk, and I need my shoulders to balance my body correctly :)

    I will pray for you and your family ;)


  5. Matt:

    Good advice!! NO ONE should click links sent to them without knowing what they are, and even if they know what they are, and who they come from, care should be taken as you view them. Links can look legit but with all the scamming going on out there, you can't be too careful. I got a nasty piece of malware once, because I thought that a codec install was needed, and it turned into a mess, which rock fixed for me :)

    Good Luck and be careful my friends :)


  6. I had a drive in my older HP that started making sounds like whirring, and it sounded almost like whistling sometimes when it spun up - I actually experienced a hardware failure a month or so later, due to the motherboard dying. The drive that was in that machine was transplanted to my backup windows machine, and sometimes I can hear the noises of the drives spinning, and I think that sometimes this happens with age. I would think that if you hear a strange sounding wizzing sound then you would want to check the health of the drive - I've seen a drive burn up once, and I can tell you from experience that it was a QUICK death for the drive, and it just went "wirrrrrrrzzzzzzzz" then a puff of SMOKE that made everyone cough, and man did it STINK!! (The sound was high pitched, and then came down in pitch before the smoke came)

    As stated, just watch the drive and if you start finding it acting up, then I would worry, but if its just making noise, it is mostlikely normal - I would also recommend that if you have not backed up your data that you do so from time to time, that way, if the drive does go, you are safe ;)

    Good Luck!!


  7. Mandy:

    Unfortunately, when I clicked the VOTE link I got this:

    This contest is already over. Voting is CLOSED

    If I could have voted, I DEFINATELY would voted for you - I musta gotten to this post too late.

    However, very NICE picture -Liked it alot :) Let us know if you win ;)

    Good Luck!!


  8. thank you all for your concern

    the report says the by- pass is out of the Q

    and the balloon and stents wouldnt work

    as it concerns an inner valve

    and it would be to risky

    so theyve put me on a pill

    here in nz


    is funded by the gov

    but there are certain pills that need special funding

    so ime on this pill

    and will be for the rest of my life

    so i need tp help my self as well

    by exercise and diet.

    ok enough of that

    my thanks goes to bill for posting

    and to the rest of you

    who i regard as family

    thank you very much

    some times it humbling to know there are many friends

    out there

    who care

    again thanks

    from a very good friend



    That is what family and friends are for - I have learned that there are two types of "family" - Real Life/Extended, and Online - When someone is in trouble or having difficulty, it is always a comfort to have those who are closest to you whether directly or indirectly know of your trouble, because they are a part of a team, and can give you support. I wish you all the best, and it sounds like your doctor knows what he is talking about - Take the advice given and run with it, and make sure to tell the doc about any changes as you take this medication :)

    Take Care :)


  9. My first thing I have to do in the morning will be either to drink some water, or use my Inhaler for my asthma!! I swear that there are days when I will wake up and be coughing so hard, I feel like I am about to drop a lung or cough so much it either makes my chest hurt or make myself feel sick to my stomach!!

    Thanks to the inhaler, it takes care of that really well, so I don't have to worry too much about that ;)


  10. I found this online yesterday, and remembered that Jeff and others had mostlikely bought some gear from CC: This article is CC's warning, although I would question the statement that they cannot open products to check to see if they are broken before buying them. According to them, I have heard that someone bought a $1,500 Flat Screen HD TV Only to find when they got it home and opened it up that it had a smashed screen - BE CAREFUL!!

    LINK (Yahoo Tech)


  11. I have been taught during my training that Regcleaners are a bad idea. Most people think that regcleaners are the answer to "speeding up thier slow computers." This is NOT true - Companies advertise that thier cleaner will help the user with speed issues, or specific problems, and when they download an application, it "cleans" the registry. It will mostlikely go in, find empty registry entries and zap them out, but these things also can delete LEGITIMATE reg entries as well.

    You have to understand that the registry is like the "Life Blood" of your machines. Going in with a regcleaner to clean the machine is dangerous, because most people do NOT UNDERSTAND what they are doing, and deleting the wrong key(s) can cause the computer to become unstable, cause the computer to give you errors, or make the computer totally INOPERABLE. In the last case, you would be forced to format if you did not make a backup of your registry, which is the FIRST thing you should do, before making any changes to it. The sheer number of entries in your registry would make fixing bad keys harder to do if you tried to fix them one by one.

    The registry can be unexplored territory, and I have been learning about it. One thing I can say is that fixing the registry should only be attempted by those that are professionals, and have a handle on what to look for, and what to fix. If you do NOT understand what you are doing, seek the counsel of someone who does, because it can save a lot of time, effort and energy. If a pro tells you that you have a problem in your registry, they mostlikely will know how to fix it, but using a regcleaner program is NOT RECOMMENDED - Please stay away from them!!

    I am sure that any member of BT's Hijack This! Team or BT Staff would agree with me here. Registry Fixes should be done under the watchful eye and assiatance of the pros, or you may cause your computer to become unstable or unusable.


  12. Talked to D(an) at D&K this afternoon, who installed the debiian (elive) and he says that this server is RAID, so he said that he would look at this, as he believes that all I wouild have to do is to go into the raid array program to fix the drives, as they are hot swappable - I don't really want to do much more fixes on this until he looks at the situation - which means he will also take care of the Horrible fan Buzzing that is happening because of the casing.

    Will keep you advised.
