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Posts posted by baker7

  1. I don't know what kind of games you play. But if you get a chance check out Gears Of War,Bioshock and Mass Effect.

    I have Bioshock on Loan from a friend, and I tried to play it - when I do, I seem to get lost, then I have to hack the darn robots blocking doors - I don't think I will be able to do this because of my disability, and the speed needed to complete this.

    I don't have Gears of War, or Mass Effect. but I did get Ghost Recon 2 Advanced War Fighter and like it - just have to worry about how to move around faster, and be able to control the UAV as indicated.


  2. OK: so now, I have the following accessories:

    2 XBOX 360 Wireless Controllers with Rechargeable Batteries and Recharge Cords

    1 XBOX/XBOX 360 Carrying Case (for transporting said machine)

    2 New Games for 360: Rainbow Six: Vegas and Saints Row

    So far, I am having a great time with it, and am learning alot about it ;)


  3. Guess we'll be seeing a lot less of you around here, huh? :lol:

    Everyone I know with X-box online gets addicted. Good luck with that! :P

    hehehe Naaah......I'll be here :) Ive been playing XBOX more then PS2 because my brother Nate has an XBOX - I was lucky enough to get the 360 after my friend did, so I am learning all I can about it and the way to play some of these shooting games and driving games ;)


  4. Thats right - I said XBOX360 Ladies and Gentlemen!!

    I decided to get this system for myself as a way to update my gaming systems and ability to play the good games on a better system - I was fortunate to be able to purchase this system, and the following Games for it:

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Forza MotorSport 2



    Now, all I need to do is keep learning the game, and I am doing so online :) I am SO happy about this one, I am really beaming here - I don't know how many of you are XBOX360 Gamers, but send Me a PM if you wish to play with me online, and I'll respond with my Gamertag ;)


  5. I have been saying how well the site has been doing as of late, but I haven't shown you guys any actual stats. Below are some stats for the site portion of BestTechie - the main page, the blog, etc in July of 2008.

    Weeks Stats:


    Months Stats:


    Now add those those stats to our forum stats - we're looking at roughly 35k visitors overall for the month of July.

    In addition, we are now in the top 100,000 sites on the web according to - their stats are a bit off it seems, but nonetheless it's looking pretty good. :)

    On a side note, I'm really hoping we hit 3000 members before the BestTechie Forums birthday! Only 28 more to go. ;)

    I should also note we are approaching 700 subscribers on the BestTechie YouTube Channel.

    Thanks guys, I couldn't do it without all of you!



    ....BTs' is AMAZING!! Congrats man, I know that without YOU and others here, I would not be as knowledable as **I** am ;)

    Thanks for all you do - It is appreciated ;)


  6. Danny:

    You could also look to see if there are any good deals on Verizon Phones on Ebay - Just be careful to look for phones that have batteries and chargers with them, as you stated that it is an important thing. I think the last time I looked for UNLOCKED (I have Unicel) phones, I found one for $100 or so. You can also look for UNLOCKED phones to see if there are any available at a good price.

    Good Luck!!


  7. Montana "Where yellow stone national park is located". ;)


    Big Sky

    SKY This used to be the license plate that would be seen on my late grandfather's Caddy - when he died, my cousin was given these plates, and registered a car and his truck with VT Reg S K Y :) In VT, your truck would have "TRK" then the vanity plate
