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Posts posted by baker7

  1. I cannot seem to make a connection to the mysql server with any results: I get:

    root@Eliveserver[/var/www/brian/wordpress]# mysql -u brian

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'brian'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

    root@Eliveserver[/var/www/brian/wordpress]# mysql -u brian -p

    Enter password:

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'brian'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    root@Eliveserver[/var/www/brian/wordpress]# mysql -h -u brian -p

    Enter password:

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'brian'@'' (using password: YES)

    What am I doing wrong?? should I just post my wp-config.php file for someone to look at??


  2. Hello Everyone:

    Well, I have my server active, and I have solved one problem that is bothering me. Now, I want to install Wordpress 2.7. I have access to webmin to access the servers config, and I have added a database for the Wordpress blog, but when I set the mysql username and password to what it shows in the control panel, and add the info in the script, and try to install, it says:

    Error establishing a database connection

    This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at This could mean your host's database server is down.

    Are you sure you have the correct username and password?

    Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?

    Are you sure that the database server is running?

    If you're unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums

    I'm not sure if the username has to be the same one that is for user 'mysql' in the password file, but I did make a user "brian" and a password for that user and gave that user all rights. If necessary I will post the wp-config.php file, but I know that I have installed PhpMyadmin and webmin, so I know that mysql is running, I just cant get it connect to the database.

    any ideas??


  3. Hi Everyone:

    Thanks to the Admin and Mod Teams for creating this space to discuss these matters :D

    I voted for Barack Obama myself, and I want to see him make some changes to the "system." Far too often its the fat cats on wall street, the investment mongers and those that make millions that seem to "benefit from" any stimulus package. I have been on the "system" since I was 18, and I can tell you that it was time for the system to kick up some money to help people that need it.

    What I wanna see is President Obama send my "Stimulus Plan Money" straight into my benefits amount, rather then to send it through the IRS, which would result in me not getting any stimulus, because I owe some money, and the creditor would take it. The Economy is so bad that I am worried that if I tried to get a job, I would not be hired, and it takes so much money now adays to live, that this situation is the worst I've seen. It is high time that the Democrats and Republicans and Independants work TOGETHER to bring us OUT of this, rather then to haggle over the people on wall street. We have a Housing Crisis, a Medical Insurance Crisis, and people are NOT insured, and we need help to get out of it. It is high time that some laws were changed to allow for people to be able to afford to live their lives in a good way, so that we all can be healthier and happier citizens.

    President-Elect Obama and Vice President-Elect Joe Biden have the power to effect the change that they were talking about in about 10 days to make the changes. I don't expect Obama and Biden to make them overnight, but I would hope that Congress and the President can make changes that will make things better in the long run. I am afraid that without SWIFT action, we may be looking at another Great Depression like problem.


  4. If you have the basic Text Editor, an Internet/Web Host, and an internet connection with either SSH or SFTP access, you should be half way there. The basics of HTML seem to be within your grasp, so the one thing that I can tell you from experience is to start SMALL, and work your way UP. I started on my linux account about 11 years ago, and learned HTML from some books, some friends and a businessman who wanted me to build websites for him. I took it slow, steady, and learned the basics of coding the hard way (using no Frontpage, Dreamweaver, etc) and using this knowledge, I am expanding into Linux System Administration tasks and all that good stuff.

    Take Care,


  5. I have been using windows for years, and I have played with VISTA. I will not "debate" which OS is better, because for every good thing you find (PRO), there is a bad thing (CON) I have used Linux, and now have elive on my server, whicn will serve my web needs for the future and so far, I love it.

    There are a few things that I would like to see Vista Improve on - One of these is that when running AVG, it seems to not be able to add itself to the OK list of programs it recognizes. This can be a problem if you constantly have to give "permission" for this to run. It's a good thing to ask permission, but if you KNOW what the program does, you should be able to add it to a whitelist, which is one thing that I think Seven will do, where Vista will not. Maybe it is because Windows Vista was new when this occurred and it was not recognized.

    Other then that, I think Vista is a Good OS, except that they should have tweaked it out a LOT more - that way, they would NOT have individuals with so many problems. Vista's rollout reminds me of when they rolled out Windows ME, and they could have gone straight to XP Home, which when my mom had problems cost her $300.00 to get a Full Install of XP Home, just to deal with the ME problems.

    We shall see how Seven works ;)


  6. Hello all :)

    Just wanted to tell you that as of last week, I have the IBM Netfinity from our office on my local network. I have configured the user accounts as necessary, and have been working on the apache setup. I set up the httpd.conf in /etc/apache to respond to the following domain:

    This domain will be maintained on the server, and when I am ready, I will continue to work on locking her down and send her back to the office, where my friend will assign me a static IP address for the above domain. is my development server, so I can "play with" linux by doing all of the admin tasks, and maintain the server here for the time being, and the deal is I have to remove requested files from the server, and send them back to the office for retrieval from thier internal machines.

    My question is this: is there a way to set up a "bulletproof" address that will respond to the server's name and IP address if these are somewhat dynamic? I know that VZ/Fairpoint will change these around a little every so often, so what I want to do is place 192.x.1.45 in the DMZ so that it will respond to a corresponding VZ/Fairpoint public address, this way, I can point my domain to it, and users can see the page on the internet, and have SSH/SFTP/FTP access from the net? I want to configure this so I can work on it here, and then just comment out the local stuff when we move her back to the office.

    I want to be able to use this machine for a while locally without the machine seeming to lockup, and I have an admin that could ssh down to assist me locally if I could stablize the connection so it won't require a reboot. Once I get the machine the way I want it, can secure it, and update it, I can have it moved back to the office and configured for that connection, and then I can ssh to it.

    I already have the domains and, regestered through godaddy, and can point them to whereever, I just need to stablize the connections. I may want to install wordpress too, so I can blog - The idea here is I will be the admin of the server, while my friend maintains the network the machine is on :)

    Can someone give me an idea of how this can be done safely??

    Thanks Guys and Gals ;)


  7. is a great site, however, I still am getting used to the way it disseminates information back to me, as I continue my training - lets hope that this site will NOT be subject to all the bad stuff that happened at castlecops.

    I do not belive that it will, because we have good people that are working on this site, and they are the best of the best ;D

    Good Luck!!


  8. Any luck using sfc?

    You could also try a system restore, it is simple but effective


    I didn't have to use sfc, but was able to fix the problem. I will post the LINK to the Fix I posted in the Malware Removal Instructions for WinAntivirus 2009 - using these instructions put the taskbar and startmenu in good order in ten minutes!!

    Thanks for all the Help and encouragement Team :)


    Your link did not work for me (kept saying I couldn't edit the thread )

    So I presume this is the fix you refer to;#entry121871

    1. RIGHT CLICKon the Desktop, Choose Personalize and Left Click on it

    2. Choose Window Color and Appearance

    3. CHANGE:Window Color and Appearance to be "Windows Vista Basic", Click Apply and OK

    4. CHANGE:Desktop Background to your Favorite Picture, and Click Apply and OK

    5. CHANGE:Theme to "Windows Vista" and Click Apply and OK

    NOTE: It seems as if the MBAM did make changes to the Taskbar and Start Button, but it is unknown wheter this was specifically due to the WinAntivirus 2009 Rogue, or if it was due to OTHER Malware that was on this system when I followed the instructions for cleaning the infection. I post this here so that others that have this issue can recover from it without having to restore their machines from backups. The fix is simple, you just have to UPDATE and run MBAM, remove the infection and then follow these instructions to restore the Taskbar and Start Menu to the Vista Defaults (If it is necessary) ~Brian

    NOTE 2: I was also advised to run a "sfc /scannow" from the command prompt to check for corrupted files, but DID NOT, because I did not find a reason to do this, since the problem was solved using this method ~Brian

    Looking at that, I bet you had one of the new variants (or maybe it is a secondary infection) which puts in an 024 (desktop component) entry in the hijackthis log and removes the default entry of "my current home page" from the web tab , and puts in a html file and changes the "friendly" and "source" designation in the registry entry.

    Your fix sounds like the standard method for dealing with it; although in some cases a reg merge file or combofix script is needed.

    Thats the one Pete, Thanks for correcting it for me - Thanks also for the info on the 024 and other info - I never ran HJT this time, on this machine, because MBAM had been run and i KNEW what we had, so I let MBAM knock it out :D


  9. Any luck using sfc?

    You could also try a system restore, it is simple but effective


    I didn't have to use sfc, but was able to fix the problem. I will post the LINK to the Fix I posted in the Malware Removal Instructions for WinAntivirus 2009 - using these instructions put the taskbar and startmenu in good order in ten minutes!!

    Thanks for all the Help and encouragement Team :)


  10. Hello All:

    I was able to fix the Windows Vista Taskbar and Start Menu Problem by doing the following things:

    SYSTEM: Acer Aspire Laptop

    OS: Windows Vista Basic, Service Pack 1

    1. RIGHT CLICKon the Desktop, Choose Personalize and Left Click on it

    2. Choose Window Color and Appearance

    3. CHANGE:Window Color and Appearance to be "Windows Vista Basic", Click Apply and OK

    4. CHANGE:Desktop Background to your Favorite Picture, and Click Apply and OK

    5. CHANGE:Theme to "Windows Vista" and Click Apply and OK

    NOTE: It seems as if the MBAM did make changes to the Taskbar and Start Button, but it is unknown wheter this was specifically due to the WinAntivirus 2009 Rogue, or if it was due to OTHER Malware that was on this system when I followed the instructions for cleaning the infection. I post this here so that others that have this issue can recover from it without having to restore their machines from backups. The fix is simple, you just have to UPDATE and run MBAM, remove the infection and then follow these instructions to restore the Taskbar and Start Menu to the Vista Defaults (If it is necessary) ~Brian

    NOTE 2: I was also advised to run a "sfc /scannow" from the command prompt to check for corrupted files, but DID NOT, because I did not find a reason to do this, since the problem was solved using this method ~Brian

  11. Vista *frowns*

    Just get ObjectDock for a replacement. It looks x100 better, takes up hardly any system resources. You can have the functionality of a Mac for 1/2 the cost.


    Thank you for your advice: However, This is a Vista Machine, and I want the machine to return to its default state after removing WinAntivirus 2009. My friend also wishes for me to return the taskbar and start button to the way it was - These instructions seem to be not online, which is why it is annoying: Vista is a good system, However, M$ may want to rethink some of the ways it deals with the system, so Windows 7 is not as buggy or anoying ;)
