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Everything posted by WhiteWolf4

  1. I found this Taskbar Repair Plus . To D/L it click on the pic of it . Looks kind of handy might grab it myself
  2. Have you tried leaving it UN locked and rebooting ?? might work
  3. The driver might be corrupted!! Try deleting the driver,,then reboot ,,let windows install a driver for it ,,if it works correctly leave it ,,if not! do the driver update thing again
  4. Agrees with B !,,don't put anything in the Windows folder that shouldn't be there, could lead to all kinds of probs down the line
  5. XP Prefetch Clean and Control Found this ,,it quite handy I use it now
  6. nLite 0.98.8 Just I've seen people asking how to remove this and that from win XP and I found this. Havn't tried it!,,,, has anyone ???
  7. If your like me and live anywhere else other than Canada or USA you can see CFH 2.0 using Winamp 5.05 Use "search' type "tech" and there it is : Even works on 56k dailup ,,I know ! thats what i'm on tho,,streaming is not really the word i'd use
  8. Have you tried 'Adaware SE" ver ?? I've been using it for a while ,with no probs Opps , never mind I just woke up
  9. The BEER diet !! Beer is like liquid bread
  10. have you tryied here ??LINK Note! you need "net runtimes" installed
  11. If you use "copy and Paste " alot this is for you . allows you to copy 100 or more shortcuts /URLs etc,,, Clipomatic LOL CS would be easer on me if you just gave me a list of what you have
  12. LOL Thanks Steve forgot to put in the link
  13. This program sorts out all your start up files in order on your HD to speed up your boot up time . Does improve boot up time if your OS is 95 /98 etc,,,,
  14. Yeah ,,ordering the CD is the easiest way I now know why my XP CD came in a big green box !!,,its so you can fit ALL the upgrade CD's in there with it Instead of just having 'WindowsXP home ed" on the box they should have added ( Part 1 )
  15. I installed SP2 on my partners and kids PC ,,didn't do any of the things advised ( I backup the HD the day before) had no probs at all, maybe most of the probs come from D/Ling it ??? Was installed of the CD
  16. What !! mabe no PC ver ?? OMG !! They can't do this to me ,,I left the "Master Chief' just sitting a space when I finished it . life is over, there is no god !!
  17. I used to copy any games (I payed for) until I found sites that have,,,ummmm interesting little programs on there called "no CD crack for (whatever) "
  18. WhiteWolf4


    2 more invites to whoever would like them http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-2f60848ae2...edd0-0c94b1d03a http://gmail.google.com/gmail/a-c46119d3cd...fcb0-627ecb6c3c
  19. This may sound silly, but ! order the free CD ,, uninstall SP2,,wait till you got it and try installing it from the CD. might work out better
  20. Just to let all know ! SP2 installed with NO probs . NOTE !! anyone who uses "StyleXP" needs to have the latest ver (2.13) installed first , I did and had no probs. My thanks to all who installed before me! ,,who's info I used. Ohh,,and i installed it on MY PC not the partners and kids! will do that tomorrow
  21. Got my 2 SP2 Cd's today (yes 2 ,,ordered twice) Now to install or wait a few more day's / week's / month's / year's I"ve D/Led and printed out everything Pete C and Cherokee chief have advised us to do before installing! and read ALL the "SP2 didn't install properly" threads as well as the "it worked for me no problems ones". But the bad installs out do the good installs ,,,hence my concern Any advice would be very welcome WOOHOO!!! I just found a box of blank CD's I didn't know i had ,,might backup my partners and kids PC ,,and try it on there
  22. Oh I'm not looking for any sofware people. Just know of some that have told me this was interest in your thoughts Tho I also use p2p ,,an example (ok will use a game) UT 2004 its about $30 odd USD in New Zealand its $100 plus. Not that i agree with stealing software
  23. 'lil wiccan' was stopped by the Cyber police today for driving a PC under the influence. When ask by the officer to walk a straight line! He said “Which one ??†Then when asked to close his eyes and touch his nose with his middle finger, he couldn’t even find his head! tho after being handed a glass could at least find his mouth . When blowing into the bag, both bag and crystals melted before a reading could be taken. When taken to the station and asked to blow into the Machine,, the rubber hose turned hard and fell off! Also all the components dropped of the machines mobo! A blood te
  24. Been using it ,,and it goes along nicely with 'spyware blaster"