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Everything posted by WiredMonkey

  1. WiredMonkey


    No cows - kind offer to share an email service that's only attainable by invitation.
  2. jlwohac: I'm not B, but I can answer your question - hopefully no one minds me stepping in here.... Much like the computing.net site you mention, there's a "track this message" option on this site as well. It's right up near the top at the first message in the thread and says: Track this topic. I'm using it, myself. I'm also using the My Assistant feature which I like quite a bit...very handy to see when there are new postings and when there are new replies to threads I started. Hope this helps...
  3. That's kind of what I'm referring to when I say it isn't worth the risks...I just hate having to worry about what a program whose source I don't know much about is going to do to my system. This being said, I HAVE downloaded files off of P2P before just fine without problems. But, I did worry about it... I agree with you Nerelda - colleges don't take into account the plight of the students' wallet very often, it seems. I guess they figure you'll make it up on the other end, what with your $2 savings at movie theatres and such... Just kiddin' dear....it really sucks having to dish out all
  4. It's good to try and spare feelings in that kind of case and just make something up about how it's good that they called you and luckily it all worked out okay...hehehe
  5. I've just always felt that there are always alternatives to the expensive suites of programs that kids may need - like MS Office (Open Office as an alternative) or Photoshop (a slew of them that I can't call to mind right now). Just putting in my thoughts on the subject...I'm not willing to run the risks of P2P software (bugs, viruses, legal action) when there are alternatives available. What kind of software are you looking for WhiteWolf4?
  6. I miss that reply style also. You could follow the different people in the thread. I copied the header from your message the dropped it in a quote tag. Maybe if we get in ahabit of something like that it will start to be standard operatinf procedure.?? M When you quote someone, it will state right above the quote who it was who said the quote and when...there's nothing in the header information that you're pasting in that isn't already supplied...just making sure you knew that. I think the quoting system on this board is pretty decent, actually.
  7. I agree with what has been said so far, for the most part. One hardware and one software firewall works very well. I use ZoneAlarm but there are people on the board who are happier with others like Sygate or Tiny Personal Firewall. But, try running one of each (hardware and software, that is, not more than one software...don't run any more than one software firewall.
  8. Definitely a thanks to you Terrorist. I appreciate the update on things...haven't been catching things as regularly over at G4TTV as I have a new play place here at B's forum...
  9. Great stuff tg1911 - I have a few of these sites bookmarked already, but many of them are new and will give me something to do for the next couple of days at least, I'm sure. Muchas Gracias!!
  10. That's cool - thanks tg1911. I'm a big fan of fark.com...it's not really a creative site of it's own, but I love the different stories they get and I love that each story has it's own little message thread that can be quite humorous at times. My favorite ones are the photoshop threads. There's some pretty talented photoshop artists hanging around on that site! hehehe...
  11. Yes, I know. I'm not sure why it is that laptop owners seem to be having so many problems, but they definitely comprise a large percentage of the problem-having public I've heard about. I'm very hesitant to do it, though I'd like to make sure I'm completely covered with re: to holes in the OS and browser problems. Now, I use Firefox for just about everything (the very very rare site that won't work on Firefox or the Windows Update site are about it on IE) and I run two firewalls (ZoneAlarm plus my D-Link Router). So, I'm figuring that even though I haven't run SP2, I should still be pretty
  12. It'd be great to share some fun sites (that may or may not be tech-related) with everyone here on the list. As I have mentioned before, I am not allowed to visit non-techie sites anymore. So, if anyone has some of THOSE, I know that I would be very appreciative. Just remember to keep all the sites you're posting safe for work environments (i.e. no nudity, foul language, etc. - or warn if there is any of that). Thanks everyone!! Here are mine: Strongbad's Emails (Homestarrunner site) The Infamous Fark.com The Onion - Satirical News (think Mad magazine with some brains) - warning - occasiona
  13. B: It's amazing how often power cycling something like a cable modem, dsl modem, router, etc. will fix the problem it's having. That's one of the first things I do everytime my connection goes down. 9 out of 10 times, it fixes it. Just weird....
  14. I'm looking forward to Tyme's input with this forum as well. Have only interacted with him a few times, but he's been very helpful. Hope he's feeling better soon - maybe he'll get a laptop to work on from bed while he's recovering...
  15. You know, I wasn't sure when cowsgonemadd3 brought this topic up - wasn't sure if it'd be a good topic or not...thought it might be kind of silly...but I was way wrong. This has been really interesting getting to read how people came up with their nicks - gives you a bit of insight into who they are as well. Very cool.
  16. Thanks for the tips on everything folks. I ran my backup this weekend and so far everything looks good. I copied the My Documents folder, my Downloads folder which had a bunch of installers for programs I like, and I exported my email to a file and copied that too. The export went really quick, so I'm hoping I did it okay. It asked me to select a folder to export and I chose the Inbox since it holds all my sub-folders as well. So far so good. I did this originally in a plan to prepare for my XP SP2 migration, but since I'm on a laptop and I keep hearing of problems with laptop upgrades,
  17. Well, cowsgonemadd3, I'd say it's a handplane. Just a guess and all....but I'm pretty sure I'm dead on with that one. I'm not showing it in the dictionary at all (which is weird, BTW), but I'm assuming it's a hand tool that planes wood - much like the icon shows. So how come it's not in the dictionary handplane? You hiding out...on the run...trying to stay on the DL? heehee...
  18. No problem MistaMatt90...hehehe...was just wondering. Yeah, it sounds all ominous...like, "HEY! You've been warned!! If you're here between 11pm and 6am, it's like....open season on your a$$!!" Dang weirdos....
  19. Well put Wayne - that's precisely my thoughts on things. This is a tech board, not a politics board. Yes, I realize that our next president will be able to radically shape the nation's use of technology and information over the next 4 years, but that's not what I'm getting at. As Wayne said, these types of discussions usually dwindle off into meaningless shouting matches and name-calling. It's just counter-productive. Now, a discussion on where the country should be going with some of the newer technology available to us in the coming years...THAT would make a good topic I think.
  20. I'm pleading the 5th on this whole subject...I kind of feel that the discussion of politics in mixed company can really lead to some nasty conversations...I'm with B in hoping that it doesn't here....besides, who a person votes for is kind of a personal thing anyway. Maybe that's just how I was brought up...my parents wouldn't even ever tell me who they were voting for (though with my dad it was BLATENTLY obvious...he's pretty liberal). Anyhoo....that's just my 1/100 of a dollar x 2.
  21. Isn't that what *I* had said about 4 hours ago? *hrm* Maybe I'm missin' ya MistaMatt90 - did you just miss my post, or were you saying something else?
  22. WiredMonkey came about for a few reasons... 1. I'm a fan of caffeine...take in a good amount...therefore - wired. 2. I'm a tech nut...all things tech-geeky...therefore - wires. 3. I'm a monkey. No, not really...but hey, maybe we all are. Actually, the monkey thing goes waaaaaaaaaaay too far back on a sleepless night with some friends after staying up playing on the computer until all hours of the night and ingesting copious amounts of caffeine. Altered reality, my friends. hehehe... Things that aren't really all that funny will seem extremely humorous...and then STICK. So, I've used th
  23. B.M.U.? Sounds like a third-rate east coast college. But that is good to hear that the minute-wait rule won't be instituted. There are definitely other ways to cut down on spammers and bots...and if it comes down to it, banishment is always an option. Where is this universe anyway? Cause I think that the G4TTV board is located at the CENTER of said universe.
  24. Excellent - this is exactly what I had in mind. Thanks Nerelda and tg1911. I've been thinking of creating an installer disk with most of my favorite applications like Firefox, AdAware, A2, Spybot, etc. I like the ideas I've heard so far. So to get my email out, it will export just like my address book will? That's certainly helpful. I was a bit afraid it was going to be more in-depth than that. Anyone else have tips?
  25. They keep changing the notice up at G4TTV about the site being down this weekend. I liked the message I got when I clicked on a link to look at the set cam again: Love it.