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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. ... Scorpions................... "Rock You Like A Hurricane" "scorpions" anaphylactic shock...........I have to be very careful of the creepy crawlers out here.........almost died from a bite a few years ago...... in the ambulance my BP was 60 over 30..........scary stuff
  2. ... Hurricane Haven "Hurricanes" ......Ralph and Ed's bowling team.
  3. I'm curious Liz. Why do you want that bloatware on your computer when there are better, smaller free security apps?
  4. ... troglodyte commonly seen in the Washington DC area.
  5. Put some soup on the stove and stay home.
  6. Absolutely not. As the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has often so articulately stated: "We ain't got no global warmin!"
  7. Not that I'm complaining, actually I love it. But it is right now the same temp in Phoenix as it is in Central Park (NYC). 42 degrees F. Supposed to go down to 31 tonight in the central city and lower elsewhere. The locals think the next ice age is upon us. I'll take this anytime over the easy bake oven temps we have here most of the year! Tomorrow morning is the big marathon race which goes right by my house. I'll be out there with my tripod and camera. It's going to be a brisk run. Joe
  8. Mr. Natural Ah, the good ole days. ....... Damn! My link was changed again.
  9. ... I.G. Farben - Nazi collaborating scum
  10. My AMD desktop passes with flying colors, but my Inspiron 8200 laptop does not. Vista claims it needs 128 mb video. I only have 64 (which is the most I can put in this laptop). I might try it anyway. All the other specs exceed requirements. Or I might just stay with XP and Fedora.
  11. ... laser... a wiki my new laserjet all in one MF Canon MF 5770
  12. OK. I admit it. I'm a germophobe. I'm constantly cleaning, spraying, scrubbing, washing, cleansing, wiping, etc, etc, etc, with lysol, clorox, 409, windex, pinesol, comet, whatever in an ongoing battle against getting sick from those nasty germs. So why does that .001% little s.o.b. always seem to slip through the cracks? I'm on my second virus in six weeks. Excuse me now, I have to go and gargle with listerine and wash my hands again.
  13. Hello and welcome Lisa Ice Wolf. Marty is one of my favorite BT people, so if you're a friend of his you must be very nice. There's a lot more going on here besides the usual computer garble, so check out the various forums. See you around, Joe