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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. You should put a bungee cord around #3 and tie the other end around your neck.
  2. Thanks! Yes I did get the error again but noticed that it had opened anyway. Strange, 'huh? But I was able to change both the boot order and the timeout. Joe shanenin rules! I agree.
  3. Thanks! Yes I did get the error again but noticed that it had opened anyway. Strange, 'huh? But I was able to change both the boot order and the timeout. Joe
  4. Thanks for the replies. Something's not working though. I get past the password promt and type in this: gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf (and then enter) and this is what I get: Gedit 2731 GnomeUI-Warning "While connecting to session manager: Auth. rejected, reason- none of the auth. protocols specified are supported and host based auth. failed." What am I doing wrong?
  5. I catch your drift, mikex and understand what you are saying. You make several interesting and probably correct points. However....., I choose not to be subjected to the fear mentality that seems to be the current state of affairs in this country. If you tap into my connection and decide to surf for kiddie porn,....well be it. On the other hand, if you just happen to need to check your email....., google some mozart concerto information, get a recipe for grilled halibut, check the weather, look for driving directions, or check into Besttechie.........then I'm your guy. I'm pretty confide
  6. Hi. How do I change the default boot up OS from Linux to Widows? I have a dual boot PC with Fedora and WinXP. When I start the computer I have to choose "other" on the bootloader. Otherwise it boots to Linux. I want it the other way around. Boot to Windows by default. Thanks, Joe
  7. That's funny. Also, did you notice the Pan Am plane? Another dinosoar.
  8. I bought a Sanyo SPC 8300 about 5 months ago after my 4 year old Kyrocera died. (yeah, I don't update that often) So far, so good. It rings when people call me and rings them when I do the same. And that's what I primarily want it for. The internet options are OK, as is the camera. But if I want real pictures, I use my real camera, not my phone. It's sold for the Sprint network, but I'm sure it's available for others too.
  9. Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz........haven't read it yet, but it looks interesting.
  10. " Getting on a residential or business wifi connection that is unsecured is illegal." Not true. Anyone can leave a wifi source unsecured either diliberately or unintentionaly. And anyone can tap into it in the same respects. I for one, along with many people, diliberately leave one of my networks freely open for anyone to use. It's called being a good neighbor. Now I realize that the isp's probably don't like it, but I really don't care.
  11. MANY local coffeshops, libraries, cafes, hotels, etc. offer free wifi. Some of the progressive cities actually offer district wide wifi (Phoenix not one of them, but neighboring Tempe /ASU does) And if you can stomach their wretched coffee, most starbucks offer a paid wifi service.
  12. Unless here's going to be in the boonies most of the time, a wifi card and an internet cafe would keep him connected. Most cities have hotspots.
  13. AH.... the old TechTV days.......those were the good ole days. I don't remember Mallenson though. Now I have to learn about Telnet. Joe
  14. Here's an interesting time site: Qlock. Btw, a little known fact: Newfoundland and Labrador are 30 minutes later than Atlantic Standard Time.
  15. That's great. Didn't know it could be viewed like that.