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Everything posted by irregularjoe

  1. sister.........but then again, who wants to talk about dysfunctional families.
  2. "Ya'll Got Myspace?, I do" No I don't. But I'm thinking of setting one up for my cat.
  3. Thanks for all the birthday greetings! You all are great. I went for a hike in the Phoenix Mountains on the big day. Very beautiful other than seeing the brown smog hanging over the city. It's so nice to get out of the 24 hour a day traffic jam that this place has become. My S.O. is taking me to the AZ Jewish Theaters production of Brooklyn Boy tonight. It should remind me of home. Joe P.S. Yes the kitchen is done. I REALLY have to update the website.
  4. Analyzes Analyze This .........funny movie
  5. "When the Danish answer their telephone, they say their first name" That's good as long as you don't mind giving your identity out. Here's how I answer the phone when getting unsolicited calls: Ring ring ring ring........ Me: "WHAT!"? Caller: Is this Mr. So and so? Me: "WHO WANTS TO KNOW!" And then I hang up.
  6. "How do you deal with drm-issues" Crack them,... circumvent them,...... Alcohol 120,.... don't buy drm encrypted crap. Just my 2 cents.
  7. That's for sure! While we're on the subject: do you know that J.S. Bach wrote a secular work called the Coffee Cantata? Very funny in a baroque kind of way. I heard it perfomed live a few times.
  8. "Here's your sign" I must have missed this saying somehow in recent history. Had to google it. I DO try to keep up though. Too much info, too little time.
  9. :D Oh, Joe, I'm laughing at Sethook's response...and WITH you, not AT you. Coming from someone who discovered Flash Drives still work just fine after getting sucked up the vacuum cleaner and getting dug out of the vacuum cleaner bag. Liz I should add that I still drank the expresso. Hey, it cost me 3 bucks!
  10. I go to my favorite wifi coffee shop today and unpack my laptop and iPod. With an expresso on the table I get out my firewire cable to sync the laptop with the iPod. Absentmindedly I have the cable dangling in my left hand while searching for the iPod charger in my bag with my right hand. I glance over and see the iPod connecter end of the firewire cable hanging in my double expresso, fully submerged. $#&% ............I blew the connecter out and let it dry out. Just tried it. Still works.......glad it wasn't one of those chocolate double lattes with whipped cream!
  11. ... Grimm's Færie Tales bedtime stories
  12. Pequod......(Moby Dick ship........that's what they were doing......hunting for blubber)
  13. Are there any painless methods or apps that will automatically redirect yahoo mail into a specfic gmail account? i.e. I'd like to see the yahoo mail when I read my gmail.
  14. Looks like a good site, but I can't get most of the links to open.