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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi Hi Hi Hi Hiyaaaahhhh! (yeppppp, I had a beer :rolleyes: )

    I've been around but mainly just reading--seems every time I try to post something, the phone rings or a kid has a "dilemma" or Hubby distracts me or the dog needs to go out....oy vey! BUT come August 28, the kids start school, so after a week or so of powercleaning, I'm gonna be a free lady...well, Mondays through Fridays anyways. Thursday we move the furniture into their apartment, yippie!!! Aron's computer desk will no longer be in my living room!

    Gad, what a wacky summer this has been. My "nut with a walker" passed in June and I've been helping her family settle her estate (OMG, what a trip that's been!!), Sisters from Florida and KY came up here for vacation, kids keeping me hopping between their jobs and their volunteering (Son-soccercamps, Daughter-the local playhouse). And the never-ending laundry. All I want to do is play in my garden, folks!! Michigan summers are too short to be running around!! Got ripe tomatoes and banana peppers :thumbsup: --putting a bowlfull on the bar with a bottle of ranch dressing. (they go well with cashews and beverages, don't they? Not an expert, Hubby was totally grossed out last night when I was eating oreo cookies whilst drinking a beer. Hey, I don't like milk!!)

    Glad to hear Macmarauder's doing well!!


  2. Hiya Preston, long time no see! That is good news....and hoping it catches on in the States. Dell has become a real trailblazer when they started offering Vista AND XP computers--makes me proud to own Dells. I wonder if the computers are cheaper without the Winders OS?


  3. Steamhead, some advice from a Momma with two kids in College

    1. ACT test: If you do lousy, you can re-take it! We're "low income" and Son gets $1250 a year for doing well on the ACT. Daughter missed ACT scholarship by TWO points and I'm still kicking myself for not knowing she could retake the test. $1250/year in free tuition is a lot of money!

    2. I don't know what UAB is, but if it is a Community College, YES, go for it! Get those basics out of the way while the basics are still in your head from High School. English 101 is English 101, whether you pay $100 a credit hour or $400 a credit hour and those basic classes are required if you go to a CC or to Harvard. Go to the CC and make sure you get your Associates Degree as it will transfer to a 4 year University better.


  4. Welcome, Max!!! Congrats, Joe! I am so happy that you're giving another kitty such a great home!!

    Yup, Joe, I know exactly about the Vet thing--we were "surprised" when we called the Vet and discovered Sandydog was two years behind on all her shots and had never been tested for Heartworm! But hey, at least Max is neutered and settling in! I've always been an advocate of adopting adult critters--its just SO much easier! And the adults have a tougher time finding homes "because they aren't 'cute and tiny'". Ha! They're pottytrained and done with the chewing/shredding/kitty-puppy stuff and you don't have to guess their adult personalities...and they "come with 'sit'"

    When we first got Sandy, everyone asked me how it was having a four year old dog--I replied,

    "exactly like having a four year old kid!"

    So your comment, "He's a big four year old." made me laugh! Oh, and Sandy's almost 12 years old, but still a four year old kid on the inside......


  5. Oh my gosh, Mark!!! Well, I sure am glad it wasn't cancerous and VERY glad you're at least up and around enough to post, so you're healing! Don't you worry about any birthdays, you just GET BETTER, young man! Thanks for checking in



  6. LOL!!! :D

    There's an Old Wives Tale about hanging a "fertile man's" pants in the bedroom when a couple is trying to conceive a parents had 5 kids in 5 years and my Dad's Britches were a standing joke with folks wondering if he rented them out....Wish they had a computer, they'd get a laugh out of this joke!


  7. Agreed, that is early!!! Thank goodness Michigan schools are getting smart and starting K-12 after Labor Day once again (besides, the month of June is still cold and rainy, kids might as well be in school!)

    Just wish the Colleges would adopt the same schedule. Tourist businesses really suffer the last three weeks of August


  8. OK, I don't have a cute picture like Dan does, so you'll just have to be happy with *bigwave!* and :pirate:.

    Welcome back, Tjet and try not to get lost again! Oh, and if you see any alligators, just give them a peanut butter sandwich and they'll be nice to you.


  9. As far as researching the speed of the Ram, once you find a couple prospects, would tell you the Ram's speed? I'd trust Crucial more than a salesrep...

    Oh, and if you want to stick with XP, check Dell's site--there's about a half dozen laptops that they offer a choice between Vista and XP. If I remember right, use the search function at and type in XP and a list will come up.


  10. Happy Birthdays, Pat, Mike and Carlos! Hoping you each have a fantastic day

    *I sent a PM to Pat just to see if she goes online to read it! :) I remember about this time last year she got caught up in things and dissapeared, hoping she's just enjoying having Hubby home and they're doing some well deserved travelling


  11. Hi Wizzkid and welcome to BT's! There are a great group of people here, the nicest bunch on the web. Dive in, look around and run amuck with us, glad to have you here.


  12. Don't worry, the Mommabunnies DO leave their babies unattended. Actually it is a defense mechanism as the babies aren't as easily spotted by predators than a full grown mommabunny-- deers do the same thing with their fawns. But oh boy once they start leaving the nest and hopping around the yard, they are so darned CUTE!!! They love hemlock branches, alfalfa, peanut butter sandwiches and peanut butter or oatmeal cookies by the way (we had a housebunny and little kids--Rosie begged relentlessly for PBJs and cookies!) Don't put out lettuce for them, them the runs, can be fatal for bunnies
