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Posts posted by blim

  1. I, too like to see that "thermometer" so it looks like Windows is actually doing something! I even use the thermometer when I update Windows....guess I just need that "blankey" That's why I swiped Jsky's info and passed it on to the other old coots :D The "kid" at Handyman's has a thread called "Vista" where he's giving his opinions on it.

    Pat/Sidekickcat actually introduced me to Handyman's and it has a neat gardening section, too....that's how I became involved there--someone asked a question I could actually answer! :thumbsup: I'm so much better at geraniums than I am at computers...........:D


  2. I recommended Auslogic to another place and got good response (so thanks, Jsky!) AND a terrific tip!

    "I used Auslogics on my Win 2000 drive from your recommendation. It does seem faster. It also defrags differently, so after the Win defragger was done, leaving 13% fragged, I used the Auslogics and got it down to 3% fragged, I then used the Win 2000 defragger again and got it down further. Seems using them alternately helps get a tight drive. "

    Kudos to Heatpro at Handyman's


  3. I don't rake MY leaves (they get mowed/mulched) but my parents have two humongous oak trees next door to them and I rake theirs because their city is picky and Dad's a Yardo. Tons and tons of leaves.... <_<

    JDoors, I never saw The Weatherman but remember the commercials--looked funny! Shoot, I think the last movie I watched was Alladin....once the kids got their licenses, my movie viewing became non existant.


  4. Sunday's low is suppose to be 38 #$@^%$ degrees 50 miles south of us, so y'know it'll be colder than that here. I changed the channel when the Weatherguesser said that because he was SMILING of all things....(grrrrrr, I never met Craig James but if I ever do I'll be tempted to slap that smile off his face!)

    But then we're in for a stretch of Indian Summer. Just hope I don't have to spend that stretch dealing with frostkilled tomato and pepper plants as most of the yellow peppers are still green

    Oh, I hope we don't get an early winter. I will NOT rake leaves in the snow...that just ain't right.


  5. Oh, Arachnid or Michael. He made my desktop and what a talent he has!! (that MS background just needed teletubbies...)

    Glad to see you back, Cowsgone!

    Now off to watch the boidies and the snake (and hope it isn't scary!)

    Edit! Good video, the boidies win!! Thanks, Cowsgone and here's a non-mad cow that Daughter named Percy (her apartment is next door to a dairy farm)



  6. All good advice there, Mike.

    Now, as far as if you're (Ok, your wife, but that means the both of you, right??) thinking about just getting new--first of all, how old is the current fridge? Jdoors is right about the newer fridges using less power--when we "upgraded" from our 30 year old fridge, our electric bills went down $15 month, so do the math and in time it will pay for itself. But if the fridge is only "single digits old", you probably won't get the electricity savings, making the repair a better solution.


  7. Well, Jsky, you got warmer than we did today...high of 65 and rainy all day. And looking at the forecast, as usual, after Labor Day, Summer rolls up the sidewalks just like our town.

    I think we all need to throw snowballs at Hondaboy for bragging and Shanenin for his "more lake effect snow" comment :D;):thumbsup:;):D NOT looking forward to Winter.


  8. You be surprised the crap the ocean vessels are bringing into the Great Lakes


    But this lake is at least 50 miles inland from Lake Michigan--I'll have to break out a map to see where that lake is and whether it's "funded" by a river or streams; but the rivers run into Lake MI....I was wondering how they got in there as well. At least they don't survive MI winters

    They are kinda cute, though

    LOL, Bigfoot and urchins--wouldn't surprise me! :D


  9. Last I heard Bearskin was having all sorts of idiotbox problems so he warned us we might not hear from him. Pat, I'm getting worried about. She dissapeared last summer-just busy-but she checked in around this time.
