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Posts posted by blim

  1. Hi Lamuskrat,

    Your comments are what I thought you were thinking--your best bet is for you or one of your coworkers (see next paragraph!) to go "through the company channels", like I wrote. If you are nice about it, portraying concern, (brown nosing is our friend sometimes :) ) and trying to help, you will keep that good reputation.

    ****One beauty about being a subcontractor, is you can maybe convince a "regular employee" to go through the channels by your expertise and expressing concern--put the idea in his head--not the legal part, but the "superior Commercial product" part, and you would be scott free--and if things work out well, you would be a hero!.

    ***another beauty of being a sub is the ability to remain totally invisible if you do "rat" them out---you would be harder to track---that is IF you're cover your tracks, and MOST importantly, wait a good 6 months or so, so your "discovery" will be long forgotten, unless the person you helped has an excellent memory.

    This company is lucky to have you, most of the subs at one place I worked at were a bunch of lazy jerks who could have cared less about anything but their paychecks and gravy jobs!


  2. Hi Lamuskrat,

    If Adaware SE is the freebie, you have a dilemma. On one hand you don't want to see such a good product being ripped off, but on the other hand, you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you. I am totally clueless with tech (you all know that) but have worked for a couple of "big corporations". You'd be surprised at how many totally clueless folks are working "at the top of the foodchain" at these big companies.

    I wonder if the person/department who decided to install AdawareSE for the corporation even knew that there is a commercial/business version available? Think totally clueless Big Shot here. He/she might have used the product at home and knew it was a good one, and installed it company wide without even thinking or checking for a commercial edition.

    Instead of contacting Adaware, is there any way that you or co-worker could work within the corporation itself, like contacting the company's IT or Systems Dept? You could do them a big favor by letting them know you "innocently discovered which version they were using and how superior the commercial edition is, and would probably benefit the company a lot better than a home edition." Then you make yourself sound like you are looking out for the company's best interests, even if someone else gets the credit :) I wouldn't contact the top banana right away, though (he or she is unlikely to care), but start by seeking out who is in charge of Computer Security or try to find someone in the "middle of the foodchain" first, and if you get no results, work your way up to that banana.

    If that doesn't work (wait a while for their clueless minds to comprehend and research this for themselves) then perhaps play a little hardball by contacting the Legal Dept (they should have one if they're that big) to see if there are any laws being broken by them using the home version--"because you got nowhere with IT and you were concerned, because Adaware is such a big company, yada, yada"----now, dealing with Legal can be risky, so be very careful!!! Lotsa mean people working in that department--if you know of anyone who has had experience with Legal, find out who the Good Guys are before you call and insist on talking to them.

    If that doesn't work, then you have a big decision to make on whether to contact Adaware or not! If you do contact Adaware, you at least did all that you could do beforehand. Keep us posted on what you plan on doing and your progress, I'll be glad to help if I can.

    *thinks Sidekickcat and I were typing at the same time :) *


  3. :D I think you got everyone with that one, Joe!!! :D

    I'm an old retail worker and I read it and thought it was funny--then I read the comments and thought, "well, I guess this IS an issue". I'm such a big noob (scored only 5% on the Nerd Test-pathetic) and therefore gullible--heck, I don't know what these gadgets are--so I didn't dare post a reply about clueless salespeople--thinking I misread the thing. :D


  4. Hi Echobay,

    First of all, haven't seen you around lately, glad you're back!

    From someone who has had to replace the computer in every "newer" car I've owned, I agree (wonder why I'm so skepical about computers??? At least its a $450 repair nowadays instead of the first one at $1500, but geez). And at least the computer could tell the DRIVER what is bothering it, instead of paying the Service Tech--but then again, I wouldn't be able to fix it anyway.... (and what would we spend our money on....)

    Last car we bought, I wanted crank style windows, only to be told they weren't available or I was just crazy--and Hubby wanted power windows...sigh. Well, the back window of the car has plastic on it and an appointment to see the mechanic tomorrow--last car window motor cost us $350.....

    I'm joining your rant :angry::unsure::)


  5. Ah, when you have kids (when you're good and ready and married) you'll have to torment them a little. It's good for their character and gives them some ammo to pass to their kids! ;) Discovered with daughter, though, it won't make them any less gullible--unfortunately that must be a God Given unfixable trait :P


  6. And about the nerdy's outside, I remember when i was "a wee-little lad" and had to be home before the street lights came on because i thought it was time for the people to walk their animals around the neighborhood and we didn't want to intrude on their time.  I was about 14-15 and i thought it was just a law that kiddies had to be home before the lights...

    --I told the kids they had to come inside when it got dark because the skunks come out at night and might spray them!! Oh boy did that work great! Think maybe my kids might have a warped fear of skunks now, but, I guess that's a healthy fear, right?? :rolleyes:

    And Vile, thats a lot of work typing scripts--please don't do it for my sake, unless you want to share it with the "younguns" here! I told Son to see if any Cosby tapes (oops, DVDs) are at the video store when they're looking for stuff to rent.

    Macmarauder, great comic. Yes, girls are impervious to almost everything--well, except for maybe icky things, stinky things and mice.... :D

  7. Welcome Back Sultan!

    Have been reading your helpful posts forever and you're one of the Good Guys!! I too worry when one of "the gang" dissapears and glad you are back safe and sound. *insert old lady voice here* Don't do that again, young man! :P And come around here when those goofballs at G4 get on your nerves.


  8. I tried to stay up, but ended up going to bed at midnight, but got up at 4am to look--no lights. Anyone else see them?

    Barb, Sidekickcats description is right on target! Looks like flickering flames in the sky, we get mostly green, yellow and white, but once in a while the reds.

    Supposably, these are caused by magnetic storms, but in my experience, they appear when its really, really cold!!! They are pretty rare, I catch them once every 3-4 years, but last winter we saw them 3 or 4 times--but it was a horribly cold winter. And of course, the view from windows just isn't good to bundle up and go outside!


  9. Well, I guessed right on Mn--that was probably the only question I got right :lol:

    I took a pottery class in which we had to formulate our own glazes--ended up getting a friend to tutor me (couldn't bear not getting an A in an art class) , he got soooo frustrated, "LIZ this is BASIC Chemistry--why can't you get this?!?!" My favorite technique ended up being saltglaze--where you put the pots in the kiln and throw salt on them--Noooo Chemistry involved! :)


  10. "Flour, milk, eggs....breakfast!" I love Bill Cosby! (NOAH!! What?!?) Sure wish Comedy Central would show some old routines of his--I've forgotten so much.

    Vile, where did you find your script? Last year Son had to do a monologue for school, of course he wanted something funny, and we hunted and hunted for a Cosby script with absolutely no luck. He's too young to know the oldies and I wanted to introduce him to "the Master"


  11. Hi Barb,

    I didn't know any preventative gadget existed---with all the trouble folks have been having, especially with about:blank, this sounds great!!! I'm going to get that when Son is home (he can translate techwords, so he's my partner)

    I took a quick look around here and didn't find Browser Hijack Blaster on any lists or stickies--

    "HEY JEFF CAN THIS BE ADDED SOMEWHERE??" Yes, I am shouting :)



  12. Thanks, Marty,

    Sending that one to a sister in Kentucky and a nephew in Tennesee!! :lol:

    *I'm sure I read a post or two from Sultan yesterday at G4Tech Support--although he didn't post any pictures and he usually has such great ones--I can't imagine, but maybe he is having some computer trouble and thats why he has been scarce??


  13. Listening to the Weather Channel while visiting the Cafe and they mentioned that the Northern Lights might be out tonight--the only area they mentioned was Minnesota, but I'm going to look tonight and drag the kids out of bed to see them :) Strange family tradition--my grandparents woke my mom, my parents woke us, I wake my kids.


  14. Hi All,

    Grabs something hot--coffee, tea, cocoa, don't care, its freezing here with a nasty northern wind.

    Bozodog, your post made me laugh--my husband loves it when TruGreen Lawn Care calls. He says, "why do I want to buy your service--if the grass grows, I'll have to cut the d*mn stuff--don't you have anything that will stunt the grass??" I am "not allowed" to even water the grass, much less fertilize it :) Fortunately its not a problem since I try to garden organically.

    Gives Macmarauder a big internet hug! Wish you were close enough for a real hug! That NASA thing really stinks--I was so excited for you--it's sad that our government is so paraniod (you're listed with the FBI?? I am impressed ;))

    Hi Sidekickcat! I can get Nutella in the "big city", not around here yet. In Europe, they have it on bread for breakfast and don't eat peanut butter! Daughter went to England and her comment was, "they eat chocolate for breakfast!!!" She was just amazed. I LOVE to fish (I don't like to eat fish, though--so I throw 'em back) and got a kick out of the bass story--its always a kid who catches the big ones, isn't it??


  15. Ok, I guess artists just can't work the left side of the brain.

    I'm worse than Macmarauder's opposite--he is Supreme and I'm the ant he steps on---I even cheated on the IP address question (I know my email address, so.. check yes :) ) betcha they wanted the numbers, huh? Wish they gave the answers (so what is Mn?)

    Sigh.....5%.....I flunked. You can laugh, I don't mind :)


  16. Hi Rocket,

    Welcome!!! Glad you got things fixed. Thank God my son "outgrew" the need for cheat codes--he used to look them up before playing any new game, luckily this was before so many nasties lived on the net (or we were just lucky), and he FINALLY got it through his thick skull that the games are more fun without them.

    And like Jeff said, it sure wouldn't hurt to submit a log--if the experts say your log is clean it would be piece of mind (and you can tell Son, "Now don't dirty it up again, Mister!!" ;) ) Oh, and introduce him to the arcades here, and look forward to hearing more from you--stop by Open Chat Forum when the tech makes your brain hurt :)


  17. Thanks, Chappy!

    I *think* read that joke recently, but, I forget jokes immediately, so it was "new to me"!! (God how I hate Ziploc Bags.....I do remember that part!) Also happy to see you around these parts so often!


  18. Hi All,

    Dumps Chappy out of Macmarauder's (where arrrrre you?) Comfy Chair and Plops Sidekickcat in it--her turn today because she's pooped ;)

    Sidekickcat--You are sooo lucky to have such great weather to have blooming roses almost all year round! Why is it that the crabgrass always finds it way under the rose bushes?? I earth layer plants, too, but have had better luck with air layering for some reason, probably because of our too short growing season and the plastic wrap speeds things up? And tell Hubby I said, "GET YOU A SQUARE UNDER YOUR NAME!!" Thats an order, well after his chores, of course! :P

    JSKY--a foot of that white crap?? Well better than the predicted 3 feet I guess...(share that comfy chair with Sidekickcat and grab an afghan)... and the weather channel doesn't know piddly-poop unless it involves the east coast or Atlanta! That channel never mentions anything about Michigan except for the Nation's coldest temps in Pellston--the Great Lakes make weather too hard to predict.

    Brought Smore stuff, which is a labor of love since I hate marshmallows. I'll just eat the grahams and chocolate :) (YES chocolate goes with anything, especially beer) . I saw a Nutella ad (chocolate and hazelnut spread that I discovered in Denmark) that suggested that as a chocolate bar replacement--now that sounds DELICIOUS--maybe even with the marshmallows.

    RV, we have a good half cord of wood, too--bonfire!! And we need the heat--Brrrr.

    Rain got my allergies working again--pollen makes me sneeze (like 28 times in a row) and mold stuffs me up--why oh why do I love that grown up sandbox we call gardening?? Time for the daily Dollar Store Actifed....Trees are finally leafing out--amazing how they can be bare and 48 hours later and a little rain, poof, they are green, gotta love that!
