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Posts posted by tg1911

  1. I think I might be a little weird (well, I know I am...) but I'm already thinking of tracking the pregnancy from a technological standpoint, complete with a web page full of sonogram.jpgs and heartbeat.wavs...I'll definitely drag this thread out of retirement to update when cool things come up.

    Weird, maybe, but a verrry cooool idea. Not just for you, but for the kid too, when He/She gets older.

    "Hey Son/Daughter, want to see your first baby pictures? No, for real, that is you."

    Go for it.

  2. DVD-

    developed by Pioneer

    used primarily by Apple and Pioneer

    can only be written to in one layer on the discs surface

    cheaper than the “plus†format


    supported by Philips, Dell, Sony, HP, and Microsoft

    can be written to in multiple layers

    slightly better and more disc storage than the “minus“ format

    slightly more expensive

    R disk can be written to only once.

    RW disk can be written to, erased, written to, multiple times.

    So if I want to keep adding data to a dvd disc (without removing any data)

    You can do this with either, as long as you don't close the burning "session".

    Most newer readers, will read both formats. It's really just a matter of, which you prefer better.

    Since the Lite-On writes to both of the formats, it's really up to you which format to use.

  3. I think this is from the CFH days:

    Posted by Petecovell 04/09/2004, 8:32 a.m.

    Can you have more than one Anti-virus program?

    Can you ===> YES

    Should you =====> NO

    Is it a good idea, do you get better protection====>NO

    The danger, is that one antivirus program may (Read this as eventually will) see

    the others definition files as viruses, and will remove them. This is not so much a

    problem with manual scans, where you only run one Antivirus program at a time, if

    you pay close attention to what it detects, and where. If you manually configure it to

    ignore the other program, and its files, then you minimize the risk from this problem.

    The big problem, is the silent threat. Most antivirus programs will scan web based

    (not necessarily all, like P2P, and IM) file transfers. It is quite common, for one

    antivirus program, to detect the incomming virus updates for the other. Thinking parts

    of the definition files are viruses in their own right, the AV will strip these out of the


    The end result? Instead of having two, or even one, up to date fully functional

    antivirus programs, you have two severely crippled programs, which are each

    missing critical definition, and detection files .

    So, it is best to have one antivirus program, and keep it up to date and use it


    Then, if you experience a problem, or question its efficicacy, you run an online scan.

  4. i think any licensed driver should be armed with a paintball gun...It should be our right to shoot any car driven by any moron talking a cell phone while driving or driving down the road with their right blinker on or eating while driving or driving while watching TV...

    See then if you come upon a car that's really coverd with paint you know there is moron behind the wheel and know to get out of the way

    Hmmm maybe a little to Scarlet Letterish eh?


    and, any car with 3 splatters get's a ticket.

    3 of these tickets = driver's license suspension for 6 months

    6 of these tickets = driver's license suspension for 1 year

    9 of these tickets = You'll never drive again!!!!

  5. ......, tried to find the old version with no luck. If anyone has the url for the older version please share it with us. ........

    A tip/suggestion:

    Whenever you download a program, save the installer. That way if you ever have a problem, such as this, it's just a matter of falling back to a previous version.

    This is the way I do it:

    In the My Documents folder, I have a folder named Installers.

    In that folder, I have folders for each program; Firefox, Ad-aware, Spybot, Irfanview, etc....

    In each of these folders, I have a folder for each version; Firebird v0.7, Firefox v0.8, Firefox v0.9, Firefox v0.9.2, etc...

    In each of these folders, I put the installers, and a Notepad doc.

    In the Notepad doc, I put all the important info about the installer, that I copy & paste from the website.

    Then you can burn your Installers folder, when you burn your back-up disk.

    That way, if you ever have a problem with a newer version of a program, or have to reinstall your OS, you have all of your programs on disk, and ready to install. No need to waste time re-downloading all of your programs (especially if you're on dial-up).

    Just my $.02 worth.

  6. Long Beach, CA

    During their lunch hour, several employees of a large aerospace company decide to rob a bank. The group figured the police would never look for them at the plant. Of course, being dumb criminals, they forgot to removed their ID badges during the robbery.


    A man from the town of Grand Forks, North Dakota, decided to travel to Fargo so that he could rob the First Community Bank. The criminal quickly scribbled a note demanding money and gave it to the teller. Frightened, she gave the man what he asked for and watched him run out of the door. Police were called and searches of the surrounding area turned up nothing. Upon reviewing the ransom note, it was noted that the message had been written on the perpetrator's bank deposit slip. Police traveled to the man's house and arrested him on his front porch.

    Providence, RI

    David Posman, 33, was arrested in Providence, Rhode Island, after knocking out an armored car driver and stealing four bags of money. Each bag contained $800 dollars. However, the bags weighed thirty pounds each since they all contained PENNIES. The hefty bags slowed the fleeting Posman to a sluggish stagger. Police easily ran down and arrested the suspect.

    San Francisco, CA

    A man walked into the downtown Bank of America and on the back of a deposit slip wrote, "this iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag." While standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, the man began to worry that someone may have seen him write the note and might call the police before he could reach the teller. So, the criminal left the Bank of America and walked across the street to Wells Fargo. After waiting in line for several minutes there, he handed his note to a teller. After reading it, the teller determined that this robber was perhaps a few sandwiches short of a picnic. She told him that because his note was written on a Bank of America deposit slip, she could not honor his demand. He would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo withdrawal slip or go back to the Bank of America. Feeling defeated, the man said he understood and left. The Wells Fargo teller promptly called the police, who arrested the man a few minutes later--still waiting in line at the Bank of America.

    Boston, Massachusetts

    An "Einstein protege" had been casing a Boston bank for several days, waiting for just the right moment to commit robbery. He went through the customer line, and approached the teller's window, he produced a handgun and announced in a very loudly "THIS IS A HOLDUP, NOBODY MOVE!" Much to his dismay, the next five customers were armed FBI agents on their lunch breaks, attempting to cash their checks. The man quickly surrendered with no shots fired. His "genius" casing job had failed to notice the FBI Field Office two doors down.


    A trio of men decided to commit a bank robbery. The group tried to enter, but got stuck in the revolving doors. Frustrated, they left and returned a few minutes later. This time, they penetrated the doors and announced their intentions to take ten thousand dollars. Remembering them from a few minutes earlier, customers and employees of the bank laughed hysterically, thinking it was a joke. The men thought that people were laughing because they were demanding too much money. Eventually, the men reduced the amount of money they wished to take to one thousand dollars. When that didn't work, they demanded one hundred dollars. Soon, the men were demanding one dollar each. When the laughter continued, one of the men became angry. He jumped atop the counter and pulled a gun on the teller; he fell and broke his leg. The other two man decided to get away while it was safe. They, however, once again got stuck in the revolving doors.

    Gastonia, North Carolina

    A small band of robbers from Gastonia, North Carolina, traveled to the neighboring city of Charlotte to rob and armored truck. The group was successful and made off with over a half million dollars. The friends decided that with their new found wealth, they no longer belonged in a trailer park. The group then went and purchased a $500,000 dollar house--with cash. The thieves were quickly apprehended.


    A young teller was new to the job when she was approached by her first robber. Noticing that the man's grammar was not the greatest, the teller figured that the would be criminal was slightly slow. She told the robber that he had to have an account to rob a bank. Disappointed, the man left.


    In the state of Maryland, many banks have night deposit boxes for their patrons. One night, a group of men decided it would be a good idea to pull the box from the ground using the four-wheel drive vehicle. After tying a rope to the box and to the back of the truck, the men sped off. They did not realize, however, that the bumper and been ripped from the truck and was attached to the box; so was the license plate. Mall security quickly traced the plates and police were waiting at the men's home when they arrived.

    Smart Criminal (gasp)


    A bank called them that had some money stolen from the night depository box. It is virtually impossible to steal from them because you can't get your hand into the box for the hopper. When they got there all we found was water on the ground and the contents in the box were wet. They came to the conclusion that the thief filled the box up with water allowing the loose paper money to rise to the top. Of course the coinage and money that was in a bank zipper bag was still there. When the money floated to the top all the thief had to do was rotate the hopper handle and it acted as a scoop. In this manner he proceeded to use the depository as a free ATM machine. They never did find out who did it.


    Sometimes, a criminal's stupidity does not rear its ugly head at the time of the crime. One man robbed a bank and made a clean getaway. The next day, however, he returned to the same bank and tried to deposit the money into his account.


    Three friends decided to rob a bank. The plan was for one of the men to go into the bank near closing time and tie up the clerks, placing them in the vault. The plan went smoothly. The man left the bank and went to get his two accomplices from the car. In his haste, however, the man forgot to take the keys from the tellers. The clerks were locked in the vault; the man and his friends were locked outside the bank.

    Birmingham, England

    A local man stormed into a local bank demanding all the cash tellers had on hand. When security windows began to go up as he reached over the counter, the criminal decided he had better make a run for it. For nearly ten minutes he tried to escape through the door from whence he came, however it simply would not budge. Figuring that the doors had been automatically locked, the man resigned himself to being arrested. As police escorted him from the bank, he noticed on the door in bright red letters the word PULL.