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Everything posted by tg1911

  1. Welcome aboard the best board on the net, Chachazz. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. Thanks for the heads-up, Marty.
  3. You're welcome. Glad to be of help.
  4. Put HijackThis in a Permanent folder: Click My Computer / C: / File / New / Folder / name the folder; HijackThis Put HijackThis.exe, in this folder. This is a mandatory step, for the backup and restore functions, of HijackThis, to be able to work. Read the pinned post in the Security forum, here Then, run a log, and post it in the HJT forum, here. Do not, fix anything, yet. A member, of the HJT Team, will help you out. Please, be patient, these people are volunteers. They will help you out, as soon as possible.
  5. What Snaxe, said. I tried to use a .bmp file, before, and it wouldn't work. I converted it to a .jpg, and it worked fine.
  6. Don't know if you have this link, or not?
  7. Just thought I would add a little extra info. Some of it has already been covered, but.... Using BB code: use [ ] instead of ( ) Opening tag ( Closing tag (/B) (You must use "closing tags" on everything: (/B), (/I), (/FONT), etc...) Using (B)Hello(/B) will give you: Hello Using (I)Hello(/I) will give you: Hello Using (U)Hello(/U) will give you: Hello Using Font / Times will give you: (FONT=Times)Hello(/FONT), which will post as: Hello Clicking Size / Large will show as: (SIZE=7)Hello(/SIZE), and will post as: Hello I think this board can accept as high as, size 18, on the positive side. On the
  8. tg1911

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday, Tictoc5150.
  9. Scientists Teleport Information Between Atoms
  10. Or you could try Thunderbird, if you are looking for a seperate E-mail program. Also, put out by the Mozilla people.
  11. tg1911

    Dumb Laws

    The scary part about that, is that it was enough of a problem, that they had to enact a law against it.
  12. tg1911

    Dumb Laws

    A few "Dumb Laws" from my home state (LA): Stealing an alligator could land a person in jail for up to ten years. It is illegal to steal a "movable" even if it classified as an "immovable" Rituals that involve the ingestion of blood, urine, or fecal matter are not allowed. Every time a person is seriously burned, he must report the injury to the fire marshal. It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol. Biting someone with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault." Jefferson Parish Laws: Mi
  13. Thanks for the info, Marty.
  14. Shadow, Suggestion also works with the foot pedal. Man, if it weren't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all. If we ever meet, remind me not to get too near you. I'd be afraid of a safe, or something, falling on me. LOL Don't know how much good it's going to do, but, Good Luck!
  15. Thanks for the info, flatiron.
  16. Shadow, I know this is off topic, but.... If you ever loose your brakes, gradually apply your Emergency Brake. The Emergency Brake (EB) is connected to your rear brakes by a mechanical connection, not a hydraulic one. If you gradually apply the EB, you will be able to use them just like your normal brakes. This will hold you, until you can have your brakes properly repaired. Robroy, I'm also curious as to how your quitting smoking, is going.
  17. What OS are you using? If XP, try this for your volume icon: Start / Control Panel / Sounds and Audio Devices / Volume tab...make sure "place volume icon in taskbar" is checked....and if it is checked already, uncheck it, apply, then recheck it, then apply OR: C:\WINDOWS\system32\double click; sndvol32.exe OR: Restore Taskbar to Default Functionality OR: Restore Desktop Icons and Taskbar OR: Sound Icon - Enable More info: 279435 HOW TO: Display the Volume Icon in the Notification Area in Windows 310578 Windows System Tray Icons 307918 HOW TO: Resources for Troubleshooting Sound Problems in Win
  18. Could you post the URL, to the image, you are trying to use?
  19. tg1911


    That would be my luck. LOL
  20. At the top of this page, click My Controls On the left click Edit Signature Click the IMG button In the box that opens, enter the URL to the image you want to use At the bottom click Update my Signature That should do it.