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Everything posted by shanenin

  1. I was just getting ready to take an other crack at making linux the OS for my video jukebox(windows is annoying me). I am installing a fresh copy of gentoo. I like to check out the install docs to see what has changed. I noticed stage 1 or stage 2 installs are no longer supported. Do you guys know why these(stage1&2) were removed form the main gentoo install guide?
  2. I am not doubting all of your experience, but it sounds just rediculous. Why would any programmer have its installer put important files in the temp folder. Strange
  3. what option in the kernel did you have to enable to make the mouse work?
  4. yep it sure was. I even made a point to do all of my personal webbrowsing with it, just to see what would happen. I am sure it(winfixer) must have been there. the owner of the computer made refernce to getting popups, in particular from winfixer. Spysweeper also found in infection called "virtumonde".
  5. I think all of the kingston documentation is inaccurate. I found this page on thier site that says only win 2000 and xp are compatible. That is obviously wrong
  6. My best sence tells me the drive should work just fine in ME. I do not understand why on the pachaging it specifcally says ME is not supported. That is why I thouhjgt that was strnge.
  7. that may just be a windows problem(corrupt install). You should try and boot a bootable cd. If it will boot from a cd, then you should be able to install with it.
  8. Thanks for all of the good info. I decided to run the program VundoFix. Since running it spysweeper is no longer finding virtumonde, that seems positive. I wondoer if the root kit version is installed? The crazy thing is, I have not once had a winfixer popup. I am not sure if their was really a problem, or if I solved it. I feel so much better after doing a reinstall, I know for certain everything is gone.
  9. if you know somebody with a generic windows xp oem disk you can use that. When it asks for the key use the one on your COA(attached to the computer).
  10. My solution to spyware removal has always been REFORMAT, this needs to change. I am working on a computer the supposivley was getting winfixer popups. Since I have used the computer I have not gotten any popups at all. I did do a scan with spysweeper. It found one high-risk infection called "virtumonde" . Before using some of the tools avalable to remove winfixer/virtumonde infections, I want to verify I have one. I was reading this tutorial to determine if I was infected. It said I was supposed to look for matching files in both the 02 and 020 section of my hjt log. I do not have any matching
  11. no offense taken :-) You are just doing your job
  12. I agree, I even am a "slyware cadet" at tomcoyote, but I have such a hard time staying interested in it. For the business I am in, this is a needed skill I need to make better. I was just reading at tomcoyote the selfhelp section on winfixrer.
  13. I just bought a 1gb 2.0 kingston usb flash drive. It says on the package it is compatible with 98se, 2000, xp. It specifically says it is not compatible with ME. I have never heard of such a thing, why would it say that? As to 98 first edition, will it work if I install drivers?
  14. sure that is fine. In all honesty, a large chunk of the questions here are probably people working on other peoples computers. This seems like a place where people(both amature and professional alike SHARE(both ways) their knowledge. edit added later// sorry, I took a little offence to the previous post. You are just trying to keep the forum nice :-) If something was not said, other people would be coming here just to get their professional questions answered.
  15. You are probably correct. I would not have to to hook it up to later today, but I was curious to what you guys had to say. I thought maybe someone had something to offer on the adaware causing reboots. I guess I was just looking for a handout :-)
  16. I just had a customer drop off a computer. Whe has a problem with spyware. I have not yet taken a look but I thought I would see what you guys thought. She mentioned something to do with winfixer; is this a legitmate program, or spyware itsself? Also when she runs adaware it is rebooting during the scan. Have any of you heard of spyware causing that problem?
  17. I don't use gentoo to optimize everything. I just use the defualt cflags. I like it mainly because......not really sure. I think I am just used to it. It does everything I need or want, it has not let me down. I have not felt any need to look somewhere else.
  18. I think when you run the command make install, it copys the file bzImage and renames it to vmlinuz. vmlinuz is your kenel image. I think it is just tradition to rename it to that.
  19. it appears already mounted. What does this command show. if it is mounted it will tell you where sudo mount | grep /dev/hda1
  20. You may need your kernel souce installed to build some packages, the nvidia module for one(I think, or it may just look for the .config file). If you really just want to save space and get delete your kernel source, at least save your .config file. That way you can use that config for any fute builds you may need to do.
  21. from your config you can see ntfs is built into the kernel, so that is not a problem. To see why your ntfs(windows) partition is failing, do the following: try and mount your windows partition, then run the command dmesg. It may give you a clue to what is happening.
  22. cool, I bet you are glad you stuck with it, feels good :-) Just curious, what was the problem? you can easily check to see if you enabled ntfs support in your kernel. using this command it shows I have ntfs support set as a module shane@mainbox ~ $ cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep -i ntfs CONFIG_NTFS_FS=m # CONFIG_NTFS_DEBUG is not set # CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set the mount command should autoload the module for you.
  23. I would guess nfs being slow to mount is because portmap is not running on your client(ubuntu) machine. start the service then try mounting nfs /etc/init.d/portmap start then try mounting nfs.
  24. I like the gentoo community. no other distro even comes close to great online docs. Virtually anything you would like to do with gentoo has been thoroughly documented by its users. If for some reason an ebuild fails, almost alwasy the solution is easily found and documented. The people on the fourms are alwasy their with quick solutions to your problems.