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Everything posted by bar5

  1. bar5

    The Parrot

    This is a good one. I've read it before where it was a turkey, but still funny. Barb
  2. Subject: What did you learn from this ????? A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday Sermon. To make his point, four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first worm was put into a jar of alcohol. The second worm was put into a jar of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a jar of sperm. The fourth worm was put into a jar of good clean soil. At the conclusion of the Sermon, the Minister reported the following results: The first worm in alcohol - dead. Second worm in cigarette smoke - dead. Third worm in sperm - dead. Fourth worm in good c
  3. Happy Birthday Nerelda
  4. bar5

    Where Is Sultan?

    Welcome Back Sultan You always have a home here. This is a different board here. We don't trash people, especially some one as kind as you are. You do so much to help others. Now don't do that again. You had us all worried. We are family, so when a member doesn't show up, we want to know where you are and why. You are very well respected here. Take care Barb
  5. Hey Liz: I forgot where I got "Browser Hijack Blaster". I have had it for a long time. I'm sure I got it when TTV CFH board was up and running. There is a great list at G4 (sticky) "Commonly Recommended Software etc" by alsocom, original author (jdlech) Here is link: Commonly Recommended Software (G4) It would be nice if we could get permission to post it here as a sticky from author. Barb
  6. Happy Retirement Stimpy Job well done. Welcome Mr Grizzled
  7. Hey Liz: You are so lucky to be able to see the Northern Lights. I have only seen photos of them and it is unbelievable the colors. Do you only get these at certain times of the year? I have seen most colors in green and they are spectacular. I know I would be up all night watching. Enjoy. Tell us all about them later. If you can get photos, that would be great. Barb
  8. Welcome Rocket to BestTechie. This is a great place. Kick back, pull up a chair, pour youself a drink and enjoy. You might want to download this "Browser HiJack Blaster". Works in the back ground to help prevent your browser being hijacked. Barb
  9. Dumb huh? Like a fox. Good one rv56 Barb
  10. Hi thesidekickcat: I'm sure Chappy understands. No one knew all the facts. You posted with the information you knew about. I do not want to take sides with anyone. I like Pete C. He helped me alot when I first started as many others did also. I am so thankful I found TTV, and got to know as many of the people I did. I had some good times there as well as learning from some great people. It was the first forum I ever joined. Could not have been a better one to start with, and now I got BestTechie, which has the same atmosphere. I visit other forums, but BT is home base. I will not name anyone a
  11. Tennessee Firewood "Hello, is this the Sheriff's Office?" "Yes. What can I do for you?" "I'm calling to report about my neighbor Virgil Smith. He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood!" "Thank you very much for the call, sir." The next day, the Sheriff's Deputies descend on Virgil's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave. The phone rings at Virgil's house. "Hey, Virgil! This here is Floyd. Did the Sheriff come?" "Yeah!" "Did they chop your firewood?" "Yep!" "Happy Birthday,
  12. The only reason I posted it here is I read that someone was looking for it and could not find it. I also remembered that Pete C said he was going to move it. I found it fairly easy as I clicked on "Today" link and it told me where it was, since I had left a message on that thread. I only lurk at Tech Support too. Like to check up on some of the people I've met and have helped me. Say no more about AOTS. That has to be the dumbest name I have ever heard of. Makes no sense, but I don't go there anyway. Maybe that's why it does not make sense to me. Barb
  13. For those that have not read it, or can not find it: One Year Anniversary Barb
  14. Hey Chappy: Want to add my support also. Nothing wrong with ranting. It's good to do that. At least you know you can come here and do that. (I read your post) We all have done that one time or another, human nature. Glad you blew off here as we are an understanding community. We don't fight. Hurting someone's feelings is never the way to solve anything. We are good listeners. Well now, I think I will stop rambling on. Have a good evening, and drop by more often. This is a great place. Barb
  15. Happy Birthday mlegg510
  16. Happy Birthday Canoeingkidd
  17. Liz: I can't help you at all on this, but did find a Tutorial for Gateway that you might want to take a look at for future use. Gateway Tutorial Look under Microsoft Windows, click on Windows 9X and take it from there. This tutorial has a lot of info that you might use later. Have fun. Barb
  18. Aaaah sweet smell of cinnamon and raisin bagels. Picks up one bagel, pours a cup of coffee. Good morning to all. Raining here in Virginia. Actually enhences the green grass and the beautiful azaleas this time of year. Have a good day Barb
  19. Happy Birthday Maniacrose
  20. Happy Birthday 508lah
  21. Thanks sidekickcat for posting this so we could read it. Went over and said a few words. Can't believe it has been a year already. Barb
  22. Liz: Download this "Belarc" and it will show you your product keys that you have for the software you have installed. I have it on my computer. Belarc Might want to print it out and stash it somewhere. Barb