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Everything posted by bar5

  1. bar5

    Hey Gang

    Glad to see you checking in once in a awhile, so we know everything is OK. I also am concerned about Pat. It has been a long time. I have not seen her at WorldStart or G4 in quite some time. I hope she and hubby are OK. Barb
  2. Happy Birthday Flatiron and Jaspossum Have a great day both of you
  3. Welcome to BT's, MoNsTeReNeRgY22
  4. I saw this on another forum, and thought it might be of interest to someone. I have a curious nature. How Google Works Barb
  5. bar5

    G4 Tech Support

    I just went there and this is what I got: HTTP STATUS 500 (whatever that means) Also Apache Tomcat/5.5.20. Have no clue what this means. G4 Forums Maybe some of you guru's will understand this???? Means nothing to me. Barb UPDATE: It is now working, I hope this is not the finished product.
  6. Louis Armstrong Ella Fitzgerald
  7. This has been on TV all day today. Good grief, what school did she attend?
  8. Happy Birthday BT WOW, I can't believe it has been 3 years. Thanks Jeff for this great forum. It is like no other, thank goodness. It is such a pleasure to come here and chit-chat with the wonderful people we have here. Here is to many more years.
  9. Great minds think alike, Liz.
  10. Happy Birthday Dragon Have a great day