Glad to see you checking in once in a awhile, so we know everything is OK. I also am concerned about Pat. It has been a long time. I have not seen her at WorldStart or G4 in quite some time. I hope she and hubby are OK. Barb
I just went there and this is what I got: HTTP STATUS 500 (whatever that means) Also Apache Tomcat/5.5.20. Have no clue what this means. G4 Forums Maybe some of you guru's will understand this???? Means nothing to me. Barb UPDATE: It is now working, I hope this is not the finished product.
Happy Birthday BT WOW, I can't believe it has been 3 years. Thanks Jeff for this great forum. It is like no other, thank goodness. It is such a pleasure to come here and chit-chat with the wonderful people we have here. Here is to many more years.