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Everything posted by bar5

  1. Well said bozodog. Many thanks to all who serve and have served to keep us free and safe. Barb
  2. Happy Birthday Lcplmurphy and Cherokeechief Have a great day, both of you
  3. This is Priceless! When I'm an old lady, I'll live with each kid, And bring so much happiness... just as they did. I want to pay back all the joy they've provided. Returning each deed! Oh, they'll be so excited! (When I'm an old lady and live with my kids) I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues, And I'll bounce on the furniture... wearing my shoes. I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out. I'll stuff all the toilets and oh, how they'll shout! (When I'm an old lady and live with my kids) When they're on the phone and just out of reach, I'll get into things like sugar an
  4. RETARDED GRANDPARENTS (this was actually reported by a teacher) After Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school. One child wrote the following: We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Florida. Now they live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass. They ride around on their bicycles and wear name tags because they don't know who they are anymore. They go to a building called a wrecked center, but they must
  5. Happy Birthday Martint Have a great day
  6. Subject: God's creation In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives. Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled. And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man
  7. $3.09 here today. Who knows about tomorrow.
  8. In my neck of the woods (literally) we have been talking about getting some kind of broadband, but no one will install it, too expensive, not enough homes I guess. So now we are talking about wireless high speed internet. I don't know anything about wireless high speed internet.It has to be better than dial-up. Anything is better.
  9. Happy Birthday Nerelda Have a great day.
  10. I have four days off every week and still, I need more time to get things done. I can't wait to retire! I know the feeling, I have five days off every week, and wonder how I got things done when I only had the weekend to do it. I LOVE retirement. Have been retired for some time also. Barb
  11. I just bought a new notebook, and Vista came on it. I upgraded Vista Basic to Premium before I finalized sale, with a few other extras. I really like XP Pro, but this was a chance to learn Vista. I have only had it for 2 months, so am still trying to find things. Just saw your new section "Tips and Tricks Vista" article by JSKY on "Where is Everything?" Good article I have not read them all yet. Keep them coming. Barb
  12. Happy Birthday baker7 Have a great day