Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. Thanks Mike, Im just the web"master". May be a picture of me in the photo gallery. Dunno. ON a side note, I figured it out. Although, I have to manually insert the font folor tags. Seems like that should be a feature in the GUI. Google, you've let me down
  2. Did the PlasticX type stuff work better than the wet sending? Ive wlays been skeptical about that stuff. I might have to give it a shot...
  3. Is there a way to make a site-wide change w/ Dreamweaver? Every main page is from the same "template" saved with Dreamweaver. I need to change a link but dont want to have to manually edit each page...
  4. I found this thread while tooling around the net. I thought it was interesting. http://xmb.stuffucanuse.com/xmb/viewthread.php?tid=2589
  5. **GASP** Not only would that hurt the economy, that would just plain suck. LOL!!! Really though, year round schoolin? The chittlins would get burnt out real quick. A long summer break is just needed. IMO
  6. Hopefully someone here is familar with Mapbuilder.net. For some reason the text color on my maps is a real light blue. too light to read. The text mentioned is bolded in the quote below. If someone could read over that section and tell me how to change that text color Id greatly appreciate it. Or if someone knows a way to do it with Mapbuilder's GUI editor. Also, I already tried HTML tags. Didnt quite work Thanks yall.
  7. An 80-year old man goes for a physical. All of his tests come back with normal results. The doctor says, "Chuck, everything looks great! How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?" Chuck replies, "God and I are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, POOF! The light goes on. When I'm done, POOF! The light goes off." “WOW, that's incredible," the doctor says. A little later in the day, the doctor calls Chuck's wife. "Ethel," he says, "George is doing fine! But, I had to call you as I a
  8. Please don't listen to the above poster.... Focus on yer schoolin. And when you have all your required credts, take some dual credit courses. FREE college credits... Youll be glad you did later. (assuming you're going to college)
  9. Bubba Bob


    Welcome back. Youll find the bathrooms on your left and the bar two doors down on the right. Used to be an open bar, but since the managers got health coverage Jeff ran outta money... Shanenin keeps goin in for the sniffles and TTs runnin up the dental bill. Ask him to smile... Really though, welcome back.
  10. Wow, that's one small little guy. Amazing... Enjoy it. EDIT: One thing though. Whats up with the wires attached to the keyboard and mouse? As expensive as those things are Id expect built in bluetooth with a wireless keyboard and mouse...
  11. Three weeks makes me feel better. I believe it's been somewhere around 6 months on BT.
  12. I took this picture in Biloxi Mississippi last week. It cracked me up for some reason. 20070802_00344.bmp
  13. I hate it when that #$%^ on the floor just jumps right out in front... Almost enough to make me not use the floor as a shelf... Yeah, you carefully navigate now. Wait a week when the pain is ALMOST gone. Then you forget, and wahp.
  14. Looks like yall picked some good folks. Congrats to yall four Does that mean they get health and dental now?
  15. IM having trouble finding a good photo gallery that will fit my needs. The gallery will be for the website in my sig. The gallery needs to be embedded in my site (so no free standing solutions), and have user comments. The photo will be hosted on my host. Any suggestions? Inexpensive solutions preferable, but please post anything.,..
  16. Awesome. Congrats!!!!! Do we get pictures when everything is set up?
  17. Bubba Bob

    Road Trip

    Thanks, Liz:-) It is good to be back! Yes, in the interior of BC and in Alberta it can get very hot. I enjoyed the trip a lot, but I'm used to the temperate coastal climate of Prince Rupert, it is cooler over here. Wow, it surprises me to see those temps way up there Cool pictures. Love the dino-butt
  18. Don't live in Texas anymore. You're up by Pete Sounds like youve made some damn good desicions here latley. Good goin Mike!
  19. IMO this case made by Chieftec is about the best out there. It's a good size case, not cramped, very expandable, no lights or fancy crap, and is well made. Plus, virtually everybody has bought it and rebranded it, so you can find a good price on it. Ive purchased a couple Antec labeled ones over the years because I like there power supplies. Every computer shop Ive been in liked these cases and I sure dont blame them.
  20. Really? What islands would these be? Wouldn't be the islands being flooding because they're sinking would it? Our media outlets already tried that piece of propoganda on us, but the truth was quickly uncovered. Believe me, if oceans rise the amount some global warming alarmists say it could, I would be underwater. However, you don't see me filling sandbags... BTW, Al Gore is making huge sums of money off of his "campaigning" against global warming.