Bubba Bob

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Everything posted by Bubba Bob

  1. (one of) My Neighboors went all out. Lots of lights, black lights, strobe lights etc. Her and her husband are out in the yard in costumes. NO ONE has come around.... I feel bad for em. All that work for nothing. Most folks go to the chruchs these days. Much safer... Oh, and yeah, got a little candy left...
  2. Ok, in an odd twist, all my contacts and messages show up in IE, but in my daily driver, opera, they dont?? In Example, my accoutn is 0% full in Opera, and 2% full when veiwed in IE. EDIT: I signed out and back in under Opera and everything is back to normal. Very strange.
  3. Thanks for the well wishes Joe. Hopefully I can get them back somehow, but I dobut it. Ive always assumed Google used some sort of redundant system to prevent this. I guess that may not be feasible for FREE email accounts? Pete, Ive found Gmails spam filter to be one of the best. I get several hundered spam emails per day and 99.X% of them go directly to the spam folder, and rarely ever do I find a non spam message there. Leaps and bounds past what I remember MSN being.
  4. Has this happened to anyone else? My 90MB or so of archived emails, plus almost everything in my inbox is GONE!! Ive only got a total of 3 emails left in my entire account... I havent found anything about it on the internet. I know Google had some problems in Janurary, but this just happened. EDIT: I just realized my contacts are gone to. Some of which I have no way of getting again. This is great...
  5. Happy Birthday Bearskin! Have a good one
  6. Alright, who we goin for?
  7. Ha! That figures. The ONE Honda i actually like "HondaBoy" doesnt... Ya can't really compare the price of an Econo-Box to a PT Cruiser. Even the element, which sits on a suped up car platform starts at around $20k. EDIT Oh, $2.69 here for the quality gas. Also, I filled up today and got 12.5mpg. That's .5mpg more than i usally get. So happy...
  8. Unless you can find a good local deal, anything under $200 will be hard to find. How about a couple steps like these... They are found at any auto house and are pretty cheap. Not full length, but usefull to the driver and passenger. Oh, and nerf bars actually help with off road performace. You bottom out on the bars instead of on the frame or vehicle itself.
  9. I get 12 MPG. However, what can i do? Get a seocnd vehicle? The price+upkeep+insurance would eat any gas saving. I could get a car, but try putting 4 air tanks + the rest of the scuba gear in the trunk. HA! IF I did manage to fit everything it the car would be resting near the bump stops. The "everyone should drive an economy car and gas would go down" mindset just doesn't work. I wish it did, but it doesnt
  10. A couple nerf bars would look nice. POwer coated nerf pairs usually start at $200 for a pair or $400 for chrome... Not a bad deal.
  11. Hello! Some specs on the laptop would really help us out. (ram, CPU, graphics card, etc) Probably the only way you're going to be able to reduce the lag, other than spending money, is to lower the quality settings of the game.
  12. Is that your wife? Try putting both links in your sig.
  13. No, it doesnt work that way. We CAN"T help our selves. The government HAS to do it for us.
  14. Try Using Dog Pile for a while. It searches Google, Yahoo, MSN, and Ask all at once. Keep note of which search engine finds the results you're looking for.
  15. And Jdoors thought HE was paranoid Really though, why would they choose YOU to tap? I kinda doubt that's what's going on here... The second truck was probably just a contractor for ATT&T, hence the no ATT&T logo. On the other hand, if you regularly go to Conspiracy theory sites, or political sites you might have gotten flagged... Who knows?
  16. Bubba Bob


    Bearskin, these long absences are uncalled for. Next time it happens Im comin up after ya. Welcome Back
  17. Clevland Indians total team pay = $66mill NY Yankees total team pay = $212mill I feel sorry for Torre, but Im glad the Yanks are outta the race.
  18. Happy Birthday Mandy!! If Jeff doesnt make your day a good one, let's know. We will take care of it..
  19. Bah, who needs syncrhos anyway? Just learn how to double shift and your good to go... really though... Air Gaurd? 6 week boot camp Dont even have to work up a sweat.