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Everything posted by martymas

  1. martymas


    Believe it or not, these are real 911 calls! Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown house on the corner. Dispatcher: Do you have an address? Caller: No, I have on a blouse and slacks, why? ******************************************************************************** * Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: Someone broke into my house and took a bite out of my ham and cheese sandwich. Dispatcher: Excuse me? Caller: I made a ham and cheese sandwich and left it on the kitchen table and when I came back fr
  2. good one dan looking after your health is a never ending process you take care marty
  3. unfortunately beeing diabetic i havent many choices most places dont cater for restricted diets so i have to eat at home tho my grandson is a chef at a small bar he will prepare food for me but that is once in a will as it is i love food but ime not always able to have what i like other than salads stir fries ect marty
  4. martymas


    thanks team i just read teletext and it says 6.5 what ever the figures are none of them are nice thank god there is no loss of life yet marty
  5. martymas


    any one on the board from san hose CA i see in the fox news a 6.5 earthquake hit the area i hope no one is hurt 6.5 is a big shake if any one lives there please post and report you are safe marty
  6. i used it for some years but i switched to regcleaner made by the same company as jv16 the reason i switched regcleaner is smaller and does the same task and not as dangerous as jv16 if you dont watch it marty
  7. thanks pete he has been in touch it seems the problem was on my end with my isp all those emails were still sitting in the webmail and when i finally got the mail through there were 50-60 emails but thanks he has stopped posting at worldstart and posts occasionaly at g4 and BT"S he uses several different users names for different boards marty
  8. hi jeff i tried it took 4 hrs to down load and install and it loaded ok i had trouble with my outlook express after i think the reason was i tried to import the email settings from OE to wubi but when i went to windows out look express wouldnt operate properly i could recieve mail but couldnt send mail i tried alsorts of fixes so i had uninstall it and try again i typed this problem in the review section and this is the first time ive been able to get back to the forum marty
  9. thanks all for your kind words unlike some parts of new zealand our jolts are small in the city i live in but i see they have had shakes every day for 7 days the area were the quakes are centered is a world famous ski resort and many people from all over the world come here this is were the bungy jumping originated from a man called AJ HACKET saw this in one of the pacific islands jumping off platforms and brought it back to nz then went world wide he is now a billionaire i know him very well he isnt like many millionires he is down to earth he drinks beer swears likes woman all th
  10. checking in on the quakes we had a series of shakes which i believe are called hives in the city i live in it was a small jolt but i have relitives in queens town who had to get out side incase the building callapsed poor buggers tho these are small quakes unlike places like indinesia they are constant i believe in new zealand every year about 1000 shakes of some sort accur every year i remember when i was a kid new zealand was known as the shaky isles by the world media luckly for me my city is not on the shaky line marty
  11. hi bobby thanks for your concern the city i live in had a short sharp jolt but we are on a fault line and any thing can happen we havent had a major shake for 35 years but over the years i think every 49yrs somewhere her we get a major shake were lives are lost tho these days we have warning sys's where as in the past they didnt have the safety every person in this country has to have some sort of training which helps the city ilive in is in a basin which i believe was once a crater from a past molten mountain million years ago yes that jolt was a good shake but it wasent so bad
  12. hi all ime not sure if many of you know the name bill mallenson he migrated from techtv with us and he and i joined this board together he is also a member of and g4 normally he would email or pm me every day but he hasent sent an email for some time he also hasent posted at world start nor g4 for some weeks has any one seen a post from him and like il-wicaan he hasent posted on any board for some time hope he has gone to disney land florida marty
  13. your mum has a very thought son i made my own compt with the help of ny son ok it isnt as good as some of you have but it does what i want i migrated from techtv with this machine with a few adjutments here and there so your mumn is a very luck person to have a thought son good one brian marty
  14. Biker Wisdom Midnight Bugs taste Best! Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they can hold everything you need. Wear heavy boots -- you can't kick things when you're wearing sneakers. Never argue with a woman holding a torque wrench. If you're a complainer, ride at the back of the pack so you won't contaminate the rest of the group. Never try to race an old Geezer, he may have one more gear than you. The size of the piston don't tell you nothin' about the depth of the stroke. Home is where your bike sits still lon
  15. thanks team geez i feel pleased now i need to configure slackware now i have the printer in operation i can print out the info tho ime still at grips with this partition thing and i havent found any info on how to partition the hdd i have this spare hdd so i can use it to try and work it out there are old compts cluttering up my house so i have plenty of marterial to work on hi-test i installed ubuntu and i found an up grade didnt have a clue what it meant so i pressed upgrade now i have ubuntu and kubuntu on the same sys is this normal it isnt a problem actually it is a challenge mar
  16. well i got the printer working but through a fluke tonight i disconnected all my connections so i could use an 8 plug safety box wel when i connected every thing up i configured the broad band my scanner and the printer and bugger me it printered a test page i tried it twice and both times it worked i havent a clue why other than i down loaded printer updates or the connections wernt fitted properly i got so dam excited i started laughing and yahooing thet my next door neigbors rang and asked if i was ok chriky i was pleased the sys was recommending a certain driver but i used the n
  17. hi maria you and i have some thing in common ime at one end of the planet and your at the other end on this board you will find some of the nicest people on the planet marty
  18. hi team ime looking for the image viewer infanview but it takes me to irfanview are they the same and do they resize pics i i triew infranview ,infanview but it keeps reverting to irfanview any ideas marty
  19. he also said he was going to dance on the table top with one of the lady presenters which they did i think it was the lady who appeared on howard stren who liked both he and shes marty
  20. martymas


    where in the holy cows have you been i for one have missed your posts sure there have been times we havent agreed but i have a big regards for you and your posts try and get here more often marty
  21. just to be part of it is good enough for me congrats when it happens marty
  22. sorry team i still cant get it to print a test page my printer does every thing but print the final page is there some softwaqre package i need to get it to work ive tried all your suggestions the sys says it dosent recognise the printer but to try lpd1 which i tried i even tried all the port options my printer goes through the setup motions then stops there my printer light keeps blinking thanks your replys are appreciated mnarty
  23. it likes as tho the poster has invited a -hi-jack marty