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Posts posted by martymas

  1. this is the cpu report

    EVEREST Home Edition © 2003, 2004 Lavalys, Inc. ]-----------------------------------------------------------

    Version EVEREST v1.51.195


    Report Type Quick Report

    Computer HOME-IYZRQ3FR8C

    Generator martym

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)

    Date 2005-01-22

    Time 10:17

    --------[ CPUID ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    CPUID Properties:

    CPUID Manufacturer GenuineIntel

    CPUID Revision 00000652h

    IA Brand ID 00h (Unknown)

    Platform ID 01h (Slot 1)

    IA CPU Serial Number Unknown

    HTT / CMP Units 0 / 0

    Instruction Set:

    64-bit x86 Extension Not Supported

    AMD 3DNow! Not Supported

    AMD 3DNow! Professional Not Supported

    AMD Enhanced 3DNow! Not Supported

    AMD Extended MMX Not Supported

    Cyrix Extended MMX Not Supported

    IA-64 Not Supported

    IA MMX Supported

    IA SSE Not Supported

    IA SSE 2 Not Supported

    IA SSE 3 Not Supported

    CLFLUSH Instruction Not Supported

    CMPXCHG8B Instruction Supported

    CMPXCHG16B Instruction Not Supported

    Conditional Move Instruction Supported

    FEMMS Instruction Not Supported

    MONITOR / MWAIT Instruction Not Supported

    CPUID Features:

    36-bit Page Size Extension Supported

    Advanced Cryptography Engine Not Supported

    Alternate Instruction Set Not Supported

    Automatic Clock Control Not Supported

    CPL Qualified Debug Store Not Supported

    Debug Trace Store Not Supported

    Debugging Extension Supported

    Enhanced SpeedStep Technology Not Supported

    Fast Save & Restore Supported

    Fast System Call Not Supported

    Hyper-Threading Technology Not Supported

    L1 Context ID Not Supported

    Local APIC On Chip Not Supported

    LongRun Not Supported

    LongRun Table Interface Not Supported

    Machine-Check Architecture Supported

    Machine-Check Exception Supported

    Memory Type Range Registers Supported

    Model Specific Registers Supported

    No-Execute Page Protection Not Supported

    Page Attribute Table Supported

    Page Global Extension Supported

    Page Size Extension Supported

    Pending Break Event Not Supported

    Physical Address Extension Supported

    Processor Duty Cycle Control Not Supported

    Processor Serial Number Not Supported

    Random Number Generator Not Supported

    Self-Snoop Not Supported

    Thermal Monitor Not Supported

    Thermal Monitor 2 Not Supported

    Time Stamp Counter Supported

    Virtual Mode Extension Supported

    Problems & Suggestions:

    Suggestion SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU

    and this is my mobo report.tho i think the cpu report speaks for it self.upgrade.

    how ever i look forward to your post


    --------[ EVEREST Home Edition © 2003, 2004 Lavalys, Inc. ]-----------------------------------------------------------

    Version EVEREST v1.51.195


    Report Type Quick Report

    Computer HOME-IYZRQ3FR8C

    Generator martym

    Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)

    Date 2005-01-22

    Time 10:20

    --------[ Motherboard ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Motherboard Properties:

    Motherboard ID 61-0327-001121-00101111-071595-440BX$1440B000_

    Motherboard Name HP Vectra VE8

    Front Side Bus Properties:

    Bus Type Intel GTL+

    Bus Width 64-bit

    Real Clock 100 MHz

    Effective Clock 100 MHz

    Bandwidth 800 MB/s

    Memory Bus Properties:

    Bus Type SDR SDRAM

    Bus Width 64-bit

    Real Clock 100 MHz

    Effective Clock 100 MHz

    Bandwidth 800 MB/s

    --------[ Debug - PCI ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------marty

  2. hi team this morning i recieved an email from the besttechie forums

    my question where did he get my email address from.

    if he had been asking me a Q on a post of mine i wouldnt mind but i got spam about security.on win 98.

    below is his email .he also belongs to another website.

    so can some one tell me what is the email policy of this board .

    his email.



    gonzal13 has sent you this email from

    First of all I am on another website called expert-exchange where I give out free advice

    on win98.

    You need Norton Antivirus on your sytem or McAfee. Just scanning will not prevent you from

    having a catrofic failure on your hard drive. You also need a firewall. A free one and a

    good one is at

    Here is a list of free scans:


    [email protected]


    Please note that Forums has no control over the

    contents of this message.



    The Forums team.

  3. hi team recently i posted in about the microsoft spyware scanner..and said i didnt have an opinion but would monitor it.

    well i discvered some thing to night.on my p2 i uninstalled it because it wasent discovering any more than ever it scans in a different direction.

    to day i installed IE toolbar wallpaper.and i had the scanner as an automatic scan.

    well i got an appli called gonnasearch toolbar.which was trying to take over my address bar and search bar.which i had at blank

    this s---t was embedded in ie toolbar wallpaper.

    so the moral of the story is if you install toolbars ,addressbars.and search bars.

    scan with this scanner straight away and you will save a lot of swearing and cursing and blaming bill gates for your mistakes.

    recently i had trouble with a trojan and it came from one of these search bars.

    if ide have had microsoft scanner on at the time it would have picked it up.

    ive already uninstalled it from my p2 ,but i intend to go back in and reinstall it.

    so i hope ive helped some one in some small way.

    my you never stop learning in this biziness

    take care out there.


  4. hi tenmm

    this is all the info i could get to gether

    sys hp

    sys model

    bios default system

    intel pentuim11

    matrox mobo

    sm bios ver2.1

    bios ver. american megatrend

    where is this jumper pin situated and if i shift where do i shift it to.

    the compt is a shop built but has been modftied

    to acommidate the motherboard with the case.i had trouble with the start button .

    and had to change the case.but all the other components are the same .

    not sure about the mobo.

    ive looked in the dxdiag for info but it dosent show any thing about the mobo .

    the original m,obo was a matrox .

    thanks for posting.


  5. is it possable to overclock a p2 through the bios. or does it need a special tweek.

    ive tried the bios but cant find the option

    it can be done on a p3 .as ive overclocked mine by a few points

    but that p2 looks as tho it hasent got that option.

    if so where is it.

    does this mean i need to install a bios with this option on the p2.



  6. i was wondering when this site would attract people like this.

    it was inevitable new site new people.

    i think i pmed a moderator about this sort of person .

    so the sooner us as a community get rid od these mongrels the better.

    dont give me thet crap that to learn is to better your compting .

    i see 90 percent of the answers to this post agree.what about the 90 percent of users who are compt illiterate.

    seems everone has forgotten them.i saw this disscussion at techtv for many weeks .come all you x hackers.get rid of this poster


  7. has any one tried the microsoft spyware appli.beta version

    ive had it on for several days.

    on the positive has detected some thing or someone trying to install.a

    alien searchbar on my sys.

    this came after using the msn search bar to find ie tool bar wallpaper.

    there hasent been a negitive side so far it maybe to early to judge yet

    so far i like what i see .

    but have yet to experience the bad side if any.

    but that msn search bar can be trouble if you are not careful.

    strangly i have google search bar and got into bother and didnt use it again.

    may be im to search bar shy


  8. hi team this is the fix when you loose your sound icon program,

    Insert the Windows XP CD-ROM into your computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.

    Press and hold down the SHIFT key as you insert the CD-ROM to prevent it from starting automatically.

    2. Click Start, and then click Run.

    3. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

    4. Type the following lines at the command prompt, pressing ENTER after each

    line, where CD-ROM drive is the drive letter of the computer's CD-ROM or DVD-

    ROM drive that contains the Windows XP CD-ROM, and system_root is the path

    and folder name where the Windows system files are located (generally


    CD-ROM drive:

    cd i386

    expand sndvol32.ex_ system_root\system32\sndvol32.exe

    Note that there is a space between "ex_" and "system_root" in this command.

    For example, if your computer's CD-ROM drive is drive E, and the folder that contains the Windows system files is C:\Windows, type the following lines at the command prompt (pressing ENTER after each line):



    cd i386


    expand sndvol32.ex_ c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe

    --copy and paste this line-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    5. Type exit to quit the command prompt.

    6. Verify that you can start Volume Control and that the Volume icon is displayed in the notification area (if you selected this option).

  9. hi last year i lost the use of safe mode and il_wiccan posted this tip .

    and ive searched all the web to find it so i can put it in a folder for future use.

    so thanks for that.

    he also sent a fix when you loose your sound program .

    which i put in my favourites you do it from the command prompt .

    i will post it in later.

    marty .

  10. hi team well i havent had the best of the last 2 weeks.ans ive been off the this board for several days.first the trojon thing .and then

    workmen where digging next to my isp office and dug the cable up and ruptured it so i couldnt get on line for sometime.

    hey i didnt realise how we can miss being on line.

    i was like a fish without water.

    how ever im on now .i just wanted to post an elert from trend micro.

    i havent read the board yet so it may have been posted


    (by TrendLabs Global Antivirus and Research Center)



    Date: Friday January 14, 2005


    To read an HTML version of this newsletter, go to:

    Issue Preview:

    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates

    2. Wild Worm - WORM_BUCHON.C (Low Risk)

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    4. TrendLabs'2004 Annual Virus Roundup and 2005 Forecast

    NOTE: Long URLs may break into two lines in some mail readers.

    Should this occur, please copy and paste the URL into your browser window.


    1. Trend Micro Updates - Pattern File & Scan Engine Updates


    PATTERN FILE: 2.347.00

    SCAN ENGINE: 7.100

    2. Wild Worm - WORM_BUCHON.C (Low Risk)


    WORM_BUCHON.C mainly propagates via email. It uses its own built-in Simple

    Mail Tranfer Protocol (SMTP) engine to send email without using other email

    applications like Outlook Express. It obtains its target email recipients

    from an infected system, either by searching a user's inbox, or by parsing

    files with certain extension names. It then mass-mails copies of itself to

    all harvested email addresses. This worm is currently spreading in-the-wild,

    and infecting systems running Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP.

    Upon execution, this worm drops the following files in the root directory

    (typically C:\):

    CSRSS.BIN - a log file used by this worm

    CSRSS.EXE - a component that serves as an HTTP proxy machine for downloading

    files from Web sites, and detected by Trend Micro as WORM_BUCHON.C

    This worm also creates a registry entry that allows it to run at every Windows


    It obtains its target email recipients from an infected system, by searching an

    infected user's inbox, or by parsing files with the following extension names:








    It also attempts to connect to specific DNS servers to locate its target email

    addresses. Using its own SMTP engine, it then mass-mails copies of itself to all

    harvested email addresses. The email message it sends contains the following


    - - -

    From: <Spoofed>

    Subject: Mail Delivery failure - <Target user's email address>

    Message body:

    If the message will not displayed automatically,

    you can check original in attached message.txt

    Failed message also saved at:


    (check attached instructions)

    +++ Attachment: No Virus found

    +++ MC-Afee AntiVirus -


    . *.COM

    . *.EXE

    (Note: The attachment is a copy of the worm. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard

    character representing zero or more characters, therefore *.* represents all files

    and folders, and *.SYS.

    message txt<Spaces>length <malware size> bytes<Spaces>mcafee

    - - -

    This worm disguises itself as the attached original message in a mail delivery

    failure notice, which may trick users into opening the file, thereby running this


    If you would like to scan your computer for WORM_BUCHON.C or thousands of

    other worms, viruses, Trojans and malicious code, visit HouseCall, Trend

    Micro's free, online virus scanner at:

    WORM_BUCHON.C is detected and cleaned by Trend Micro pattern file #2.345.00

    and above.

    For additional information about WORM_BUCHON.C please visit:

    3. Top 10 Most Prevalent Global Malware

    (from January 7 to January 13, 2005)












    4. TrendLabs' 2004 Annual Virus Roundup and 2005 Forecast


    Read about the past year's virus outbreak incidents, prevailing malware threats,

    emerging threats, and forecasts, as analyzed by Trend Micro. Among the issues for

    2004 are the BAGLE-NETSKY-MYDOOM malware wars, the emergence of vulnerabilities as

    a malware propagation medium, and the creation of malware that spread via mobile


    Read the 2004 Virus Roundup and 2005 Forecast:




    This message was sent by Trend Micro's Newsletters Editor using Responsys Interact .

    To unsubscribe from Trend Micro's Newsletters Editor:

    To update your subscription preference, or to change your email address:

    To view our permission marketing policy:

    Copyright 1989-2004 Trend Micro, Inc. All rights reserved

    Trend Micro, Inc., 10101 N. De Anza Blvd., Suite 200, Cupertino, CA 95014


    No virus found in this incoming message.

    Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

  11. hi team well i followed tg1911 to the letter.

    and here is my log file i cant find any thing suspicious.

    so i need to rely on the hjt experts


    Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0

    Scan saved at 6:07:19 p.m., on 7/01/2005

    Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

    MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

    Running processes:







    hey team i wonder how many software and hardware companys monitor these boards.techtv used to monitor the message boards.





    C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

    C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe




    C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe


    C:\Documents and Settings\martym\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\IR9KO4SY\HijackThis[1].exe

    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [avast!] C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\Avast4\ashDisp.exe

    O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [C-Media Mixer] Mixer.exe /startup

    O9 - Extra button: TREND MICRO HouseCall - {2B5EA4F8-620A-4A8B-B003-4C8C5EBEA826} - (file missing)

    O9 - Extra button: Wallpaper - {c23dd370-cb79-11d2-898a-00c04f80a47f} - C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\toolbar.hta

    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: &Toolbar Wallpaper - {c23dd370-cb79-11d2-898a-00c04f80a47f} - C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\toolbar.hta

    O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe

    O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe

    O16 - DPF: {74D05D43-3236-11D4-BDCD-00C04F9A3B61} (HouseCall Control) -

    O16 - DPF: {7ED7005B-4AF6-4CFF-9AE0-F243C4B8260F} (HouseCallButton.setup) -

    O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{9DA5EFFC-DDDA-4278-A647-689CA5F07C9C}: NameServer =

    O23 - Service: avast! iAVS4 Control Service - Unknown - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswUpdSv.exe

    O23 - Service: avast! Antivirus - Unknown - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashServ.exe

    O23 - Service: avast! Mail Scanner - ALWIL Software - C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe


  12. ok team for the last hour i cant get the majorgeeks site .

    i tried several times .

    i typed majorgeeks in to the msn search bar.

    and clicked on several site applis but the only one i can get into is one called alexa.

    now im not sure what is happening here.when i click one the majorgeeks free ware it just sits there nothin happens

    this is what happened when i got the trojon.

    so some one is spoofing the site.

    i cant seem to get in no how.


    hi team all morning i havent been able to get on to MG.

    i posted the above at about 3.30

    it is now 10.30.and aT LAst im in .

    so disregard the post above.

    cannot tell you reason .

    i suppose it is one of those quirks of computing.

    hoW ever im on .

    ive in stalled HJT.

    as you suggested .

    but if you dont ind i would like some one from this board to read it instead of going to MG forums .

    ive been a menber of this board for some time.and i respect the posters from here.

    some of them i used to comunicate with at techtv.

    so if some one would allow me to post

    my hjt log and read it for me .



  13. hi thanks i will visit the site i didnt mean to cause any inconveince to your site

    ive used it for years.

    i relly wanted to see if any one had got the same problem as i did .

    when ever ive installed ive got Adaware.regclean. avg .avast.from MG

    for some years now .

    and i will continue to use it .

    you may be right i may have been highjacked.

    this is an area im not familiar i will probably need help.

    so thanks for your post


  14. hi sorry i havent been back to the thread for some time holidays and all that.

    im glad some one from the site has i said in my post i wasnt comfy .

    as ive used the majorgeek site for some years.anf for software it is one o fhte best on the internet.

    i havent had a trojon in all the time ive used a compt

    so i was a bit chaffed.

    tho didnt directly blame the site.

    i know a site like this is vulnerable to statements like mine

    so i would like to assure posters .

    the trojon probably came form the other sources.

    it is any help for the MG rep

    i was in the MG site installing avast .

    when my page went hay wire first i got an error page .

    then a cant find the server page .

    by that time avast was installed.

    at first i thought my urlmon dll file needed to be refreshed.

    but once i restarted my compt avast let off a siren and a voice said beware .

    yuo are in danger of getting a trojon.

    well i paniced and i didnt even to think of reading the name of the trojon.

    all i remember was it was in c:windows file.

    it deleted easily enough.

    so deleted it from the vault .

    to assure my self it wasnt the site i went straight back into MG SITE .

    TO GET Adaware and all was ok.

    the one thing i remember was in the address bar was this address


    so right there and then i thought my sys had been highjacked .

    but since then my sys has been ok ive scanned with

    avast.avg. and house call.

    and they all come up clean.

    if you read my original post you will see my neighbor had the same problem .

    i said to her rubbish.MG wouldnt exist if this happened.

    so to all who use MG

    keep using the site.

    im sure it was some one posing as MG

    i hope this post has helped.

    i still use MG

    and i hope all others will also


  15. hey flash thanks for that there are some dam good tips in there ..

    some i used to know but have forgotten.

    just goes to show how much knowledge petecovell has on computing

    he posted o lot of this stuff on c.f.h

    i used to put it in a folder but have reinstalled twice since then .

    so have lost those tips

    how ever you have discovered some thing we all should read .and save.

    recently i dis covered a method to,

    reactivate safe mode when f8 dosent work.

    and ive pasted it into note pad for future help.

    so again thinks for your find


  16. thanks thesidekickc

    i got a bad one at xmas .

    and lucky for me avast caught it in time .

    i had just built a p2 and was loading avast.while it was downloading .

    i went to install adaware at majorgeeks .

    yes avast isnt to bad .tho i prefer avg.which is only half as big

    i shouldnt say that they are both good av;s.

    avast is 18 meg and avg is 9megs

    and if your limited in resources those megs make a difference.


  17. Hahahaha....Ok here's is one you don't see around much but from the command line defrag c: -b will defrag the prefetch file and it really does make a difference on boot up if the file is really fragmented......

    hi il_wiccan

    have you read the post above this .

    i answered it with the same fix you posted .

    i saw this tip on techtv by leo.


  18. hi team for several years ive used majorgeeks to down load software.

    but over the holidays .i used the search bar and when majorgeeks.sit came up i clicked on what i thought was a genuine site .

    and my page went haywire .i was getting an error and cant find the server page.

    and all of a sudden i have a trojon on my sys .

    i wouldnt like to point the finger at MG.

    so i think the virus came from a site posing as MG.

    at the time i was in the process of installing avast .

    and my siren went off warning me .

    luckly avast arrested the virus.and put it in the vault .

    the reason im posting this before xmas my next door neighbor

    said she had got a virus from MG .

    but i dismiised is easy to blame any one.but now i think she was right .

    has any one else experienced this.

    im not really comfy posting MG has been a trusted site for me for some time.


  19. hi team sorry i havent online for 2-3 days.and havent been able to get back .

    i havent searched .the links yet .

    ive inserted the modem driver cd .but frome im not sure what to do .

    in mandrake 9.1 i had to extract the driver

    from the the konsole. but in to mandrake 10 .i cant get it to flow on using the tab key.

    the command line i used


    root : tar pvxzf /mnt/cdrom/driver/linux/Intel-536ep-M.tgz

    but once i get to cdrom it wont what am i doing wrong or in man10

    does the commaND line not apply.

    sorry to be so diffucult but at this stage im completly lost .

    tho i know how to add and remove programs .

    right now im off to investigate the links


    posted so thanks for helping.


  20. hi team

    im every where but on line .for the last 3-4 days ive tried to configure my

    modem.which is a intell 1154 536ep modem.

    and i cant find an option to configure it to dial up.

    this mandrake 10 found all the drivers but the modem. one unlike man9.1

    where i had to go into the console and configure them through the command prompt and the modem cd.

    it found the sound card driver so there is a little improvement in man 10.

    tho overall im happy with the OS .

    tho i have to do alot of searching

    ive already installed applis i need and removed some i dont need. so surely ive made some progress .

    so now i need to leartn how to to configure this modem for dial up.

    cant wait to be able to get on this board with MANDRAKE 10

    can any one help
