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Everything posted by Makai

  1. Sultan. good to see you hangin here.
  2. Just so you aren't whistling the Oscar Meyer weiner song. (See the comedy club)
  3. Just got these. They're pretty good. >A man comes into the ER and yells, "My wife's going to have her baby >in the cab!" I grabbed my stuff, rushed out to the cab, lifted the lady's >dress, and began to take off her underwear. Suddenly I noticed that >there were several cabs - and I was in the wrong one. > >Dr. Mark MacDonald, San Antonio, TX >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- >At the beginning of my shift I placed a stethoscope on an elderly and >slightly deaf female patient's anterior chest wall. "Big breaths," I >in
  4. Hey everybody. *gets martini* Hey TT that's going to quite an adjustment if you have to wear a suit to work everyday.
  5. He starts off making a report about the cops burning piles of coke and pot. He didn't like it so he starts doing it over. Now he's making mistakes more and more as he's obviously getting high. At the end he's just babbling gibberish. It's funnier when you hear, sorry you can't. You know what would be cool is a program you could put videos into and it would put caption coding on it.
  6. No kidding, I always had to pay. He was getting a combo too.
  7. Me too. Have a very merry birthday.
  8. That's hilarious! Wonder if he got hazard pay? LOL! Good one.
  9. Those are funny but I'm guessin he isn't gettin any anytime soon.
  10. Don't click on anything in that email. Try to move $5 into your account and see if you have any problems.
  11. I haven't seen booyah or his cronies so there probably wouldn't be abuses, but I'm with Marty on this one. I like everyone being equal.
  12. Lol! It's a toss up. Good one tman70.
  13. Lol. Yeah Marty, might want to put an apostrophy in your title. I was expecting something different too. On the other hand you'll probably get more looks this way.
  14. Happy birthday BT and Goman87. I'll see everyone at TT's pub later. YEEEHAAAWW!!
  15. Not sure how I'd deal with that, probably move lol. I'm used to moving around so it wouldn't be a big deal to me to move.
  16. WOW! No never experienced anything like that. You seem to be taking this in stride. I'm not sure I'd be so calm about it. That's amazing.
  17. I live in an apt. now. No shoveling, raking, mowing, plumbing, etc.. My first house was a 100 year old farm house which is where I learned the fun of plumbing. I can do it, but my time is worth more to me than the aggrevation. Who's haunting your place?
  18. LOL! i assure you it ain't no polar bear. Could be an ice bear tough.