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Posts posted by Pierce

  1. You could just do, um,

    depends on what distro too,











    and whatever else inbetween

    but most distros make it easy, or give very detailed documentation on installing, but making the swich, yeah, thats the hardpart, maybe a list of windows programs and the alternative...

    IE - Opera, Firefox

    OE - ThunderBird etc etc

    Winamp - XMMS etc etc

    Nero/Roxio - ....

    and so on and so forth


  2. Well, intel isnt quite taken over the world yet,

    look at ps3

    look at xbox 360

    look at nintendo revolution

    they are all using some form of ibms power chip, and the rollout for intel chips on the big power systems is 2007, if ibm gets their stuff together by then, apple may reconsider asking every software developer to re-code their software for the hardware,

    on the other hand, apple being a unix'd based system, could lead to developers coding software pimarly for Apple OS X, and *nix distros but thats a way too optimistic view.


  3. you also have to look at it like this, a server (dual xeon, with 1 gb of ram) can handle maybe 3000~ simulationus connections, so 30 simulatanious connections at any one time, limits the server hugely. Also i was reading on opera that most servers are "broken" and dont support pipeing, because they dont send the information in the header, so a lot of sites may not work either.


  4. hi echobay, /me waves

    Yeah the crotch rockets, hmm Ducati 999 RS comes to mind MUHAHAHAHAHA. 220mph, and 50mph to 150mph in the blink of an eye, and sure will put a smile on your face. And yes, i believe its the fastest production motorcycle in the world, at 220mph its mind blisteringly fast, only 10mph slower than a maclaren f1, and beats pretty much every car thats not rocket powerd off the line.

    The f1 cars are now being wound down, but last year they were something else, 1000hp v10's 3.5 ltr engines. But now they are trying to make it more competitive by making the teams use engins for 2 weekends, so 1000hp becomes "unreliable", then i think they are going to reduce it to v8, turbos superchargers and nos were all out lawed back in the early 90's when they were reaching the same speeds of today. Yes folks thats right 1000hp, 0 -> 100mph ->0 in 6 seconds, no external influences, just engine tyres road and a supercomputer providing traction.

    The ferrari f1 team was always infamous for saying every problem was "electrical" and one person was commented as saying "yeah right after the crankshaft blew up and went through the electrical box"

    I personaly believe the fuel of the future is hyrdogen, yes its an extremly volitile gas, however there are developments in material that absorbs hydrogen and is non-flamable. I dont think supercar manufactures are going to be looking at batery powered cars, unless they are nukeular fuel cells. But 2 great things about hyrdogen, burn it and its water, and hydrogen comes from water, so non polutive, and water is everywhere. For examples of everday usage of hydrogen, the space shuttle uses hyrdogen fuel, and that big cloud thats formed around the shuttle launch is actually a real cloud that will float off and rain..

    They used to fill blimps with hyrdogen, however after the hindenbourg it was then decided to be a good idea to use helium. Gosh i wonder why hehe

    The person who said that about the 350z is no other than "jeremy clarkson" hes a bit of an idiot but one of the biggest car journalists for ireland/england.


  5. For being so young yes insurance has it in for me, however the import of cars follows the same rules. The goverment places huge vat (value added tax) and road tax, all calculated by engine size and value of the car. And since the introduction of penalty points for speeding, dangerous driving etc etc, insurance companies have been given a god given right to charge whatever they want, and theres no regulation. And yes, insurance gets more expensive each and every year, it only goes down if you constantly swap insurance compaines from year to year. My mothers 1989 polo, gets more expensive by the year, even though its certified to be on the road, and my mother is 29ish years older than me.

    Absoutly american cars/car manufactures have a major influence in every car market accross the world. Ford, jaguar, auston martin are bascialy the same company, just cater for a different market. Auston martin uses jaguars flat 6. Its also evident that ford takes influences from volkswagon, the new mondao looks like a clone of the passat.

    I would absoultly love to either have enough money to live in a different country where exposure to cars in everyday life, or to own these kind of exotic cars. Ive only ever seen 1 auston martin in my whole life, which was the v12 vanquish and i nearly started to drool as it passed me. I love the dodge viper, a big mussel car with enough power to make the world spin the other direction. The 1970's mustang has a lovely design, and set the standard for mussle cars. The ford f40, the best racing car in the world, which won lemans 3/4 times in a row, a world record that stands to this day.

    Ive never heard of a ford tarus, i dont even have a clue to what it looks like. Cars on the market might use components from different american cars, but nobody boasts about thoes features. You have to remember that here, in this part of the world, the thought of it being "american" is ugh. The nissan 350z is an example. British journalists road tested the american version of the 350z and claimed it was the worst car on the market. Several months down the road when a british nissan 350z was released it was awarded the "car of the year" by the exact same journalists. Im sorry if im being ignorent not recognising parts from american cars in other exotic supercars, or every day road cars but your just not told about it.

    For example, i was astonished when i heard Indi cars, were not american, but british made. I felt the same way when I found out the F1 ferrari was british designed. I suppose its national pride that gets in the way of giving unbiased facts but that is life. And thank you for telling me that ford designed the rotary engin, thats the first ive ever heard of that. It would clarify as to why the germans havnt jumped on rotary engins yet.


  6. The only people in ireland that can tell you how much your going to pay is the insurance company.

    The genearal idea of insurance cost equasion is

    age x engin size x hp x cost = $$$


    21 x 5ltr x 475 x 68000 = ...

    actually let me fill out an online quote.

    and it breaks down, 4.1ltr max engin size, couldnt insure it if its left hand drive, and it basicaly stoped me half way through,

    but i would estimate that a dodge viper for me 21, 1 year of insurance, 3rd party (if i wipe out my car i dont get the money back on insurence, if somebody else does i do get the money) would be about $15,000 anually... it would cost more than the car every 5 years...


  7. yup, super small, super efficient cars

    AND not to mention insurance on a 1.2 ltr for me is about $2000/year another reason not to be driving a dodge viper 5ltr v8 with 400hp, insurance costs more than the car!!!! well not quite, but almost. And cars are usualy twice as expensive here take the new v10 bmw m5, thats $180k here, and i think $120k in the states?


  8. Yes, well with a v6 you still looking at roughly 300 hp, a point on hp not being everything true. Such as a mazda rx8 rotary engin, which is a 1.3ltr with 250hp at 159lb of torque....

    The only v8 i can think off hand thats in a car, is a mercedies or a bmw. The nissan 350z is the only car i can think thats v6, and everything else after that is 4 cylinders, inline or V. Thinking about it, even seeing a V8 is an event here. And a v6 is one, unless you see a 350z or a hiyunda V6.. and even though i live in the city you would be lucky to even see one.

    Typicaly most american cars that try to break into the european market are clasified as "gas guzzelers".

    A v8 producing ONLY 200hp is kind of a joke.. okay you need to spend more to get to the likes of Ferrari with a 3.5ltr engin with 400~hp. But i think a v6 or even a v4 is much better suited to a purpose where you only need 200hp. But what about "pulling power" you say.. well diesel is what you need if you want torque, and it comes with happyness that americans are finaly being exposed to diesel.

    Yeah, irish roads arent great for cars, being bumpy, uneven and generally dangerous its a no brainer that people are dying on the roads. Heh, i wouldnt like to see the bill of replacing the undercarage of a european supercar every time you bring it in for service.

    Oil changes are done in and around every 15,000 to 20,000 miles but it depends on the car. If you have a BMW m3, your talking about a full service every 1,500 miles or so. Something like toyota's VolksWagon's or subarus you could push to 20,000 miles.


  9. let me add a european view to this.

    Most american cars are usualy massive v8's that are several ltrs big and have 130horse power

    over here, in ireland, and the rest of europe. We have small cars, like 1.1 ltr engins with 4 cylinders producing 100~ horse power. And europeans use diesel quite a lot. Even if the inital cost of a diesel car is greater, it can become cheaper espically if you travel a lot. On the side note petrol here is about $1.28 per ltr. (3.2~ltr in a us gallon check google for exact ammount). Which also contributes to why people buy smaller cars and smaller engin sizes.

    Id hate to say it but on the other side you guys are a little wastefull....

    I do agree with keeping vintage mussel, high-performance supercars on the road. Why? well when a company like ferrari only puts out a car once every 3 days VS a company like VolksWagon who produce 1 car every 6 seconds you quickly relize they are not doing the damage.

    And back to the bsod, hmm, windows embeded in "critical care equipment" bringing a whole new meaning to "bsod".....


  10. Tech support: Okay, click on my computer, then control panel

    Fisherman: alright

    Tech support: Where are you now?

    Fisherman: Im in the wheelhouse.

    he ment where was he in the computer, control panel or w/e but not where he was actually standing.


  11. Well guys and gals, i dunno if youd think this is handy but ive spend the last week creating a site that allows you to create custom rss feeds that deliver to your mail box the software updates that are relivant to you. However i need content to make the site work. Ill be either too busy tweaking the site, or not being here.

    For the world of constant security threats spyware and adware updates every few days it can become tiresome trying to find them! So if they are submitted to a central system for everybody to find it makes life that much easyer, anyhow see for yourself.



  12. Okay, my friend has a Sager laptop with a phoenix bios. Now he flashed the bios using the phoenix flash manager or w/e the program name is. He then tried rebooting and all he gets is a "black screen" it tries to look at the cd and thats it.

    I need to know if thers a way to recover corrupted bios, he proclaims that because it has the "bootlock" (which i think is a password protect of some sort) that it still has some basic functions left to accept a new flash from cd/floppy.

    If anybody knows what to do it would be greatly appreciated.


  13. im going to start doing some nice and easy layout to begin, ive been doing css for about a month now and its the beginning and end of webdesign its soo cool easy and effective to impliment.

    Im going to do the 3 colum holy grail of internet, even BestTechie.Net uses it!!

    I use dreamweaver for creating my pages but i will write here as if im doing it in notepad and at the end will be a link to the finished project.

    Step 1, begin with the basic HTML template

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

    <title>PageName Goes HERE</title>





    first add in your CSS link, which should be anywhere between <head> and </head>

    (im creating a site with index.html and css_layout.css you can name and should re-name these files as appropriate)

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css_layout.css" type="text/css" />

    what it is, is a link, relating to a stylesheet, its located in the same directory as index.html and its name is css_layout.css and its type is text or cass cading style sheets.

    so, the 3 colume holy grail, add this between the <body></body> tags ignore lines that begin with @

    @The line below gives the TOP HEADER part

    <div id="top">BestTechie.Net</div>

    @This is the left menu

    <div id="left">left</div>

    @This is the main content of the page

    <div id="middle">middle</div>

    @This can be an information pane or advertisments whatever takes your fancy ;)

    <div id="right">right</div>

    okay, if you save all that and open it up you get 4 rows, and looks like nothing really,

    now for the CSS this determins the layout,

    @notice that the line starts with #top, see how the div tag has id="top" ? this is telling the browser that this ID should have the following properties

    #top {



    @then the next div tag which has left

    #left {



    @the float means what it says FLOAT it left of the page

    @the middle should also float left

    #middle {



    @however the right side should float right

    #right {



    now save the CSS page and reopen the page in your browser, you should see left, middle and right all on the same line below BestTechie.Net which is aligned in the centre.

    okay, its pretty bland, but its there, now lets make besttechie.net big and bold

    change <div id="top">BestTechie.Net</div>

    to <div id="top"><h1>BestTechie.Net</h1></div>

    now save and refresh/reopen the page you should have a big bold BestTechie.Net right in the middle of the page, but lets change it using the CSS

    in your css file, lets make it smaller slightly, change its colour and add a background

    so for the h1 tag do

    h1 {




    now, lets change the background on which it sits go back to the #top { } on the CSS file

    and in between the tags add


    save and refresh you page and you should see some updates ;)

    now, "leftmiddle" appears on your page lets space it out, in the #middle { } tag in the CSS, we will pad it out, add the line

    padding:40px 40px 40px 40px;

    the structure for this is padding: top, right, bottom, left, and ive chosen for the text to pad in all around by 40 pixels (px), now lets modify the left a bit, and make it come down 25px,

    padding:25px 0px 0px 0px;

    and that goes in? #left { } tags of course :P

    and do the same to the right,

    and what youve done to the top can be applied to the rest of the tags, for more CSS modifications look at http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/css/propindex/all.htm

    Happy Experimenting

    a link (and yes its ugly) Example


  14. i could start you off with a baisc template, but you'd have to fill in the php,

    <div id="top">TOP</div>

    <div id="left">LEfF</div>

    <div id="middle">MIDDLE</div>

    <div id="right">RIGHT</div>

    then in your css page your going to have

    #top {


    #left {



    #middle {



    #right {



    so thats the basic layout for you're page, if you want to start making your own ;)


  15. well getright ive always used, i even bought it because i liked it, at one stage yes it was ad supported by gator but it was a clear window asking if you wanted to install it. No longer is it supported by any adware. There is an option about download tracking but its anonamus service to provide hits for www.filemirrors.com

    FreeDownloadManager, so long as you get the free one on the site, it will have no ads, however if you download the re-seller version thats ad-ware supported. So best to download it from the main site instead of some 3rd party site.


  16. opera has been around for ages, i used to use it at university for the email system

    it has a few advantages and a few disadvantages

    mailer is crap

    has an irc client

    its pay, or you get brainwashed into looking at ads

    its not updated as frequently as it should

    it runs on mobile phones


  17. it worked for me, be sure to follow the instructions on the php page, you need to change a few things like target email and stuff. (boo hoo, yes you have to edit php). And no i didnt suggest this because ive never used it, i used it to make the #lg gnomie map, and had over 50 emails.


  18. The best way to advoid this is either to use a local version of google







    as google.com is the one most targeted by people,

    other good ways to advoid this, use the google tool bar, set google as your homepage and click homepage to get to google, use the google search feature built straight into firefox and opera.

    i know this may be a poor excuse for "typo error" but when your flustered and you want to find something fast mistakes occour, the best way to advoid something, is to get into a fool proof habbit of using the local google, or clicking your home button, or w/e.
