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Posts posted by Pierce

  1. Ive used both Gaim and Trillian, and Trillian is by far the better im client. I upgraded to pro and havnt looked back. The things that anoied me was like the whole user list on gaim pops up when somebody signs on/off. Where as with trillian its the small window at the bottom right or w/e (yes i know you can expand gaim with extentions and what not but it didnt work for me even after hours of work!).

    Also Gaim doesnt support video/audio fully, so that might be a deciding point for you. (nor does the basic version of trillian only the pro version)

    /me thinks of what else

    Both support pretty much every major protocall, yim, aim, msn. And on both you can choose which ones you want to install/enable.

    In my opinion trillian is the better smoother operating All In One wonder.


  2. But the sad reality is that business has no morality. If i was hiring somebody, id want them to be a bastard, to personal gain and fsk the others. Personaly id probably pick up the chick, its the life savers fault for not thinking of phoning a taxi and getting the lady to hospital. But thats just me.


  3. i know from experience here in ireland, that the telephone system acts like a massive conductor, and everybody here plugs out everything unless its something big, like a cooker or a fridge.

    so if you defy what everybody else does well the electricity only has one place to go, YOUR PC! We have had kettle elements go pop in a thunderstorm.

    A few things that do matter is how close you are to the storm, how big it is, how much of the energy gets released as light and sound energy, vs being collected by the telephone lines.

    I once had a brown out on a surge, okay fine, then boom power back on, then boom power back off, only thing that would of saved me from adding 112KB of bad sectors to my hdd would of been a UPS.

    Here in ireland we have a 240volt system, so everything is "earthed" which is basicaly a 3rd pin in the plug that connects to a big metal rod outside and releases the energy into the ground, but none the less i wouldnt take a bath or stand near radiators. Or anything thats large and metalic during a thunder storm.

    The other thing is that surge protectors only have a certain amount of amp's before its rendered useless. The one i have is at 13,000amp's, but if the load fault is 13,001 and everything is fried then the makers of the surge protector wont pay out. Also if your surge has a protector on a phone line, like mine again ;), it has a specific amp rating, mine is 3,000 and if your really posh, you have one for antena surge, like mine heh, which goes up to 30,000 amps, or if your super rich, it has surge for your surround sound sytem like mine (heh, just kidding i cant afford that much for a surge), thats another amp rating, so just be carefull on rating vs ampage you get. So, best advise is, if its not important plug it out, and that surges are only for that moment that you say "oh crap i forgot"...


  4. One can only trust what has been said, the project lasted 5 years and was developed with the swiss. It cost in the region of several million dollars to investigate it and it was effectivly found that it was impractible to do here, for what reasons i have no idea. Thats why they decideded just to wrap fiber optic around power lines. heh thanks for the info bozo

  5. This is baised around 1970's or so ireland, so £100 would of been a lot of money.

    This woman sent a letter to santa, unfortunatly the post office didnt know what to do with it, so they opened it up.

    The letter said that the family was living threw hard times and that a £100 would go an awfully long way helping them survive christmas.

    The people in the post office felt a need to help, so they passed a collection around and evently were able to muster up about £80. They put it in an envelope and sent it back to the woman.

    One of the neighbours was talking to the woman who sent the letter to santa and asked her how she was getting on.

    The woman siad, i sent a letter, and lo and behold he replied. There was £80 in the envelope, but i asked for £100, must of been them thevin bastards at the post office creaming off the money........

  6. Theres a twist on that, the ESB (electricity supply board) with switzerland has found that it is impractical to push information over the infastructure. For some reason or another, i think its because were on 240v, if its 110v its fine. But what they have found is that when you push information at that "freqency" though powerlines it creates a massive magnetic radiation field that will pretty much fry anything that is in near proxmity to it. Considering that EVERYTHING here is 240V, then everything in your house becomes a microwave. What they decided to do here, was to wrap the power lines in fiber optic, only the big big lines. And provide infastructure for DSL/Cable or whatever. So from station to door step is still unfortunatly a problem.

  7. The point about not keeping to deadlines, was as in to say "make more relistic ones" not "keep the unrealistic dead lines and rush out software" hehe

    and good point about linux also being a bit disoranised internaly heh.


  8. Well, FF is doing the oposite of what it set out to do.

    These awfully over ambitious deadlines is putting pressure on the team to do well. Firefox 1.0.5 not being compatable with certain extentions gives me a felling that the team is being extremly presurized. Thats not something easily over looked, espically when Firefox needs extentions to be a viable browser. (oh okay you could live without them but seriously who doesnt have at least 1 extention installed?).

    This also feels like a little bit of history repeating its self. For example, microsoft's track record of being on time and under performing isnt known for its perfect timeing. If i was somebody trying to compete against the owner of 95% of the internets browser choice, id seriously look at what they do right copy that, what they do wrong and improve that. I lost my interest in firefox espicaly because of its memory leak that froze my pc. I use opera which freezes, but at least it crashes out instead of taking the whole system with it!

    Being somebody who is trying to make money from the internet, i do believe once you have a plan and announce it publicly you should stick to it. Modifying the version from 1.1 to 1.5 because "theres so many updates" is not a good idea. I know its a relivant point, but the truth is that most people arnt tuned into the world as much as the people on this forum, or who read the news. So one day when your at version number 1.0.x or w/e, and the next day you download an update saying "version number 1.5", your going to say to yourself, woah where was i, and how much did i miss? Then that leads to my god they are updating firefox so fast i blinked and i missed it, this is just like ie and its updates!

    Dont get me wrong, this isnt a rant, its simply pointing out their weak factors. I do honstly believe they know how to code, but they dont seem to have a very well organised information structure. To put in simpler terms, is if you walk though the kithen of a 5 star resturant, and you see that theres all sorts of stuff lying around on the benches that shouldnt be, like onion peel, the floors unswept, meat left lying around, knives with blood left beside vegtables etc etc. Would you really want to eat at that resturant? Even if the public area was immaculately perfect? I dont think so. So what im saying is, that even if the code, the product and the usage of the program is better than IE, would you want to use a product so disorganised internaly?

    These are just my thoughts, the link to my post on RSN and the source to ZDNET http://www.reallysimplenews.com/?article=130


  9. Cool, sign me up!

    Then I'll be able to download my spam in a billionth of a second:-)


    Unfortunatly telnet is slow, and theres no threading in MOST email programs so its still only as fast as you can pump telnet commands and process them.

    England has 24mbit broadband at £30/month or $60/month at £1 = $2, i *think* its baised on dsl, but i know dsl's theoritical limit is 8mbit/s. read about it at 24mbit broadband.

    but thats super ccol news on the 100mbits /me packs up and moves to the states.

  10. damn that was fast, i only wrote about it on my site on the 5th of july, and its only the 8th he went free :/



    oops i actually had the article on my site the day it happened, just didnt remember the part where he went free :/

    oh well, im sure sombody of some big company will put a bounty on his head some day.


  11. Okay, i think im near a final layout edition, im not 100% satisifed with this one yet, however i believe this will be the one i will keep and tweak from now on.

    Of course if you have an opinion, i want to know. Thanks for your time.


  12. is just too slow.even when i right click on a file it take upto 10 sec to open up


    its not mallware, its not spyware, and its not a virus, Microsoft has posted an article about the system slowing down, and what the problem is that the registry is so damn big that it cant load it into memory to make right clicks cache etc etc and keep them operating quickly. even looking at your hjt log's you have an awfull lot of stuff running.

    the way i solved it on my system was using a program called registry mechanic, which will remove any unnesicary or broken links in the registry, be sure to make backups and remember we dont take any liability ;). If that doesnt solve the problem, well you might just want to try uninstalling some software that you dont use. also if you have less than 15% free hard drive space then your performace is going to be crap.

    Explorer restarting is typical, it runs out of memory to write to or hdd space and crashes, and considering exploerer is tangled with everything you can understand how its soo fragile.
