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Posts posted by Pierce

  1. The only thing i can think of to do, is take the hard drive out and put it in another computer and backup the files.


    insert your windows xp disk, CAREFULLY READ EACH INSTRUCTION, and choose a "REPAIR INSTALL" or something like that, cross your fingers and install, do not click or choose anything with FORMAT written on it.


  2. Quick action is to simply use the disks that come with the computer and re-install the operating system and not to "re-do" the same thing again

    Other things you can try is

    open up run ->

    type in -> sfc /scannow

    this will return all windows system files back to their original state (this is assuming you have the windows xp home disk, and you can actually boot into windows, if you cant try safemode (press f8 on startup)).


  3. The best VNC program (and ive used Real, Tight, Windows w/e) is UltraVNC, it is extremly easy to setup and a quick download. Be sure to set it up on your dads (allow it though the firewall, start on startup so on and so forth). I wouldnt use the windows one because if theres ever a day when you need to do it with linux... then you will be familyar with a program and you wont have to migrate.

    The link for UltraVNC is http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net


  4. Best words i can say is dont get upset, oh okay your stats cant be transfered but seriously this is life. The better people in life are the ones who can adapt to a new situation. Im sure if theres anything you dont like on these board's, if you offer a suggestion jeff would at least consider it.

    Ive never watched G4, as i dont have it in ireland. So im not going to rant about it ;).

    Hope you enjoy the forums


  5. Its not a keylogger, I examined the headers it was sending and its only keystrokes.

    And yes i do write all the news articles that i submit to my site, however. When i was coding the actual site i logged up 250,000+ keystrokes in one week. Being on IRC also helps.


  6. I love computers, use them day night and morning (and yes in that order). I use them for creativity, gaming, and socializing. So, how obsessed with computers am i? Well in the last 10 months ive typed 4.5million keys, and clicked half as much. Which means that for each and every second of my natural life (including sleep, showering, on the toilet or pretty much any time im not infront of a computer) i am typing 0.17keys a second!

    So that means every 10 seconds im typing in my sleep nearly 2 keys. How obsessed are you?

    PROOF! : http://whatpulse.org/stats/users/114121/


  7. Questions, oh so many, so few answers

    1.Windows Anti-Piracy what do you think?

    2.Windows Vista the redefinition of GUI's?

    3.PodCasts are they worth the energy?

    4.DSL upload speeds threaten the future of a mulitmedia internet

    5.The next war, megapixel camera wars in phones

    6.Apple iTunes Japan 1million tracks in 4 days sold

    7.Goverment funds voip tracking

    8.GTA San Andreas hot coffee VS Sims2 hot coffee

    9.Content on demand systems, are they less hastle than a DVD/CD?

    10.Spam king a millionair, wtf?

    11.Space, is it worth it and should the shuttle be scapped?

    12.The security threat of Spyware, id theft hits 50 banks world wide

    13.Creatives new X-FI soundcard a revolution in HI-FI?

    14.DELL xps with SLI graphics card setup

    15.AOL's problems, and buyouts

    16.Corporate Mozilla

    17.No ps3 till 2007???

    18.Apples 4 button'd mouse

    19.IE 7's W3C acid test failure.

    20.OLED keyboard

    This should be enough ideas to help ;)


  8. People usualy dont understand when i say microsofts biggest competor is microsoft them selves. There is more pirated versions of windows than there is linux/unix desktops. I wish microsoft would have 2 versions, a version with support and one without (support being defined as "phone" and "e-mail")


  9. It doesnt appear to work for me either, i get a random number that makes no sence.


    BTW, what country do you have to be in for this to work? and what lenght should your phone number be?