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Posts posted by Pierce

  1. I just realized my cell phone was turned on and sittin right next to the speakers. It's been known to cause interference for no apparent reason. whether recieving calls or not it just interferes. piece of junk. oh well it's still better than my back-up.

    Thanks for lettin me know what to do. i figured it was something to do with networked folders or drives. Thanks! This'll make sharing files a breeze.


    your cell is GSM yes (or sprint, PCS AKA sprint screwed up GSM standard) ... in any case a cell phone tranmits and recives information from the local cell tower.. its your speakers that SUCK if they recive this signal and bost it.

    Actually they dont suck. This is quite a big issue, any non sheilded wire will act like an antenna, including speaker cable... so unless your up their with being able to afford specialist equipment along with $5/meter for sheilded cable, on a 5.1 surround sound system, then everybody has this problem.


  2. Wireless routers have wired ethernet ports that you need. They are wonderfull all in one devices now, that connect wireless and wired devices. Be sure to get one that connects between wireless lan, and wired lan, 3com's adsl router (i know you have cable), wireless doesnt communicate with wired, but my D-Link and my Linksys do.

    As well, considering your buying a new one, consider one with strong firewall support and expandability (like attach an aerial for stronger wi-fi if you need it), i would assume your also looking for one that supports the G protocoll 802.11g, and 802.11b.


  3. Install it into the machine, set the bios etc etc, windows should pick it up.

    Then go ->

    Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Switch to classic view(in xp) -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management

    In that program go to Storage -> Disk Management

    It should show you the different drives,

    Your hard drive 80GIG Westeren Digital HD, should show up, under the main drive, without a partition, or grey.

    This is a fairly powerful program and can rename drive letters to format and split up partions on a drive and do wierd and wonderfull things to currently working drives.

    Right click on the formated/unformated space of the 80GB drive and follow from there. If your formatting use default settings, youll probably have to right click and "mark partition as active" it after you format it, and possibly assign it a drive letter.

    If its not showing up in windows in that program under administrative tools, you will probably have to use the tools recomended by Brian to low-level format the drive. Just be carefull you dont mess up your current working drive!!


  4. Yeah, its the love hate relationship all webdesigners have.

    Now just making css work over 3 browsers, 3 different os's and multiple resoultions equals

    3 browsers X 3 oses x 20 different resolutions x 10 different types of internet connections x 10 different versions of each browser = 18000 possible combinations you have to cater for

    /me puts gun to head and squeezes trigger


  5. I had a quick glance over it, with my hate relationship of wiki i dont think its even worth putting energy into, but i must say the article looks way more inviting now to read, than just a massive list of crap.

    I hope the energy you put into it is worth it.


  6. Quite a few tricks come from previous versions, like Ctrl + Alt + Del was considered a developer easter egg in windows 95.

    Generaly most keyboard shortcuts that exist in xp should work in previous versions of windows.

    I think its a good point to highlight which versions of windows these tricks are being tried and tested on.

    Its hard to believe that even in 2003 windows 98 still had a 14% share of the market (windows xp came out late 2001). Check out the w3c survey


    Even today, windows 98 is only .5% behind linux and thats a 7 year old OS!



  7. I use freeBSD for my servers, it just works so... flawlessly. For everyday though, i use windows, simply because its easy. Okay you have to maintaine it, but you have to do that for linux systems as well, imagin a dirty ports dir with old versions, and an outdated src on BSD? Thats at least an hours work to update all that.

    I use suse10.0 on my main home system, it took me 2 weeks to get mp3 support in xmms because of licencing laws (okay all i had to do was find the new multimedia packs and install them, but getting around to it was time consuming). And on my main computer, its windows. To be honest if i were to move to any system for serious applications it would be a macintosh. Idiot proof interface, with a unix background. The ultimate solution.. well almost. Also because macintosh is somewhat more supported than linux (try getting adobe on linux, and dont tell me gimp is a good alternative). And support for macintosh exists because, well you pay a price for support and a nice looking computer.

    People dont understand when they say linux is "free", but TCO (total cost of ownership) is higher, why? Well because the cost of support staff and trained users to use the system are paid high fees which bring the cost of linux up. But for thoes who are able to use Linux, well then it is cheaper.

    I suppose the argument of support is trivial because people are willing to help but its a valid question.


  8. I think, the main problem with most things, is that people take a pill for everything. From a european perspective, when my Dad was in america he had a headach. He wanted a "few" asprins. Over here your lucky to get 12 for $8 or so. But he walked into a shop, and the smallest thing he could get had 200 tablets in it...... The scary thing is, people must be eating asprins to even require a bucket that big.

    Generally I believe the cause for most problems, is processed food, mixture of medicins, abuse of alcohol, stress, drugs, so on so forth (okay not everybody does everything but you get the picture) and it just blends into a big cocktail of hell.

    Unfortuantly thats not always advoidable, but i wish doctors would instead of treating kids with hyper activity (jesuses like, a kid hyperactive, better pump him with some ritalian, and valume), with meds, but use other techniques, like focusing that activity towards creativity or learning a new subject.


  9. Theres also another problem with contact dermatitise. You become alergic to whatever works. So the eventuality is that ill run out of everything that works. Thank god ive been able to get 6 months out of my shedio products without any problems, but my bodywash is starting to not work.

    I eliminated sodium laurth, sodium layural, DTA's and EDTA's from my lifestyle (yes its in everyting, including toothpaste). Which has helped greatly. I also try to use natural products, that come from nature, as sodium laurth from coconuts i can use, but not manufactured sodium laurth.

    Basicaly i can sit all i want, but i sleep mostly on my face. Which i change my pillow cases every night which helps. My back ive noticed now is starting to go "dry" but its not itchy, maybe the new body wash i bought today will help (royal jelly).

    I also use a natural sponge to exfoliate. Its not dietary, because then the rashes would be random, not consistant. Also if i sweat, then i get really really itchy.

    Ah well, i suppose being partially deaf, wearing glasses, naturally flat footed, going grey (im 21)..... Im not too bad off. As i say, life sucks, but its wonderfull ;)


  10. And its also highly removable. Think about it, your own computer on a disk you can store in your wallet!

    okay we were promised this with usb drives, and holographic hard drives are 30c a piece, but unfortunatly the current drive readers is about $3000 a pop, which your not going to find everywhere.

    It definatly is the medium of the future. The unreal read/write speed is compareable to memory, okay its not quite as fast, BUT imagin having 6 of these drives raided on USB2 or FireWire devices, thats 720MB/s... though of course other limitations do exist.


  11. how many boy friends / girl friends have you had in your life.

    being a geek im only just getting into somewhat of a relationship with a girl

    disgruntled workers thread

    ehh, who doesnt hate who they work for?

    maybe bible should come in pop up book form

    definatly, too much time to figure and work out all the metaphores

    i heart Microsoft thread

    why not use microsoft? Linux is... difficult to get a long with, and thats from somebody using it at least 2 hours a day. Okay, all you linux loving people will kill me for saying it, but taking 2 weeks to install mp3 support on suse10 should not be happening. (okay it comes in ubuntu as standard but heck, i dont like ubuntu).
