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Everything posted by flashh4

  1. Barbara, please let me know how that computer is running ?? I will leave this topic open a few days longer because of my absence !! Thanks Chuck
  2. Barbara, i am leaving for 5 days for the Mtns. (Big Horns) Wyoming ! You are all clean now, the OTL fix i had you run is just cleaning things up a bit ! So assuming it shows things were deleted/moved then all is well ! If not there is nothing that we can't fix when i return !! One more program for you to run to clean out the programs/tools we used !! Clean up of Malware Removal Tools Now that we are through using these tools, let's clean them off your system so that should you ever need to have malware removed again (we hope not) fresh, updated copies will be downloaded.
  3. Happy B Day Jeff ! Hoping it's the best ever !! Chuck
  4. Barbara, you are doing fine !! Ok lets get back to cleaning ! They must be reporting that your "C" drive is low, but that looks like where you have partitioned it for your Microsoft system storage !! I wouldn't worry you have plenty of space !! From the OTL Scan: Internet Explorer (Version = 9.11.9600.18376) Locale: 00000c09 | Country: Australia | Language: ENA | Date Format: d/MM/yyyy 5.97 Gb Total Physical Memory | 2.85 Gb Available Physical Memory | 47.69% Memory free 11.03 Gb Paging File | 7.18 Gb Available in Paging File | 65.15% Paging File free Paging file loc
  5. Furperson, i have a few appointments this morning but will be back ASAP to read threw the logs & then we can do some more cleaning !! Thanks Chuck
  6. Howdy and welcome to BestTechie !!! My name is flashh4 (Chuck) and i will be assisting you with the cleaning of your computer. Run these 1 at a time & post each log as you get it ! Work them as your time permits you to !! If you don't understand something, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification before proceeding !!! You can PM me if you need to !! Perform all actions in the order given. Please stay with us until we give you the "All Clean Speech"! Just because the problem has stopped it may still need some clean-up ! Do Not Remove anything or run a
  7. Furperson's Frst log, this just makes it easier when copied & pasted to read !! Scan result of Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) (x64) Version: 17-07-2016 03 Ran by Barbara (administrator) on BARBARA-PC (18-07-2016 21:42:50) Running from D:\Desktop Items Loaded Profiles: Barbara (Available Profiles: Barbara) Platform: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (X64) Language: English (United States) Internet Explorer Version 11 (Default browser: Chrome) Boot Mode: Normal Tutorial for Farbar Recovery Scan Tool: http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/335081-frst-tutorial-how-to-us
  8. Furperson, ok lets see what we can find causing your problem of "low disk space" !! I got your Frst log, from this point on try & copy it then paste it into your topic (here) !! I will be back shortly with some programs for you to run. After you post their logs go on to the next one ! If you have any problems please stop and ask !! Thanks Chuck
  9. Seeing how the problems are solved, this topic is now closed !! Thanks Chuck
  10. Furperson, welcome to BestTechie !! As Baker7 said you may need to do a bunch of cleaning to get more "disk space" ! Lets run some test & clean your computer and see if that helps your problem ! Please start me a "topic" in the "Malware Removal section " !! Thanks Chuck
  11. Happy Surfing Mel, all problems solved !!! Chuck I will lock this topic in 5 days !!
  12. Mel, Congratulation you are clean !!! Any of the logs that you created for use in the forums or remaining tools that have not yet been removed can be deleted so they aren't cluttering up your desktop. This is my standard "All Clean Speech." You may have some already installed, these are just recommendations ! Here are some tips to reduce the potential for spyware infection in the future: Here are some tips to reduce the potential for spyware/malware infection in the future: 1. Make your Internet Explorer more secure - This can be done by following these simple inst
  13. Mel let clean this up !! We need to Run an OTL fix !! Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems. Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot * Double-click OTL.exe to start the program. * Copy and Paste the following code into the http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/flashh4/customFix.png[/IMG]. text box of the OTL tool/program ! Start with and include the colon plus :OTL Copy everthing in
  14. Mel that's ok about the Malwarebytes log, lots of people have problems with getting it ! As long as it deleted/removed everything. Ok 1 more i want you to run !! Download OldTimer to your desk top ! Links: http://oldtimer.geekstogo.com/OTL.com http://oldtimer.geekstogo.com/OTL.scr If you already have a copy of OTL delete it and use this version. (Note: If you are running on Vista, right-click on the file and choose Run As Administrator). * Double click OTL.exe to launch the program. * Check the following. o Scan all users. o Standard Output. o Lop check. o
  15. Mel, good job getting me the first log ! You sure do need a good cleaning so that computer will run better when we are done !! Post the next log when you get it ! Thanks Chuck
  16. Howdy and welcome to BestTechie !!! My name is flashh4 (Chuck) and i will be assisting you with the cleaning of your computer. Run these 1 at a time & post each log as you get it ! Work them as your time permits you to !! If you don't understand something, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification before proceeding !!! You can PM me if you need to !! Perform all actions in the order given. Please stay with us until we give you the "All Clean Speech"! Just because the problem has stopped it may still need some clean-up ! Do Not Remove anything or run a
  17. Seeing how the problems have been solved i will lock this topic ! If you need it reopened please contact me or any Mod ! Thanks Chuck
  18. Thanks for the compliment Becky, glad i could help ! I will lock this topic in 5 days. If you need it reopened please PM me or another Mod !! Thanks Chuck
  19. Becky, that removed the programs/tools we used in the cleaning ! You are clean & good to go ! Let me know if the problems you reported are gone & if it's running better, which it should after all we cleaned out ! Happy Surfing Chuck
  20. Becky that looks good, the 2nd fix got everything so you are clean. Now lets remove the programs we used in the cleaning !! Now that we are through using these tools, let's clean them off your system so that should you ever need to have malware removed again (we hope not) fresh, updated copies will be downloaded. Download Delfix to your desktop and double click it to start the program [url=http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_14102815956339&key=bf4adfcbb328b51c165afd7f95bfc060&libId=64704d6e-537a-4ac2-beea-64e5d35e3f5f&loc=http%3A%2F
  21. Here is why the first fix did not work, for some reason there was a blank space between the OTL and the first line in the fix, there should never be a gap there like in the new fix. I do not know why that happen !!!!!!!! :OTL IE:64bit: - HKLM\..\SearchScopes,DefaultScope = {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}
  22. The OTL fix shows it did not clean what we wanted to so let's run another fix !! We need to Run an OTL fix !! Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems. Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot * Double-click OTL.exe to start the program. * Copy and Paste the following code into the http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/flashh4/customFix.png[/IMG]. text box of the OTL tool/program ! Start with and
  23. We need to Run an OTL fix !! Warning This fix is only relevant for this system and no other, using on another computer may cause problems. Be advised that when the fix commences it will shut down all running processes and you may lose the desktop and icons, they will return on reboot * Double-click OTL.exe to start the program. * Copy and Paste the following code into the http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v317/flashh4/customFix.png[/IMG]. text box of the OTL tool/program ! Start with and include the colon plus :OTL Copy everthing in RED and Paste into the box in the OTL
  24. Becky, that's fine as long as they were quarantined is good ! Now a few more programs for you to run !! Download DDS and save it to your Desktop. >>> http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/sUBs/dds.com Double click dds.scr to run the tool. If using Vista or Windows 7 you will be prompted by UAC, please allow the prompt. DDS will now scan your computer. When the scan is complete, DDS will open two (2) logs: DDS.txt Attach.txt If not saved these logs will be automatically deleted when closed, so save both to your Desktop