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Everything posted by robroy

  1. My favorite......Bloody Mary...........with Worcestershire sauce and pepper
  2. Found another Accord for $800, in good condition clean, new timing belt and cv joints. Think I will probably get it tomorrow. Damn this means another 2 hr wait at the DMV.
  3. My mother had a cat that would even bring snakes home, sometimes dead sometimes still alive. He would drop them on the living room floor. He would also bring home rabbits and hares, mice, shrews and moles.
  4. Its a very nice site with lots of nice people there I had already joined
  5. Car shopping, the accord was 14 yrs old andshowing rust on the body. An engine would cost as much as I paid for the car found nothing yet though
  6. spider................................web
  7. lmao cut and paste, forward to friends and family
  8. Yeah Liz the engine is shot
  9. It was all Interstate driving at 11:00pm Had to have lights on. If it had been daytime then I may have made it home. The front bearing went bad and the crank sheared the key to the harmonic balance or the shaft behind it. The belts were still good and tight but the failed bearing put metal through the lower end of the crankcase basically destroying the motor
  10. Make life in jail or prison as miserable as possible. The problem is that we don't make punishment fit the crime. Prison should not be like a holiday camp with cable tv, weight rooms etc. but a place that makes you say 'I never want to go back there again' The punishment will never fit the crime while they are treated so easily. They showed no respect for other people or their property and rights but the bleeding hearts say we shouldn't treat them like the animals they are.
  11. robroy


    you all have fun now. I have to go car shopping , my accord died. Front bearing went bad, sheared the crank, put lots of metal in the engine. It still ran even though the harmonic balance was not turning.
  12. hell (ac/dc album)
  13. $2.33 here in Eastern Panhandle of WV, one gas station only. The rest vary from $2.39 to $2.49. Doesn't bother me this week as the car terminated itself on Tuesday evening. Of course I wasn't even close to home when it died. We had gone to a Baltimore Orioles game (they actually won yeah), and as we were leaving the parking lot the alternator light came on. When I popped the hood none of the belts were turning. Drove the thing almost halfway home on battery power. If it had been daytime I think it would have made it the whole way. The motor was still running but the headlights were too weak to
  14. Thank god for hot water radiators, no rodent problems with them. No thanks on the crab grass, plenty of my own.
  15. pedal Hitest have as many Pink Floyd moments as you want
  16. Hey Rezinator, welcome back, hope you feel better soon
  17. Told you you would be good
  18. campanology.......................................bellringing
  19. Tinker.............................tinker, tailor, soldier, spy a John LeCarre novel I think
  20. Soon Liz soon August 26 here, though what the point of starting on a Friday is I have no Idea. Maybe my son will chill , he's gonna be a Junior this year. He's mad caus his car needs a clutch and I haven't had time to do it yet