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Everything posted by robroy

  1. I am on thewestern edge of it, only 4" but thats enough for me. It can melt away again quickly
  2. Chris made me sell the jack hammer to the doc, told me he had to break out a driveway hope the doc visit goes good Btw Liz you can't keep a Scot away from his uiske beatha (water of life) (whiskey) and you left the bottle on the barso I went back for it
  3. I just hate most ads in general, didn't think any were worthy of being called the best, and definitely didn't think they were worth the 2.5 mill for a 30 second spot
  4. Napoleon...............................same vague reference
  5. Hell that's bad, go to doc for a bad paw and end up with a bad hip as well Hope it gets better soon
  6. So thats why he hasn't been in chat eh, didn't want to admit failure hehe It is tough to quit, I got lucky that I managed it
  7. virii........................true plural of virus
  8. antibacterial........................................soap
  9. You think you feel old lol. I'd swap age with you hehe Happy Birthday Matt
  10. I have it on my SuSe box, looks even better on this 19" monitor than that 14'" one
  11. how's the smoke free going bd, glad the paw is doing good
  12. no way was I going near the pond, may have been drunk but not that stooopid btw how's the paw