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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    My First Program

    Hi jcl, thanks for all the info Got another question, you said the #include finds a file, and puts it in the source code. where did that file come from? on my hard drove somewhere? M@
  2. hey Mac, I did a search on for the patent number you gave, but it doesn't have it indexed. Are you sure that is the correct number? Also, the link you gave didn't go anywhere... M@
  3. Movie theater ABC, CBS, NBC, or FOX?
  4. Matt

    My First Program

    Hi jcl int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[]) is not explained at all yet... The book just has it as the "template" and advises me to just use their tepmplate when writeind a program. The template also includes the #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; which I have no idea what it does. hmmm... well, thanks for the input. Could you tell me what those above code snippets mean? Thx M@
  5. Matt

    My First Program

    Hi Oni, as far as I know, it will only work in windows or windows emulators because some of the declarations are meant for the Windows DOS... Other errors that you ome accross could be because of your compilier... Someone with more experience could probly clarify this better... M@
  6. nope... digital or film?
  7. Hey marty, I understand where you are coming from. If this came from some random person, I would say the exact thing as you. Don't worry, Mods have seen this thread, and its ok, but being watched. Not to be biased or anything, but I know petabeata pretty well, and he's not exactly a Kevin Mitnick to be. I don't have a problem with this thread continuing, as long as it doesn't cross a cetain line. M@
  8. hey dk, try checking security restrictions in AOL? perhaps blocking such things? check firewall too.. M@
  9. why not get married AND live together? lol Hewlette Packard or Cannon (printers)?
  10. Cable Waffle or Pancake?
  11. LOL too funny!!!!!! macmarauder you bring much joy to these forums M@
  12. Welcome!!!! Yeah, basically, everyone introduces themselves in th Open Forum M@
  13. Matt

    My First Program

    Thanks for the suggestions jcl. Also thanks for the info. I'm gunna keep learning, and perhaps I'll be able to further understand these commands. For now, I'll try to only incoorporate what I've read, so as not to get confused within everything. (lol I ahven't even gotten to using strings or chars yet) Thanks again everyone. M@
  14. Matt

    My First Program

    hey all, thanks for the comments. Unfortunately, I have no idea what most of you said This was the first program I have ever written, and I'm learning from 'C++ for Dummies' (only on chapter 6) what are checks? I think I'll keep the debug in for now, since the book told me too, lol. And jcl, how would char c; cin >> c; be the same thing? Like I said, I am prolly this biggest programming n00b here, and I have only touched functions and loops in my learning. M@
  15. Matt

    My First Program

    thanks pierce, yes, I did set it to debug. M@
  16. Well said everyone... I would suggest some of the "for Dummies" books in various topics. They are very good, and when you put the pieces together, you should be able to come up with something. Something along the lines of: Programming Languages TCP/IP XML and others come to mind. (i havent read all those, but w/e) M@
  17. Ok yall, this is the first program I have written by myself. It calculates the area of a circle when the user enters a radius. I know I'm lame, but what do yall think? Anything within it I can improve on? Also open for comments... Here's the source code: // // This is a test program designed to find the // area of a circle when the user enters the radius. // // the following include files define the majority of // functions that any given program will need #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int nNumberofA
  18. Peter and I were talking, and from what I understand is he is not so interested on learning how to malicously effect other machines, but rather understand how its done, what goes on inside when it happens, and how to prevent it. I think (yes, only thinking) that to really understand how to prevent it, you need to know the first two parts first. Peter, correct me if I'm just going off into nowhere here... M@
  19. Matt


    Thanks, you answered everything I needed help with. The book didn't say that you could use different variables, as long as they matched the specifications. I guess the book may leave alot more out later. Don't be surprised if I'm in this forum alot! Thanks again codemuffin. M@
  20. Matt


    The following Source Code code snippit came from a sample from the book 'C++ for Dummies.' The areas marked in color are the areas I have questions about. The questions are listed below // SquareDemo - demonstrate the use of a function // which processes arguments #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // square - returns the square of its argument // doubleVar - the value to be squared // returns - square of doubleVar double square(double doubleVar) { return doubleVar * doubleVar; } // sumSequence
  21. Hi dk, this is where I learned HTML:
  22. Matt

    Thanks Jeff..

    Thanks a million for the forum Jeff. As soon as I can find the source code for some questions I have, I shall post my questions... and I hope I can maybe assist pther too... M@
  23. Matt

    Hey Everyone

    My boy. Welcome to Besttechie. I'm glad to see you're finally posting! You should really get an IRC app, and come to the chat sometime. If you need help with that, check out the IRC Support forum. Be careful, this place gets addictive. Be sure to read ALL the pinned topics in the the "Besttechie News" forum. M@