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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I just didn't wunna shut down my system right now.. thats all lol
  2. I currently have 1 hdd 1 cd drive 1 cd burner drive and a floppy drive (does that count) t0c told me that as long as i didn't have 4 things (not couting the floppy) id have space. do i really need to open my case? (lol i know that sounds sad...)
  3. Well you all may be afraid to laugh at Jeff, but I'm not!! lol, but seriously, yeah I liked nsync when I was younger too. I didn't go to that extreme.. but I liked them. Actually, I was more of a backstreet boys fan. btw.. you must have been younger than 12, they were areound in like '99. Good one Jeff Matt
  4. Hey all, thanks for the welcome * cranks up "Another brick in the wall Pt. 2" Hey robroy, got any A1 sauce for those steaks? Its a nice night for a bbq under this full moon and longest day of the year!
  5. Why it is dangerous to xerox your butt
  6. yeah, I have had problems with the updated forums using IE. I dont really use IE, but I did have some cache/cookie issues when I did
  7. For those of you who missed the first one, here's another:
  8. LOL it looks like how I spell!!!
  9. Actually, I could use a glass of water, and maybe an asperin. I just spent the last hour or so staring at the visualizer on iTunes while listening to Pink Floyd. Now that is a healthy alternative to other.. forms of relaxation.
  10. Driving from southern virgina to buffalo. I think it took 10 or 11 hours... (if it applies) what college/university did you go to, or are you attending?
  11. I like a lot of these songs...
  12. *walks into the Cafe for the first time. Hey folks! What's goin' on? Do you all just talk about anything and everything here?
  13. well, I'd say the worst time to fake something is during a situation where the pilots of a plane are unavailable, and you fake being a pilot. another could be faking to know cpr, when someone is in need of help. Do you enjoy cool or warm climates?
  14. Hey, good call. How do I check for an open IDE port? Would that show up on belarc or everest? Or will I have to open the case? I found this in belarc: Controllers Standard floppy disk controller IntelĀ® 82801DB Ultra ATA Storage Controller - 24CB Primary IDE Channel [Controller] Secondary IDE Channel [Controller] do I have an available ide port? Matt
  15. heh, I got 4. cool chappy! nice test echobay
  16. Thanks murtu52 Ill probably order the drive tomorrow (If I can get my parents to let me use their credit card) and have Linux going for the first time as soon as possible.
  17. Those were good mac! doesn't everyone like that american idol guy? This makes me think.. an embarrasing story thread..? hmm...
  18. Hey handplane T0c instructed me that by using belarc advisor, (a program that generates a list of your system specs) I could look under the "controllers" section and find whether or not SATA was compatible with my mobo. It was not, as my mobo can use any form of ATA, specifically, my current HDD is ultra ATA. So, I am now going to buy this harddrive: About RAID, I don't think I have to worry about that.. so I won't mess with it or anything. Matt