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Everything posted by Besttechie

  1. Personally, if you have AT&T service I would go for the iPhone 3GS. There are many more applications that work "better" if you will for and on the iPhone because they were designed with it in mind as opposed to the iPod Touch. I must admit before I got my iPhone I would mess around with the iPod Touch and use applications, etc but it's definitely a different experience on the iPhone. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that AT&T has decent (good) coverage in my area, which allows me to be constantly connected. Also, just throwing this out there but Palm is supposedly relea
  2. Mandy and I are giving away 2 $100 HP VIP Giftcards on August 29th, 2009 (this Saturday) @ 3PM EST. Since you are all forum members all you need to do is join the live chat at LIVE.BESTTECHIE.NET at the time of the giveaway. Also, this is worth mentioning: You need to be in the chat room, but do not need to be present. By that I mean, you need to actually be IN the chat, but do not have to be at your computer. Also please login to chat with the same username as the forum. It is recommended you're actually present at the time of the giveaway if possible though! Good luck to everyone! B
  3. If you can provide me with some FTP access, I can take a look at what you did so far with regards to uploading the files. I guess SSH access might be necessary too (depending on the problem). B
  4. It doesn't appear the file is even on the server. Are you sure you uploaded it to the right location? Because your main directory is just static html pages... What are the exact steps you took so far to attempt to install WordPress? B
  5. Do you still need some help? I'd be willing to see if I can assist you. B
  6. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm back home now! Gnomedex was great! B
  7. I know Mandy has Dish, I think she likes it. I know her Dad loves it... so... I'll point her to this thread when I get a chance. B
  8. Hey everyone, Just a quick post to let you all know I will be away (but probably checking in - so don't behave too badly for Matt, TT, and the mods) from Today (Aug. 19th, 2009) until Aug. 24th, 2009. I am heading to Seattle with Mandy for Gnomedex. Gnomedex is the tech conference hosted by Chris Pirillo as many former TTV forum members and viewers know. I've wanted to attend this conference since I was 14 so this is super exciting for me. I'll also be meeting up with Ryan, Phil, and Pierce there too. The first time I will meet them in person, so that will definitely be cool too. It's a
  9. Just a quick update: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes until the giveaway! Again, it's at 3PM EST! Remember, just join the chat at and you're automatically eligible. B
  10. Just a quick update: Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes until the giveaway! Again, it's at 3PM EST! Remember, just join the chat at and you're automatically eligible. B
  11. I will be giving away (for free!) an iPod Touch and an iPod Shuffle on Aug. 18th 2009 @ 3PM EST. That is tomorrow! Since you are all forum members all you need to do is join the live chat at LIVE.BESTTECHIE.NET at the time of the giveaway. Also, this is worth mentioning: You need to be in the chat room, but do not need to be present. By that I mean, you need to actually be IN the chat, but do not have to be at your computer. Also please login to chat with the same username as the forum. It is recommended you're actually present at the time of the giveaway if possible though! Good luck to e
  12. I will be giving away (for free!) an iPod Touch and an iPod Shuffle on Aug. 18th 2009 @ 3PM EST. That is tomorrow! Since you are all forum members all you need to do is join the live chat at LIVE.BESTTECHIE.NET at the time of the giveaway. Also, this is worth mentioning: You need to be in the chat room, but do not need to be present. By that I mean, you need to actually be IN the chat, but do not have to be at your computer. Also please login to chat with the same username as the forum. It is recommended you're actually present at the time of the giveaway if possible though! Good luck to e
  13. Looks like I may be right on the money. Apple announced a keynote on September 7th or 8th. By the way, I love your new avatar isteve. B
  14. TechCrunch Co-editor, Erick Schonfeld made a blog post about his issues with Firefox 3.5. However, in that blog post, he posted a screenshot (see in the blog post) which included a tab labeled “TechCrunch Spy”. Which obviously created some discussion in the comment section of that post. More info in the post below: CrunchBase InformationtechcrunchInformation provided by CrunchBase
  15. Yeah, I ran into this post from Amy recently Ah, what a difference five years make. I emailed Dave and am waiting for an answer. At least it was not bounced back undeliverable. Tried contacting browninator but he has not been to G4 in some time and his email is a college email an no longer valid. Ahhh! There's still traces of that nick online?! B
  16. Today, Digg launched their new ad platform (hosted by themselves) which they hope will propel them forward. What do you think of Digg's new ad system? Will it work? More info and my thoughts here: CrunchBase InformationDiggInformation provided by CrunchBase
  17. I couldn't resist posting this blog, I can't believe what just happened. Honestly, you read about that stuff occasionally (not as much anymore at least with AIM) but didn't think it would happen to anyone I knew personally. Pretty funny stuff. Check out the blog post below: B
  18. Besttechie

    25 Years!

    Congrats George! Here's to 25 more years! B
  19. Smart Protector is a rogue security program that fakes scan results in order to trick you into thinking that your computer is infected. Once Smart Protector is installed and started, the program will scan your computer and list a variety of infections that cannot be removed unless you purchase the program. These infections, however, are all fake and do not actually exist on your computer. Do not purchase this application! You are strongly advised to follow our removal instructions below. In order to remove Smart Protector please follow the directions below: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware can d
  20. Windows System Suite is a rogue security program. It uses false positives, fake malware files, and fake security alerts as a way to scare you into thinking you are infected. When installed, Windows System Suite will create files on your computer that act as fake infections. In reality, these files are actually harmless they are used to scare you into purchasing the program. Do not purchase the application! You are strongly advised to follow our removal instructions below. In order to remove Windows System Suite please follow the directions below: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware can detect and
  21. Adware Pro is a rogue security program. The program tries to trick you into thinking there is something wrong with your computer so that you purchase their program. It does this by displaying false or exaggerated results when it scans your computer. These results will list a variety of computer problems, but will not fix them unless you first purchase the program. Do not purchase this program! We strongly advise you follow our removal instructions below. In order to remove Adware Pro please follow the directions below: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware can detect and remove this rogue application
  22. Sounds like a business plan: A site where you place and take bets on the longevity of web companies. The odds would go up and down with rampant rumors. You could get RICH I telz ya! Actually, that idea has already been taken. - company predicts if a startup will succeed or not. Sorry to burst your bubble! B