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heh, out of the pics posted (of regulars), Chappy was the only one that I didn't already know what they looked like...Just assumed his avatar was a pic of

nice pics everybody...especially Nerelda ;) hubba hubba :lol:

anyways, if you've checked out my site at all you might've come across this old one but this one was taken this afternoon...

and if you're wondering if that's Tux (the linux penguin) on Jacob's onesie... Yes, it is :lol:

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I PM'd her last week and she hasn't replied yet. I also looked around Leoville to see if she posted there, and I didn't see her name anywhere (although she hardly ever posts there anymore). She wrote me right after the BT Format Change, that her idiot box was acting wonky...I hope she's just having trouble with her computer and nothing serious. After her awful experience with the flu, I'm a little worried. We need to put her picture on a milk carton!


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