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Everything posted by macmarauder

  1. ahh the life of the unemployed. i went a little 3D crazy today Waterfall ChukRock i used 3D Studio Max Bryce Photoshop and i got the ships of the net.
  2. yes it's all true. i love being a guy.
  3. please forgive me for the long post. Act II (camera zooms out a few feet just after president macmarauder pressed the big red button on the desk marked never ever ever push, even in an emergency or even an alien invasion, except in case of invasion of evil furbies ) (missiles came shooting out of the ground behind the whitehouse) (camera zooms wayout), (outside of macmarauders head) macmarauder so i said, that’s not my cd drive. HA HA HA ha ha ha! .......... (twitch, twitch) date HA HA HA HA HA! ????? is something wrong? macmarauder no i’m just fine. ......... click
  4. well i downloaded and installed FF then updated it like yours. i put it on my old PC and one of my old macs and everything works. Martymas is right though, it's not nearly as secure as people think though. i looked all over the place, even the official FF forum and no luck. i agree with Nerelda it sounds like the registry had a brain fart!
  5. sorry about the confusion. i mixed my mac terminology with my windows terminology. fortunately these guys are very helpful.
  6. so that's how we really got short hand writing
  7. thanks again guys. i hope i'll do you proud.
  8. well here's attempt #2 i figured i'd give 3D a try Mountain Light
  9. yeah i do these things in weird stages so i figured that it would be kinda neat to show that. the first one we just playing with the idea of what i wanted. the second one was like a rough draft. the third one was like the final rough draft of the first attempt. i don't quite like it enough to replace my current desktop so attempt #1 - failed now for attempt # 2 ---- to be posted by the end of the day
  10. FBI --------- we just wanted to wear cool glasses and black suits.
  11. (throws another log on the fire and shines the flashlight in my face) that's not the real windows registry. the real one is a dark gloomy place filled with viruses and spyware and bugs and wolves. you have to walk around very quietly and smell of Microsoft. if and apple person such as me ever ventures there without a guide like martymas i might be consumed by the M$ Monster. he hides behind hidden .dll files and can leap across folder to folder to pounce upon you in milliseconds. they say he has a huge alien shaped head long teeth and when he stares at you, you become hypnotized with his hipno
  12. CAI ------ Contemplating Artificial Intelligence
  13. i was just thinking the same thing. my increments were way off.
  14. i hate you guys. i've been watching this thread and really enjoying the desktop images you've been making. i've stuck with the same desktop image that i made for about 6 years. now thanks you guys, especially Arachnid, Robroy, Mikex, and Michael, i feel the need the need to make a new one. once i start i don't stop until i've created the fabric of space in digital form from scratch. seriously i've enjoyed the images that you've shared. thank you guys. here is my progress for the day. First Attempt Second Attempt Third Attempt
  15. WOOOOOSH! (makes cool sliding door sound effect)
  16. hey Dr.Vile maybe your slogan should be "you break it and i fix it" i see (picks up the red phone with no buttons on the desk) (a voice answers) Secretary of Defense "yes president macmarauder" President "send me all the launch codes macmarauder, it's a matter on National Defense" Secretary of Defense "yes, right away sir" (hangs up phone and whistles the presidential theme music) (in the next room the Secretary of Defense fills out some paper work and hands it to a clerk) Secretary of Defense "get this to the base right away, your country is counting on you macmarauder" (the cler
  17. what ever happens due to an action. "every action has an equal and opposite reaction" your favorite exotic animal?
  18. thanks for the congrats but it wasn't hard due to the short list of mac people here. besides i've been floating around the net a long time, i'm like a bug in windows since 3.1 . you just can't seem to get rid of me.
  19. i took the plunge and installed the new FF. arrrrg everything works. especially .gif files. i haven't found anyone else with this exact problem. i did however find out a few answers to the mysteries of the universe in my search. but the more i think of it it does sound like a registry glitch.
  20. yeah, reinstalling windows 98 is not all that bad from a clean install. it's mostly just like any other software except in your case you should zero out the drive. even thought your smart enough to have already done this here's a few links on installing windows. Information Week Dewassoc Microsoft here's a site that has screen grabs for each step. Geek Stop & Go
  21. yes we are like sweet sweet tasting evil Pixie Sticks. boy we have a bunch on internet addicts here. hi DK, haven't seen you in a while.
  22. AAHHHHHH! *&(*&(*! RRRRRR! i see what you meant earlier and of course this happens right when we were getting close to finishing that .gif animation. (breath in, breath out) Aaaa .... Hooo .... well at least we know that it wasn't my animation. first scan your HD for viruses and spyware, including emails just in case. i'm on a mac but i have had a windows virus get on and hide in my system once before. i've noticed alot of people having problems with the new update of FF. i'll look around and see what i can come up with.