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Everything posted by hitest

  1. Just signed One way to avoid spyware is to switch browsers. All of my PCs use Fire Fox and they don't pick up as much spyware as IE does.
  2. Hmmmmm..... that's odd. You wrote down the user name and password accurately? You could try changing your password at the login prompt using passwd and then follow the prompts.
  3. Happy B-Day, X-Cannon!! Party, Party
  4. Great idea for a thread! I've got 10 invites to give away. Anyone want one?
  5. explosives.............................................................a bowl of chili
  6. modems............................surfing at 56k.......................yuck
  7. Thanks, uberpenguin. We can add HP to the list of Linux friendly printers used by Besttechie forum members. Good to see you here, man! uberpenguin is a long time Linux expert from the old days at the tech tv forums before the change over.
  8. moi....................................Egad he spoke french
  9. Agreed. That's why Linux is my OS of choice
  10. horror..............................wasn't the candy man a character in a horror movie....I think ?
  11. Happy Birthday, Sultan_emerr! Party, Party!!
  12. Fedora Modem config Hi martymas, I found this link at google/linux, I hope that helps you, Gnome has an Internet set-up wizard. Edit: If that doesn't work for you I'll defer to jcl or iccaros on this one. Good luck.
  13. union....................................LOL Good one, macmarauder!
  14. hitest


    LOL Thanks, man! Your posts kill me! I like being on the dark side as long as I'm not gey:-) I like open source, it works for me. Many people use M$ because they don't know of a good alternative. I sometimes casually mention the word "Linux" to co-workers only to have their eyes glass over and then they slip into a M$ induced coma. Most people like the comfort of mainstream computing.
  15. dangerous..................................questions asked by your wife/girlfriend. Do these pants make me look fat?