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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. Firefox latest update

    Still wonky... still lagging with mouse and scrolling on my WIN 98SE box while a page is rendering - but maybe not as bad as it was; and seemingly ok after waiting for the page to complete. Not an issue with Opera.

    a^2 (a-squared free) still asks to close Firefox when scanning, but will update properly. Not an issue with Opera.

    Also, my besttechie experience with Firefox still only allows me to answer or contribute in Fast Reply mode for some reason at the end of the thread (ie: I cannot answer to a specific post)... weird. Not an issue with Opera.

    ... staying with Opera.

  2. Best is $3.099 here in my section of Cali for regular ($3.179 at my closest location here on the hill).

    My wife and I only drive when we have to... consolidating errands for ourselves and family as best we can.

    On a similiar note, I'm actually grateful that our electric heater/air conditioner died a number of years ago. We heat with a wood stove. My daughter just made the move from propane heating to a wood burning stove this year that will save her beaucoup$. Out here residents are told to expect propane prices to go up another 20% this winter over last year (which was high)... and I doubt that's where it will end.

    Where's "Mr. Fusion" when you need him? (reference to the power plant in "Back to the Future"'s DeLorean).

  3. Marty... Everything o.k. ?+

    I know it's quite a ways from you to the west-south-west Map.............. but I pray all is well with family and friends who may be nearby.



    Geographic coordinates: 44.713S, 167.464E

    Magnitude: 6.8 Mw

    Depth: 25 km

    Universal Time (UTC): 15 Oct 2007 12:29:37

    Time near the Epicenter: 16 Oct 2007 01:29:37

    Local standard time in your area: 15 Oct 2007 12:29:37

    103 km (64 miles) WNW (291 degrees) of Queenstown, New Zealand

    200 km (124 miles) NNW (339 degrees) of Invercargill, New Zealand

    270 km (168 miles) WNW (297 degrees) of Dunedin, New Zealand

    707 km (439 miles) SW (235 degrees) of WELLINGTON, New Zealand