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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. Considering most of the baseball world gave up on the Yankees before mid-season I think they did great. I'm glad they took that fork in the road when it presented itself and turned the AL East into quite a race.

    Yeah, they are a high salaried team... but as long as the owners allow such inequity between teams such will be the case. The whole key is to get the best bang for the buck both in the regular season AND in the post-season (In a short series anything can happen).

    Considering all the garbage players have to put up with (media, etc.) in N.Y. compared to other markets (it's a business remember) I think their salaries (while still too high) should be higher than smaller market teams. I never have believed throwing money at a player made them a better player... it made them more of a commodity to be traded around. Granted, having the money to acqire a lineup with many excellant players will get you to the dance more often... they still have to perform in that pressure cooker of a short series. Have the owners agree to have the same salary caps (like that's going to happen) and then let's see what kind of (yawn) races we get.

    What the Yankees need is to be able to hit left-handed pitchers better and some better mid-relief. Their pitching staff was really banged up early on... I'm still amazed they made it to the playoffs.

    So Wong had two bad starts in the series... stuff happens... he was one big reason the Yankees made it that far. He falters, Torre 'yanks' him... that's baseball. The Indians played great and I hope they continue to do well.

    I'll miss Torre... he was Yankee class all the way as manager.

  2. Touching clip.

    The light is always there... "look, and ye shall find".

    I was priviledged to give a talk on service a month ago at church. One note I found rather profound: "During His ministry on the earth, Jesus Christ spent His time serving and helping others. True disciples of Jesus Christ do likewise. The Savior said in John 13:35, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another".

    In another of my scriptures there is a benevolent King, many years before Christ's birth, who addressed his people to lead them in paths of righteousness. He declared to his people:

    “Because I said unto you that I had spent my days in your service, I do not desire to boast, for I have only been in the service of God.

    “And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God”.

    Shine your light that others might see.

  3. Cracks me up... something along the line I heard on the news: ... We (whoever) realized the gaff but didn't anticipate services like Google Earth allowing one to be able to notice the configuration ................ didn't we have airplanes and the like wayyyyyyyyyyyy back then ?

    Seems to me someone slipped up in order to save a penny in not taking care of the aesthetics when 'it' was first realized... and/or rationalized that the Symbol... a wikipedia reference was of inoffensive root and therefore defensible if one's sensibilities where aroused. Pretty shortsighted IMHO.

  4. ... Fine Young Cannibals...

    "She Drives Me Crazy" lyrics by Fine Young Cannibals

    "I can't stop

    the way I feel

    Things you do

    don't seem real

    Tell you what I got in mind

    'cause we're runnin' out of time

    Won't you ever set me free?

    This waitin' 'rounds killin' me

    She drives me crazy

    like no one else

    She drives me crazy

    and I can't help myself

    I can't get

    any rest

    People say

    I'm obsessed

    Everything that's serious lasts

    But to me there's no surprise

    What I have, I knew was true

    Things go wrong, they always do

    She drives me crazy

    Like no one else

    She drives me crazy

    And I can't help myself

    I won't make it,

    On my own

    No on likes,

    To be alone

    She drives me crazy

    Like no one else

    She drives me crazy

    And I can't help myself

    Uh huh huh

    She drives me crazy

    Like no one else

    She drives me crazy

    And I can't help myself

    Uh huh huh

    She drives me crazy

    Like no one else

    She drives me crazy

    And I can't help myself"

    A song from the '80's that frequently pops into my mind (I think its the simple guitar cords hook that snares me)