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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. My deepest sympathies.

    I lost my Figaro August 30th, 2005 (it's been that long?) and haven't gotten over losing her yet. Although she was mostly an indoor kitty, we have indoor and outdoor kitties (go figger), she just wandered off the property like she sometimes did, but never came back. We live in the country and the critters or neighbors probably got her (one neighbor purportedly traps kitties for ill). I still pray that maybe, just maybe, she found a better home.

    My Taffy-Doodles rarely strays outside the house and scampers back at the slightest ruckus... so I pray he'll be around a good long time. On Monday, February 24th, 2003, Taffy's sister, Squeeky, got run over, but somehow managed to make it home to me and I had to have her euthanized. At 6'4" and 362 lbs. I must have looked pretty pathetic breaking down in the vet's office as she slipped peacefully away.

    Yeah, fur-babies are family and stay with one with fond memories long after they've passed.

    Again, my deepest sympathies.

  2. Chances are he has USB... transfer the data to thumb drive(s); archive, and/or then transfer to another system.

    Windows XP can also transfer OE data and other settings through its transfer wizard (it will ask you to create a floppy for the wizard to run... the floppy acts as an intermediary for the wizard to run on both computers (if you have another XP or Vista computer to transfer to that is)... where then you can download the data to thumb drive(s) or other media, and then to the new system. Last time I did this I was able to use a 1GB thumb drive for all the data, where it would have required some unwieldly number of floppies (actually supported!)

    I've also seen (on TV) a 'smart cable' that connects two machines (98SE, XP, Vista) for easy transfer of data through its own firmware(?) interface. urk! It's a bit expensive: The Tornado