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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. My sincere condolences for your loss.

    From a talk by a member of my church, Clifford J. Stratton, "Providing Emotional Support for the Bereaved or Terminally Ill":

    "We sincerely want to help but are hesitant because we are uncomfortable in our own inexperience. Each time I assist the bereaved and dying I feel that same hesitancy. Yet there are ways to help, and the value that comes from the very substantial support and strength of a sincerely concerned family member, priesthood leader, or friend cannot be measured."

    If you can be there with your Grandfather... be there. Grief is better handled shared with family than apart. Time spent with family, in times of loss especially, is time especially well spent.

    Perhaps if you can not be there you could write a note of remembrances that you could share with your Grandfather and family: past holidays spent with your Uncle, funny anecdotes, and so on that might convey your love and appreciation for your Uncle.

  2. Interesting.

    I'm in the dark (ignorant ?), though, why a web search for 'iBook' (for example) only produces (4) hits maximum... same for other searches (or less). Just curious... must be some way to expand results.

    EDIT: Found it... need to use the more command for (4) more results... (smacks head) simple enough.

    The searches I did try were very productive however... (found an iBook solution for an unreponsive keyboard [turn off all Universal Access Options] and my Grayscale>Color display change [also in Universal Access] for my wife's iBook computer. My cat, Taffy-Doodles likes to take naps on the iBook, especially when left unattended and powered on (wife always leaves clamshell open)... And somehow he (Taffy-Doodles) changed her settings... Bad Taffy-Doodles, bad.

    Goosh scores with me.

  3. Back when Honda_Boy first suggested this topic for a Forum I had fragmented my dubious poetry in collections; I have since decided to maintain my poetry on a single page.

    The poetry is updated periodicly on the web as I see fit to write.

    Caveat revisited:

    My "'poetry-like stuff' that runs from: my faith, to depression, to up-lifting, political, to the non-sensical (was that redundant?), to the sensual, to the personal, outdoors, and 'out there'. My poetry might offend many Christians with regards to my faith, which is a devout Christian faith; and of course non-Christians."

    Please view at your own risk and respect common copyright...

    © 2003/2004/2005/2006/2007 & 2008 bobbynichols ... all rights reserved.

    Here is my updated [single] page I now maintain.

    I aso have a .pdf version that I maintain, if anyone is interested, that I won't bother to post because of the backlash usually created about .pdf's [ Foxit forever !!! ]

  4. Subject: A new Bull

    A farmer went to the local bank to borrow money for a new bull.

    The loan was made and Banker Bill, who lent the money, came by

    a week later to see how the bull was doing.

    The farmer complained that the bull just ate grass and wouldn't even look at a cow.

    Banker Bill suggested that he have a veterinarian take a look at the bull.

    Next week, Banker Bill returned to see if the vet had helped.

    The farmer looked very pleased. "The bull has serviced all of my cows!

    He broke through the fence, and bred all my neighbor's cows! He's been

    breeding just about everything in sight. He's like a machine!"

    "Wow," said Banker Bill, "what did the vet do to that bull?"

    "Just gave him some pills," replied the farmer.

    "What kind of pills?" asked Banker Bill.

    "I don't know, but they kind of taste like peppermint."

  5. Congrats and elations !

    People say that finishing high school is sad and you'll never be as carefree again... but I'm pumped!!

    True. Your new freedom will offer many tangental choices that may affect your focus. Best luck to your future, and congratulations again.