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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. ... a Sabbath song more to my taste now-a days.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and, without even check the video first, guess that "Sabbath" isn't a shortened version of "Black Sabbath." ;)

    :blush: Too true :rolleyes: . I used to listen to Ozzie and "Black Sabbath"; and heavy metal and progressive rock in general quite a bit. Now my preference is gospel music (hence "Sabbath" music). I've downloaded all my church's hymns by the 'Mormon Tabernacle Choir' on my mp3 player... at least all those allowed by copywrite... and web surf with either the hymns playing or Direct TV's channel 856 music in the background (which consists of what has previously been described as elevator music, LOL .

    ... who'd a'thunk that certain hymns would be disallowed for downloading for general use ? A favorite of mine that is disallowed is "Let the Holy Spirit Guide". Guess I'll have to buy it on CD somewhere (sigh). I especially like to hear or sing that song when I feel my spirits lagging.
