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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. ... "Coconut ", by Harry Nilsson

    "Bruder bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime,

    His sister had anudder one she paid it for de lime.

    She put de lime in de coconut, she drank 'em bot' up

    She put de lime in de coconut, she drank 'em bot' up.

    She put de lime in de coconut, she drank 'em bot' up

    She put de lime in de coconut, she call de doctor, woke 'im up,

    Said "doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take?"

    I said "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache,"

    I said "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take?"

    I said "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache."

    Now lemme get this straight,

    You put de lime in de coconut, you drank 'em bot' up,

    You put de lime in de coconut, you drank 'em bot' up,

    You put de lime in de coconut, you drank 'em bot'up,

    You put de lime in de coconut, you call your doctor, woke 'im up,

    Said " Doctor, ain't there nothing' I can take?"

    I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache."

    I said "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take?'

    I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache,"

    You put de lime in de coconut, you drink 'em bot' togedder

    Put de lime in de coconut and you'll feel better,

    Put de lime in de coconut, drink 'em bot' up,

    Put de lime in de coconut and call me in the morning."



    Brudder bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime,

    His sister had anudder one she paid it for a lime.

    She put de lime in de coconut, she drank 'em bot' up

    She put de lime in de coconut and called de doctor, woke 'im up.

    And said, "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take?'

    I said, "Doctor, to relieve this belly ache."

    I said "Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take?"

    I said, "Doctor, now lemme get this straight,

    You put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em bot'up,

    Put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em bot' up,

    Put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em bot' up,

    Put the lime in the coconut. You're such a silly woman.

    Put a lime in the coconut and drink 'em bot' together

    Put the lime in the coconut, then you'll feel better.

    Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both down,

    Put the lime in your coconut, and call me in the morning,

    Woo--ain't there nothin' you can take?

    I say, woo--to relieve your belly ache,

    You say, well woo--ain't there nothin' I can take?

    I say woo--woo, to relieve your belly ache,

    You say yow--ain't there nothin' I can take,

    I say wow--to relieve this belly ache,

    I said "Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take,"

    I said, "Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take,"

    I said, "Doctor, ain't there nothing I can take,"

    I said, "Doctor you're such a silly woman.

    Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em both together,

    Put the lime in the coconut, and you'll feel better,

    Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em bot' up,

    Put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morning.

    Yes, you call me in the morning, You call me in the morning,

    I'll tell you what to do if you call me in the morning.

    I'll tell you what to do if you call me in the morning.

    I'll tell you what to do if you call me in the morning.

    I'll tell you what to do and if you call me in the morning

    I'll tell you what to do. "

    I pray this old ditty cheers you up,

    hope you get better soon.

  2. Silence... well, the dog just started barking to be let in as I started to type (excuse me... )

    Almost silence then... since: the 'puter fan is whirring; an occasional bird sings outside; the house fan is on doing its cooling thing; my eggs are sizzling in the skillet; and now my wife's dog is crinkling up some newspaper in my 'office' trying to get comfortable and whining once in a while (sigh)... and then walks out pouting... and now she's back.

    Time to turn on some earthy tunes on the tube (enters post and leaves to turn on some mellow mood type stuff on the tube and eat brunch).

  3. The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. Tacitus

    That got me thinking about a bunch of Robert Heinlein quotes .

    When a place gets crowded enough to require ID's, social collapse is not far away.

    It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.

    Any government will work if authority and responsibility are equal and coordinate. This does not insure "good" government; it simply insures that it will work. But such governments are rare — most people want to run things but want no part of the blame. This used to be called the "backseat-driver syndrome."

    No state has an inherent right to survive through conscript troops and, in the long run, no state ever has. Roman matrons used to say to their sons: "Come back with your shield, or on it." Later on, this custom declined. So did Rome.

    Cloudy in Texas, Pete ?... or maybe you thought this was the Whether thread... lol

    Just kidding.

    Yesterday was below 100º with more of the same forecast. Air quality still a concern with ozone and smoke... even for healthy groups.

    The day before yesterday the porch thermometer hit *110º Fahrenheit with the air quality in the "Very unhealthy for all health groups" stage. (I found out that - that is what the stage after "Unhealthy for all health groups" is). *My thermometer might be off a bit on the high side, though, by a couple of degrees... I'm hoping.

    Thought I heard on CNN that the 'La Niña' was dissipating toward a more normal marine state... yay.

  4. (roller) derby.........(I'd prefer a slow death to attending one)

    Ha! My wife actually participated in roller derby back in the early '70's before we started dating. My Dad would watch it on the telly. I found it painful to watch it on the telly and could never even imagine attending. I think there is even a faction that is trying to ressurrect roller derby from its grave... boggles the mind. Anywho...

    ... fedora

  5. We lost a horse today, my wife's prized Arabian stud... maybe heat/smoke/ozone related... dunno. Kind'a ironic that our donkey passed away in one of our worst cold snaps the winter of 2006/2007.

    Air is still unhealthy to breathe for all health groups. Ozone is kicking up a notch or two or three to add to the smokey air.

    The other day a bit to the north (Auburn/Colfax) they had an air alert that was a notch above 'unhealthy for all health groups'. They never did explain what that was (deadly for those with breathing difficulties ???). Been a run on by people going to the doctor for breathing related difficulties... but none, thankfully, by my little family. My wife and I both have asthma (grandson too, and mother-in-law has emphasema). I'm the least affected of the bunch.

    Humidity is up and we're in for a heat spell for a bit. Expect over 100º Fahrenheit today, tomorrow/and the next... I just hope that the extra humidity doesn't translate into more dry-lightning storms in the Sierra's nor our Sierra foothills (nor anywhere actually). We dodged a forecasted dry-lightning storm 'bout a week ago or so... didn't miss it in the least!

    Otherwise as far as fire dangers in my area go, we should just only have to worry 'bout the dingalings with their left-over fireworks, campers, people using anything that might produce a spark (like lawn mowers and other metal on rock possible tools), shooters (bullets on rocks can catch a spark to fly), and pyros and such.

    The wife and I are making due with a good floor fan to circulate the air indoors and keeping well hydrated... staying indoors as much as possible, though it's hotter indoors than out in our mobile home once noon rolls by. If it gets unbearable we'll go to our daughter's place or the in-law's place (they both have air cooling). All three homes sit on 21 acres up here, so's all close by and such.

    Getting all my 'puting done early today in case the state's electrical grid goes hooey... in-laws have a generator just in case we need to get the cooling going again.

  6. The red sunrises and sunsets have turned a more managable orange-tint yellow. Breathing is almost allowable outdoors... though, not advised yet. One no longer has to chew the oxygen out of the air to metabolize.

    Temps in the 90's and rising this week.