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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. Moderately warm... upper 80º's (below normal season temps :) )

    After the smoke from the Cali fires had finally mostly-like dissipated here - another fire was started by some dude near Yosemite shooting his gun and sparking still another major blaze in forest that hasn't burned in 100 years. 'spect the smoke from that fire to meander up this a'way tomorrow or next.

    Note: The dude is not to be cited at this point for some obscure reason.

  2. I dislike bugs intensely.

    A few of my recent experiences with buggy creatures:

    Friday I'm working on my mother-in-law's computer, it's slow and prolly full of buggies for me to purge, and as soon as the OS finishes loading the power goes out (what the heck?).

    Sooooo, I wander outside, there's still daylight, and my wife is like totally freaking out.

    She was in our laundry room and heard a pop, or something, and went in the direction of the noise and watched as a fork of an oak tree was falling toward her tearing through the power line that feeds to my in-law's home and my daughter's home (21 acres w/ three separate mobile homes). It almost bit her but was short by about 10 feet. Today as we're bucking up the two trees (we had to fall another tree to get the rest of the before-mentioned tree down safely) we can see where termites are still munching away.

    This evening, while dining alfresco, swatting yellow jackets and gnats all the time, I feel a 'plop' on the nape of my neck. Thinking it's a gnat ready to dine I grab the bugger and display it to my eye... it's a bloody spotted tick that fell/jumped from the oaks that are shading the outdoor deck... sheeeeeeesh ! I immediately put it to harm with a fork while my wife tells me she's now going to have to bleach the utensil (not that she did).

    My wife's prize Arabian sud horse may have died due to West Nile virus a couple of weeks ago that is borne by mosquitoes... even now while I'm typing a skeeter is buzzing about... gahhhhhhhhhhhh!

    9-months ago? (I'm fuzzy on how long ago) I develop cellulitis on my back from who knows what. It hurt so much that just the brushing of my clothing put me into agony... sleeping was nearly impossible for a week. By the time I had the practitioner look at it it had grown huge and had to be treated with antibiotics ($4.00 at Walmart). My practitioner told me if I had waited any longer it would have started attacking other bodily systems and could have had mortal consequences. A week later, back at the practitioner's, I'm subjected to a scalpel attack to expunge the goop from the sore... more agony. The moral to this last story is to see a doctor quickly.

    6-weeks ago a member of my church was hospitalized for nearly a week with cellulitis on his leg that was severely swollen. His severity of illness had him on intravenous drips and brought about nausea to upchucking quite often. Bugs ?

    Did I say I dislike bugs.

  3. One of my Sister-in-laws lives in McAllen, Texas ( 70 miles WNW inland from South Padre Island )

    Looks like she'll get a bit wet from the hurricane to add to the monsoon precip they've had lately. Can't imagine she'll get much more than a drenching... hope not. [Turns out she lives near the levees (Rio Grande River)... we're a little more concerned now.]

    Didn't even make 90º Fahrenheit out here. Had a nice light breeze most the day.

  4. Unseasonably cooler today in the Sierra foothills here in Cali.

    Overcast with a light breeze... low to mid-80º's... should chase the remainder of the smokey air and ozone out for a bit :)

    ... heating up starting tomarrow to prolly low to mid-90º's and a return to a normal weather pattern.