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Posts posted by bobbynichols

  1. And still another timely quote:

    Statistician: A man who believes figures don't lie, but admits that under analysis some of them won't stand up either.

    - Evan Esar

    When it comes to election prognostication, history shows that statistical analysis is not, and never will be, an exact science (reference: "The Bradley Effect", et al)... but it's still cool to watch CNN with their fancy touch screen computer deely-bob trading red states for blue states, blue states for red states, in search of trends from data which may or may not be reliable.

    i notice the right wing

    posters in force with this thread

    I don't have any wings (yet) Marty, but here's a poem I created a while ago:


    Righteous men

    pointlessly meet

    A glorious

    bloody hell

    Bullets rage


    mass graves

    Honour but

    poignant memories



    Vote your conscience... and bejeebies to the polls... but DO vote.

  2. We had a mild chill spell last week so we had to start up the wood stove for the first time this season, and yes, last Sunday, just after midnight, our first chimney fire.

    My fault as I hadn't had the fire stove chimney swept out yet. No lasting problem as I had been watching outside just in case nightly for such after I lit our wood stove on its third night of use. The flames didn't ignite anything other than the creosote buildup from last season on the inside of the chimney pipe, but after I quickly shut down the wood stove completely my wife and I hosed down the roof and deck just in case with copious amounts of water. Chimney has since been swept out thanks to my son-in-law (I'm too heavy for the roof on our mobile home... and none too spry).

    Last few days no need to burn for warmth... upper 70°'s to low 80°'s daytime, and low 50°'s in the wee hours.