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Posts posted by Nerelda

  1. to check that the HD is spinning, you'll just have to listen very closely to see if you hear it spinning up.

    By "wiping" the hard drive, I mean using a program such as Active Killdisk to completely wipe off any information from the hard drive. I know it sounds dumb, but trust me, it's worth a shot. It's how I fixed a similar issue with my IDE HD, and how someone was able to fix another issue with their SATA drive.

    Let me know if that works for you.

  2. ok, since I"m not too sure what youve already done, please bear with me.

    What drivers did you load? Where they the most up to date?

    The hard drive may just need to be wiped. (even if it is brand new)

    Did the seagate come with a floppy or disk for wiping the hard drive or anything? if so, Use that to completely wipe the drive, then try installing windows again.

    Make sure that the drive is spinning up.