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Everything posted by goman87

  1. She kept signing in on Web Messenger, so that ment to me she didnt have MSN installed, I asked her why she always uses Web Messenger, she said her PC wont let her install 7.0 or anything, she either has to use Web Messenger or Windows Messenger. She said she had a Dell, that is fairly new too. When she goes to install it she get an Error Code of '1601' Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Why do you look so familiar?!!!!!!
  3. goman87

    My Work

    Are you taking requests?
  4. Similar thing here... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So to us you would be a stick man blowing himself up? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now you know what stuff I think about.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  5. They do that at my school to.
  6. Yeah, I like comfy homes.
  7. lol Kelly Clarkson she does have a good voice
  8. Similar thing here... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So to us you would be a stick man blowing himself up?
  9. I've never heard of that soup, but i'll have some
  10. Thank you for that link, I know can see Folder Options.
  11. Heh, my turn. 1. I am afraid of the dark but I know theres nothing there 2. I am shy at meeting new people. 3. I yell at my comp during comp games.
  12. I do have a Admin account and what do you mean Guru?
  13. Ok here is the first problem. My username is Kyle, when I go to Documents and Settings my user account isnt listed there. I took a ss. Click My start menu is up to show you my user account name is Kyle. Why arent I there? Second Problem: When i'm browsing my files and I click Tools, I dont get Folder Options on that list. My parents accounts do, i've checked, but I dont. Heres a pic. Click Hope you can help. Thanks.
  14. Why did they allow that?
  15. I'll probably lurk and post all the things I have wanted to post but was to polite to over the last fifteen months. It really reeks that they would tell all the mods that they were closing and deleting the board, then demod me without letting me have a chance to resign and finally rename the board (they had said other boards would be renamed or combined but specifically said that TechSupport would be deleted). Will I go back? Doubtful to say the least. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Glad to see you here Pete_C, i've always liked you.
  16. Those jokes were awsome Chappy.
  17. If you love minimaltistic desktops like I do check out mine. Minimalistic!