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Everything posted by JDoors

  1. JDoors

    No No Nooooooooo

    That's what I've always done in the past. Didn't even own a rake 'til someone stored the contents of his father's garage in mine and it eventually became my prob ... err ... my stuff. That rake's come in handy though since the neighbor's pine trees started dropping kajillions of needles, which smother and kill the grass, so, to save the lawn I rake the needles back under the trees. Oh yeah, and occasionally (like last year) there are too many leaves dropping or blowing into my yard AFTER it's too cold to mow, so I rake them off the lawn.
  2. JDoors

    No No Nooooooooo

    So ... didja see The Weatherman with Nicolas Cage?
  3. BTW, every time I tell this joke, it kills. It's definitely worth memorizing.
  4. The Fray, How To Save A Life For what I paid, I don't care which one it turns out to be! Now I can get everybody off my back who keep expressing stunned amazement that I don't have any Dream Theater (not that that's why I bought it of course).
  5. JDoors

    My Project

    Do you mean not matching like, "I can tell the difference," or not matching like, "Look at that car with the hatch from a different car!"?
  6. Audioslave, Out of Exile So ... I belong to some record club (CD club, but then it began THAT long ago it would be accurate to say record). You know the kind, once a month (plus) you accept or refuse that month's selection (made a WHOLE lot more reliable and easier in the Internet age: Just reply online). This month's selection wasn't my cup o' tea but the deal for the month was irresistible. I wind up getting SIX Cd's for under six bucks per (essentially I paid retail for one -- and got five for free). Here's what I wound up getting: Dream Theater, Systematic Chaos Dolores O'Riordan, Are You
  7. JDoors

    My Project

    We'll see how it turns out. If it looks good I'll be sending you my step-bars for refinishing. Thanks in advance.
  8. OMIGODTHATLOOKSOCOOL! Nice combination of art/utility/environmentalism/crafts/etc. with lamps.
  9. New ones generally use like half the electricity of old ones so you eventually recoup the cost of replacement (I don't remember exactly but it could be like ten dollars a month less for electricity, quite noticeable) plus, they're generally quieter.
  10. JDoors

    No No Nooooooooo

    Been driving in snow and ice every Winter for over thirty years and had very few problems (knock wood ). Never got stuck to where I couldn't drive out of it (just remembered a time I high-centered at the end of my driveway, thought I could drive through what the snow plows left there, had to shovel it out from under the car), near as I can remember only two minor fender-benders caused by weather conditions (one of which involved only my vehicle). There were some tense moments, either very deep snow, very slick ice, or extrememly limited visibility. While each event is memorable they don't occ
  11. JDoors

    No No Nooooooooo

    Darned man-made Global Warming! I'm surprised by how quickly colder weather's creeping up on us all (well, for those of us who HAVE colder weather).
  12. My best guess is it's one or a combination of: Defective defrost mechanism (fan, which you've checked, timer, heater) and a failure in the door gasket (allowing moisture to continuously enter).
  13. True story: I came home from work and noted the person I was living with, a true blonde, had dyed her hair brown. "That's odd," I thought. So (I'm a man, I don't know when to shut up) I asked, "Carolyn, why'd you dye your hair brown?" "You know how slow my hair grows?," she said, "The hair stylist said brown hair grows faster than blonde hair." Like I said, a true blonde.
  14. Emmylous Harris. I've been grabbin' CDs off my racks, bringing them to the computer, playin' them then stacking them up to my left. Usually I return the ones I've played before getting replacements. Not so lately, that stack is gettin' 'bout as high as you can stack CDs before they get tippy. ... think I'll put in the Mark Knoppfler/Emmylou Harris cd ... ------ BTW, Joe Walsh ... Life is good! What a great song!
  15. JDoors

    My Project

    Seeing how much stuff you keep in your car I give you two weeks before it's stuffed to the gills again. Lessee ... in my Explorer I have a blanket, a collapsible umbrella, ... ... some tapes in the console ... ... ... Oh yeah, a multi-tool also in the console ... I think that's it. But then I haven't cleaned or vacuumed the interior in ages (though the boys at the lube-joint vacuum the front every so often), so ya got me on that point.
  16. JDoors

    My Project

    I would have assumed they meant direct OEM-style replacements (as opposed to custom parts), but hey, sometimes you run across lucky deals so it was worth hoping. Unless I'm simply unaware that Hondas came with carbon fiber hoods from the factory ... seems unlikely though. Didja ever get the hatch done?
  17. Awesome, didn't see it coming.
  18. The audio and comic book categories have changed ... but not that hardcover book! (Geeks, are they not human? Can they not dream? )
  19. Those coveralls are hilarious. Good ones!
  20. By coincidence I caught today's episode of Jeopardy. Some college competition, and those "kids" were darn smart. I was getting worried as the first half of the first round I knew NOT ONE ANSWER. Thankfully during the second half of that first round they started choosing categories I was much better at, I knew many of the answers plus I got some they didn't get. The second round was tougher still (and I was lost, lost, lost) until the Final Jeopardy question: Only the winner and I knew the answer! I got a Final Jeopardy question right! That almost NEVER happens! Ha! So, here's the category: U
  21. So like five years before I owned a computer, the first virus was released? Hmm.
  22. I'm guessin' it's a matter of priorities; a contestant needn't be a rocket scientist, but is far more likely to be televised than a rocket scientist, so you see the dumbest rather than the smartest (unless you're watching Jeopardy or something similar that shows there are people smarter than you or me, or at least me). As for the sheer number of not-so-bright people, we have a large population so even a small fraction would still be a large number of individuals, easy to find and easy targets for programs with an agenda of showing morons in their element (not that that particular program was