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Posts posted by sethook

  1. okay my Friend pc is so badly missed up you can run spyware,virus scans and nothing will happen it only gets worst i went and deleted every spyware and the programs that is restoring the spyware like his nudge Mani and so on but nothing happens it only gets worst. he cant do a complete system restore because he has no where to store is personal files he has no cds to burn them to and websites he don't trust because this are very personal files

    any help or advice would be very appreciated

    Your friend has certaintly painted himself into a corner. Until the paint dries, he may want to start reading all about "Hijack This" and utilize the experts in that forum on this site. Someone there may be able to help clean up the system and get your friend going again.

  2. I just have to believe that there are too many corporate IT professionals running Norton and McAfee on their business PCs that a big problem with resources and functionality takes place. And, the average business PCs aren't know for their overabundance of ram and processor speed. Now if you're building a super-la-gerra, belch fire V8 PC and tuning it to the inth degree, then these AV suites make make a difference. Ma and Pa Kettle surfing the web, doing their email and banking, and playing a few hands of solitaire every night won't notice from a hill of beans any performance degradation brought on by additional resources being used up by the suites. The protection far out ways the restrictions.

  3. It’s funny how people jump up and down screaming at the government for being unfair, suppressive and just downright sneaky, yet when the polling places open up, there’s no one there to participate in the election process to effect change. People yell about the changes needed but don’t work to make them happen. They scream about the negative side of government but are the first to put out their hands for help when they need it. People want all the benefits from government but don’t want to put forth any effort into making positive changes to it.

    If you are going to demand that the government take care of you and protect your family, shouldn’t they have a say in how they will do it? Does the government and law enforcement want to keep an eye and hear on suspected threats to the safety of the citizens, who are demanding it? Who on this forum has had their liberties stomped on by the big bad federal government? What exactly has been done to you personally that has had a direct impact on your personal life? Are you caught up in the paranoia that has become popular and fashionable? Do you have something to hide? The government didn’t cause 911, yet they were held financially responsible by the victims and their families and have been blamed for not doing all they could have to prevent it. The government didn’t cause Katrina yet a lot of people who did not insure their houses want the government to rebuild them. How many people will end up in a better position in life as a result of the federal dollars that will flow into the area? Will you be anxious to pay more taxes to support the effort in the future? Or will you just want to put your hand out and expect someone else to foot the bill?

    When people are asked to vote for tax increases to improve their schools or local infrastructure, they won’t vote for them. When asked to donate their time to worthwhile civic projects, they don’t have time. When asked to take responsibility for raising their own children, that’s out of bounds and is left up to the school system, church, or others. But, when people want something from the local, county, state, or federal government, out goes the hand or list of demands.

    I guess I could go on and on but hey, you probably don’t want to hear any more of my ramblings/opinions. In the future, don’t get excited and upset about what’s happening in America. Go do something to change it. Join a positive cause and work your ass off to make things happen. Be a change agent or at least save up and get that one way ticket to the country that will meets your needs for the future. But, don’t look for utopia, no one flies there.

  4. Just remember the people at tech support get their jollies telling each other about the dumb asses that called that day with their self inflicted and stupid problems. How many people grab the phone before spending time with the manual or really are in over their heads to begin with? Goes both way folks.

    Sethook, I have to admit, I'm a phone grabber! BUT y'all know me--I need plain English, step-by-step, preferably with pictures and hand holding. Unless a manual is one of the Dummies Books, I'm lost in the lingo. Ah, noobs.... :unsure:


    We all jump too quick at times. Frustration brings it on. I just always hate to hear folks rip the tech support people who are just working at their jobs like everyone else. If they didn't have so many stupid questions thrown at them by less than knowledgable folks, they could probably answer legitimate calls in a faster time frame. As for where they're located and what nationality they are, most of them can't control it. They're only doing what they were hired to do. People who are upset with dealing with foreign tech support reps should refrain from buying products from those manufactures who uses them and stop putting themselves in the position they find themselves. .....End of stump speech.....

  5. Just remember the people at tech support get their jollies telling each other about the dumb asses that called that day with their self inflicted and stupid problems. How many people grab the phone before spending time with the manual or really are in over their heads to begin with? Goes both way folks.